Sour Grapes and Justice

[566 words] Ezekiel 18 is a marvelous chapter on the fairness and justice of God. Its message is in an Old Testament setting, but it portrays an attribute of God which is unchanged; and it should be read today—with care. The Israelites had a proverb: “The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth…

The Joys of the Lord

[197 words] “You will make known to me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; in Your right hand there are pleasures forever” (Psalm 16:9,10). The one who trusts in God has a supreme spiritual happiness and an inexpressible joy. They come from the presence of the Lord. Just being with…

Sad Words

[536 words] This past week, I heard someone on TV make this statement: “There is no God. What happens to us, just happens to us.” These are probably among the saddest words I have ever heard come out of someone’s mouth. It’s so pitiful to think that anyone could ever believe such a thing, much…

His Strength, or Your Safety?

[222 words] “But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was delivered from the lions mouth” (2 Tim. 4:17). We sing the song: “…though none go with me, I still will follow.” But…

Patience and Time

[646 words] Patience and time are closely related, since being patient implies being able to remain calm and not be annoyed when waiting for a long time. As children our sense of time develops along with our other understandings of the physical world in which we currently live, but it does not take too long…

Virtue of the Poor

[143 words] Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me” (Matthew 19:21, ESV). Some will interpret the Lord’s words as being the virtue of all virtues—selling what one has in order to help…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On the Lighter Side (October 2014)

[430 words] A ten-year old, under the tutelage of her grandmother, was becoming quite knowledgeable about the Bible. Then one day, she floored her grandmother by asking, “Which Virgin was the mother of Jesus? The virgin Mary or the King James Virgin?” — According to a news story, if global warming continues, in 20 years…

New Puzzles Uploaded

A package of 26 new Bible word search puzzles have been uploaded to the site for your use. You can access them from your membership homepage by clicking on the “Word Search” button.…

A Little Resolve

[562 words] “But Daniel resolved that he would not defile himself with the king’s food, or with the wine that he drank” (Daniel 1:19-20). All the students in the Cape and Jackson area have officially begun the 2014-15 school year. Each year as this time period comes I can’t help but think about my time…

Have We Misunderstood Grace?

[460 words] Perhaps the subject of grace has been neglected in some pulpits and congregations. Undoubtedly, it has been misunderstood and improperly taught since the first century (cf. Romans 6:1; Galatians 5:4). It is vital to properly emphasize and explain such a huge concept within the gospel message. Why? Because of what it is—the completely…

Which Road Will You Take?

[269 words] “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it” (Matthew 7:13-14). This was written…

Life is in the Blood

[423 words] If you have ever went to the doctor for a checkup and had a blood test done, likely you received a report that showed many results. Now, I remember from science class many moons ago that the blood delivers nutrients and oxygen to the body’s cells. But our blood carries so much more…

Looking Ahead

[279 words] “Oh, that the salvation of Israel would come out of Zion! When the LORD restores His captive people, Jacob will rejoice, Israel will be glad” (Psalm 14:7). What is ahead? We may be surrounded by ridicule, by persecution, by a distressing picture of mankind’s irreverence toward God, and by man’s inhumanity toward others,…


[396 words] I once knew a family that got a lot of free pies. The reason was that there was an elderly gentleman who had an unusual “tradition.” This man wanted his wife to fix a fresh pie for their noon meal. As I remember it, if this was not a daily occurrence, it was…

Christ Stands Alone

[286 words] There had been other great teachers before Jesus. There had even been miracle workers before Jesus. However, even with all the powerful prophets who had come before Him, none of the other’s teachings were understood as inaugurating God’s long-awaited and promised kingdom. A new age dawned with the coming and teaching ofJesus. The…

Improving Your Serve

[640 words] One of the games my dad and I played when I was a teen was Ping-Pong. I played against my peers and generally won most games. But when I played my dad, he destroyed me every time. So, I practiced and I practiced and I practiced until one day we played each other…

Which Soul Are You?

[147 words] The GREAT SOUL prays: “Lord, make me as big as my problem.” The LITTLE SOUL prays: “Lord, please let me off easy.” The GIANT SOUL asks: “Lord, please give me the strength that will be sufficient for me to stand before you after a hard day, sinless. I know it will be a…

The Path to Peace

[502 words] One of the great passages in the Bible on having peace of mind is in Philippians 4. Here are the keys: Make up your mind to be happy. “Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice” (v.4). Abraham Lincoln said a man is about as happy as he makes up his…

Fault-Finding is Easy

[353 words] Most folk are eager to confess the faults of others, while seldom confessing any of their own. Often this is prevalent among Christians, who should know that their ethical standard is in reverse when they engage in such action. Instead of gossiping about a brother or sister whose behavior is inconsistent with Christian…

Context Can Keep You From Drowning

[487 words] It is possible to twist the scriptures, particularly those portions which are harder to understand, to one’s own destruction (2 Peter 3:16). Satan misuses scripture to cloud the thinking of those he wishes to lead astray (Matthew 4:6), and he certainly has not gone out of business in the information age. We have…

God Hurts When You Hurt

[221 words] One of the most striking passages in the Old Testament is Isaiah 63:7-9. “I will tell of the kindnesses of the Lord, the deeds for which He is to be praised, according to all the Lord has done for us—yes, the many good things He has done for the house of Israel, according…

Vending Machine Religion

[339 words] Sitting in an automobile repair shop, I was recently confronted with one of the biggest opponents to health—the vending machine. As a young boy, like a magnet I was drawn to the bright lights and the colorful display of pure sweetness found within every wrapper. The thrill of putting money in and selecting…

The Most Important Days of Your Life

[323 words] No, it isn’t the day you were born, married, your children were born, or even the day you lost someone of great importance to you. Not to minimize the significance of those days, but these three days are the same for everyone, and in many respects much more important. The first day is…

Long to Look

[269 words] Speaking of Old Testament prophets’ predictions about Jesus Christ’s “sufferings” and “glories,” Peter wrote, “It was revealed to them that they were serving not themselves but you, in the things that have now been announced to you through those who preached the good news to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven,…

You’re in the Wrong Church

[168 words] If you identify your congregation by a person (pastor or leader) other than Christ, either you’re not in the right church or you’re not the right kind of Christian. Christ does not brook the exaltation of man. The church belongs to him. No person has the right to be known for the work…

Do We Have A Direct Line To The Divine?

[191 words] Hillary Clinton, in a recent interview about the evolution of her view on homosexual marriage with Terry Gross, host of NPR’s “Fresh Air,” said, “One of my big problems right now is that too many people believe they have a direct line to the divine and they never want to change their mind…

Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness

[163 words] Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness;Bow down in reverence, God’s glory proclaim;Gold of obedience and incense of lowlinessBring now, adoring the Lord’s holy name. Low at his feet lay thy burden of carefulness;High on his heart Jesus bears it for thee,Comforts thy sorrows and answers thy prayerfulness,Guiding thy steps as may…

Passover Compared to Lord’s Supper

[263 words] Let’s look at ti!e resemblance of the feast of the Passover to that of the observance of the Lord’s Supper. Just as the shed blood of the Pascal lamb was in reality the salvation of the Israelites, if applied as directed, so is the blood of Jesus as seen in the observance of…

Losing Your Connection

[414 words] With technology comes great gains in the way we are able to live our lives. However, nothing can be more frustrating than when that same technology meant to make our lives easier fails. One of the most frequent ways this can happen is to lose a connection. Cell phones, internet access, and satellite…

They Hoisted the Trophy Without Him

[392 words] It was a warm and sunny Sunday afternoon. My son’s Little League All-Star baseball team was playing in the Regional championship game. The team had won their first game earlier that afternoon to advance to the championship round. Just before the start of the game I headed to the dugout to inform both…

You’ll Get Dizzy!

[404 words] A certain man was troubled with dizzy spells, redness in his face, and bulging eyes. Every day when he went to his office, he experienced these things. Weekends were not so bad, so he concluded his work was causing his physical discomfort. He went from one doctor to another and none could tell…

Will You Step Out of the Boat?

[216 words] “But Jesus immediately said to them: ‘Take courage! It is I. Don t be afraid ” (Matthew 14:27). After feeding the 5,000, Jesus “made” the disciples go on ahead of Him in the boat while He dismissed the crowd and prayed. When the wind and the waves get fierce in the fourth watch…

His Name Is Christian, But He Isn’t One

[500 words] Various and odd instances brought me into contact with a man whose first name is Christian. He had been through some trying times and needed help. In the process of things being done, I asked some of the usual background questions and in so doing received answers which seemed to indicate a possible…

Confusing Good and Evil

[220 words] In pronouncing judgment on the sins of ancient Israel, the prophet Isaiah said in Isaiah 5:20: “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Have you ever stopped to think how applicable that…

Dog Daze

[426 words] When I was a small boy in North Georgia I used to hear the older folks speak of “Dog Days.” I never quite understood what that meant but I got the idea it meant I couldn’t go swimming for fear of catching a fever or something worse. I suppose every part of the…

Conversion: Diet Or Lifestyle?

[344 words] I have lost 300 pounds: two pounds 150 times. Many have. It is one thing to lose weight. It is a radically different thing to change our lifestyle. Yet diets fail. All how-to books ultimately fail. Why? Because they do not alter the lifestyle. There are no shortcuts. There is no magic. No…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On the Lighter Side (September 2014)

[445 words] Just as she was celebrating her 80th birthday, an elderly woman received a jury duty notice. She called the clerk’s office to remind them that she was exempt because of her age. “You need to come in and fill out the exemption forms,” the clerk said. “But I filled them out last year,”…

The Church Roll and Body Parts

[532 words] In our ongoing efforts to be the church, the body of Christ, I can’t help but wonder if many folks are missing some vital points. We rightly preach baptism for remission of sins (Acts 2:38). We rightly teach that it is God who adds us to his church (Acts 2:47), and ultimately, he…

Not One More

[251 words] June 28, 2014 marked the 100-year anniversary of the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie, of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Their deaths led directly to World War I, which would begin exactly one month later on July 28. The Archduke and his wife were shot as they rode in an open-air…

The Hanging of the King’s Men

[321 words] “Yea, mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread. hath lifted up his heel against me” (Psa. 41:9). We have heard it said that history often repeats itself, and this was certainly true relative to the circumstances surrounding Judas Iscariot. This betrayer of the King of kings…

The Three R’s of a Great Marriage

[513 words] June is definitely the month for weddings, and this past June I presided over two weddings and attended another one. Weddings are stressful, but exciting times. It’s very moving to witness the joining of the lives of a man and a woman in holy matrimony. It brings to mind thoughts of optimism and…

Destructive Weapons

[150 words] Bombs are destructive weapons of warfare. A hand grenade will not kill as many people as an atomic bomb but it is still deadly. Land mines are destructive even though they are hidden from view. Peter uses the word “destructive” when he describes false teachers (2 Peter 2:1). Peter is writing this to…

Pig With a Wooden Leg

[269 words] A lady from the city was visiting members of her family who owned a farm. As she talked to the farmer, she noticed a pig in the backyard with a wooden leg. “What happened to that pig!” the woman asked. “Oh, that’s Betsy,” the farmer said. “She’s a fine pig! One night while…

Would You Eat One?

[231 words] I don’t know how many of you have seen nutria. But if you fish in Louisiana you have seen them. They live near the water, and look like rats. They are not native to Louisiana and can and do destroy our wetlands. There is a move to convince people to hunt, kill, and…

This Man Receives Sinners

[177 words] “Now the tax collectors and the sinners were coming near Him to listen to Him. Both the Pharisees and the scribes began to grumble, saying, ‘This man receives sinners and eats with them'” (Lk 15:1-2). A.T. Robertson comments that there was a yawning chasm between these two groups. The Pharisees were grumbling, and…

Leading Others Into Sin

[467 words] The Bible teaches that judgment day is coming. On this future and final day, we will stand before the judgment seat of Christ and give an account of the things we have done in our bodies (2 Corinthians 5:10). The Scriptures reveal that we will be judged individually and personally: “So then every…

Our Greatest Concern

[286 words] Paul was a world traveler. He was a terrific pen pal. He was a teacher. Paul practiced the craft of tent making. He enjoyed reading. He had some health problems. He seemed to enjoy athletics. He was a fund raiser for the hungry of Judah. He had a healing ministry. He worked hard,…

Let’s Not ‘Agent 86’ It

[351 words] If any of the younger generation is reading this, they are probably thinking, “Has Bill David lost what little mind he has?” while those of my generation are thinking, “Maxwell Smart?” One of Maxwell Smart’s favorite lines was, “I missed it by that much.” Whenever he would utter those words, all of us…

God’s Wonderful Creation

[371 words] The only way we can know about the creation is from God who did the creating. Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Everything was created by the power of God. The first thing God did was to create light and in Genesis 1:4 “God called the…

To Have and to Lose

[542 words] There is “a time to get, and a time to lose” (Ecc. 3:6). Suffering loss is a part of living. We lose money. We lose health. We lose friends. We lose loved ones. We lose our happiness. Life is a constant cycle of ups and downs, gains and losses. Circumstances beyond our control…


[112 words] Yiddish is a fascinating language. Its words capture nuances other languages miss. One such word is chutzpah, loosely defined as “unmitigated gall.” Its meaning is better illustrated: A woman street vendor sold a delicacy for a quarter. One man gave her a quarter every day, but never took a cookie. After several years,…

Without Error?

[259 words] We know better than to think we are without sin. The Bible plainly tells us, “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us,” and “If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us” (1…

Cotton In His Ears?

[315 words] Sometime ago I was watching a baseball game on television. I noticed the pitcher had cotton in his ears. My first thought was he’s out there pitching with an earache. About that time the announcer gave an explanation for the cotton. He said the cotton was there to cut out all of the…

Old Age

[107 words] A little boy asked his grandpa, “Grandpa, were you in the ark?” “No, I wasn’t Billy,” grandpa said. The perplexed little boy replied, “Then, why didn’t you drown?” Regardless of modem views, old age is not a disease! In fact, the Bible represents old age as an asset. The faithful aged person has…

God Made It Simple

[398 words] The church belongs to God; his by right of purchase; costing him the death of his beloved Son. Since the church belongs to God, it is logically called “the church of God” (1 Cor. 1:2). Since Christ promised to build his church, and paid full price for her with his own blood (Acts…

Keeping Spiritual Focus

[265 words] As Christians, we know what we need to think about most in life: 1) God—His greatness, goodness, power, love, mercy, grace, care and protection;. 2) Christ—His life, teaching, death for our sins, burial, resurrection, ascension, intercession, and second coming; 3) the church—the privilege of membership in it, our involvement, service, spiritual growth, and…

The Wise May Bring Their Learning

[135 words] The wise may bring their learning,The rich may bring their wealth,And some may bring their greatness,And some bring strength and health;We, too, would bring our treasuresTo offer to the King;We have no wealth or learning;What shall we children bring? We’ll bring Him hearts that love Him;We’ll bring Him thankful praise,And young souls meekly…

Mind Garden

[19 words] Your mind is a garden,Your thoughts are the seeds.You can grow flowers,Or you can grow weeds…. We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your…

God’s Eternal Plan

[211 words] The purpose of our meeting at the Lord’s Table each week is to bring to remembrance the eternal plan of God to offer His Son as a sacrifice for the sins of the world. In the ages before Christ’s time, God’s people had offered animal sacrifices to have their sins rolled forward, but…

When Band-Aids Are Not Enough

[231 words] Every medicine cabinet should have a supply of Band-Aids of various sizes. They are excellent for keeping small cuts and scrapes clean and making “boo-boo’s” feel better. However, Band-Aids are inadequate treatments for cancerous tumors, broken femurs, or blocked arteries. This insight is true in our personal lives as well. A smile and…

Slacking Off

[238 words] The tendency of some modern Christians is like that of our ancient brothers who received the New Testament epistle known as “Hebrews.” These folks had not grown in their relationship with Christ (5:12-14); were beginning to forsake the assembly (10:25); had become spiritually sluggish in their religious activities (6:12); and were on the…

Taking the Heat

[93 words] In the early 1970’s the firefighters of Fairfax County, Virginia, received new helmets. They were sharp looking, colorful, size-adjustable, made of high-impact plastic, and scuff-resistant. There was only one problem with the helmets: when they were worn near the heat of a fire, they melted. This, of course, made them useless to firefighters;…

Your Problem is You!

[298 words] Who is your biggest opponent? Who gives you the most trouble? From whom do most of your challenges and struggles come? You may already have the culprit identified. Chances are, you may be wrong. You likely have looked this person in the face today, probably more than once. It was that person looking…

A Poke in the Eye With a Sharp Stick

[274 words] A good friend in Lake City, Florida, uses this title phrase as an exaggerated way of expressing how good or enjoyable a thing is. He will say, “Why, that is better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.” The Lord used something similar to warn the Israelites of the dangers…

Are You Overdoing It?

[311 words] Have you ever been accused of “over doing it” or “going overboard” when it comes to working for the Lord? Most of us might reply, “Not often!” Others of us might think we “overdo” sometimes, but we probably don’t. Still, being an “overachiever” and “go getter” when it comes to church work is…

The Fruit of the Spirit

[263 words] In Galatians 5:22-23 the apostle Paul wrote, “Now the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.” Using the analogy of fruit, Paul here describes the sweet qualities that the Holy Spirit will produce in the lives of faithful Christians. But…

You Don’t Need the Book of Mormon to Know the Truth of God

[349 words] If asked why it took approximately 1,800 years after the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the book of Mormon to be revealed the Mormons will respond by say ing that the world was not ready for the truth. But is that true? Was the world living without the truth, the…


[244 words] In the year 404 a monk by the name Telemachus traveled to Rome and was shocked beyond measure at the cruelty of the gladiatorial contests. Telemachus leaped over the railing of the Coliseum and tried to stop the gladiator s from hacking themselves to pieces by repeated cries of “In the name of…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On the Lighter Side (August 2014)

[436 words] Donna’s father was visiting for a week, and since he was a pretty good fix-it man, she left him a note before she went to work. It read: “Dad, mileage counter on treadmill not working. Any ideas? Love, Donna.” When she returned home, she read his reply: “Donna, walk until you get tired.…

The ‘Syndrome’ Syndrome

[725 words] The concept of sin has all but disappeared from modem society. We have become quite skilled in justifying our sins. It seems we can always find an excuse or a scapegoat to blame for, and excuse, our bad behavior. One of the most popular ways to do this nowadays is by dismissing our…

What Comes First?

[191 words] Even before his outstanding years as Harding University’s quarterback, Tom Ed Gooden was noted by the Arkansas Gazette as being the best high school quarterback in his district. The newspaper ran a picture of Tom Ed with the caption, “Not On Wednesday.” It seems that another school had tried to schedule a game…

Our Spokesmen?

[534 words] Being ridiculed for our beliefs is a burden Christians must bear. This is not easy but it should not be a surprise. If Jesus was mocked and the early church was called a sect, why should we expect the world to understand us? It is natural to feel frustrated at times. Christians are…

Don’t Forget to Use All Your Strength

[138 words] A father was watching his young son struggle to lift a heavy rock. The little fellow grunted and strained, but couldn’t move it. The father said, “Son, are you sure you are using all your strength?” The exhausted boy said, “Yes, I am!” The father replied, “No, you are not. You haven’t asked…

Longest Speech, Shortest Term

[327 words] The shortest inaugural address was George Washington’s second, in 1793, and it was comprised of 193 words! William Henry Harrison, though raised a cultured, educated man, campaigned on a folksy ticket symbolized by the log cabin. To set a different, more cultured tone for his presidency, Harrison decided to give a lengthy, erudite…


[254 words] I love the way the apostle Paul describes the younger preacher Timothy. He liked to brag about this man to others. When he wrote to the church in Philippi, here’s what he said about Timothy: “I have no one else of kindred spirit who will genuinely be concerned for your welfare. For they…

Beware Small Problems

[232 words] Take some snow and form it into a ball. Roll the ball downhill and it will get bigger and bigger. The faster it rolls, the faster it becomes a danger. It’s even possible for a deadly avalanche start from the effects of just one small snowball. Take a small problem in a church…

That’s What I’ll Look Like When I’m Dead

[163 words] There was a lady who had to show her driver’s license at a store for identification, and she told the cashier, “Please don’t pay any attention to that picture, it’s awful! I guess that’s what I’ll look like when I’m dead.” Staring at the picture, the cashier said, “Oh, they’II make you look…

Which Way Are You Going?

[271 words] Sometimes there are clues which help us to determine which way people are going. A man with a fishing pole and tackle box is going to the pond or lake; a boy with an armload of books is headed for school; a man carrying a lunch box or briefcase is headed for work.…

Worship in Song

[423 words] As a preacher I often sit and look around at the people who are singing. We are singing songs of praise to the God of the universe. We stand in awe at the power and majesty of God. We know this is the same God who created the universe and who will bring…

Healthy Living

[279 words] It seems increasingly difficult to know what is and what is not good for us. When blood cholesterol levels were first identified, we were told that butter was bad for us. Now we are told that butter is better for us than margarine (trans-fatty acids, you see). Eggs were bad, now they are…

Fan the Flame of Your Faith!

[642 words] The fire began to burn low, so he got another log and put it in the fireplace. Those who wish to remain warm normally do this. Flames burn their fuel and, without additional fuel, they will go out. Timothy needed a boost; his zeal to use God’s spiritual gift had declined. We do…

How Do You Approach God?

[207 words] “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our ‘God is a consuming fire'” (Heb. 12:28-29). This description of acceptable worship begins many verses before with a very impressive list of descriptors for God’s dwelling place,…

True Joy Was Never His

[414 words] Buck Owens has always been my favorite country singer. Throughout his career he had 21 number one songs, and 15 of those were consecutive hits. For 17 years he starred on the television show “Hee Haw,” from 1969 till 1986. In 1996 he was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame. He…

Look To God and Ask for Strength

[291 words] No rocket scientist is needed here to explain that we are living in challenging times. Many of us are not accustomed to adversity, at least not openly. Human nature, for the most part, is to prefer for things running smoothly, no hitches, no glitches. Roll with the flow, but some things are beyond…

Lost Pit Viper

[332 words] “Danger: We believe there may be a dangerous pit viper lost somewhere in the apartment complex. Please watch where you step!” This may sound like the first line from a low-budget horror movie, but for some renters in South Carolina it is all too real. Management at an apartment complex found a snakeskin…

The World’s Most Important Book

[188 words] What was billed as the world’s most expensive new book went on display in 2008 at the New York Public Library. There are more expensive old books, but this is a new book produced by the Italian publisher Marilena Ferrari. Its cost: over $100,000! The book depicts the life and work of Michelangelo,…


[74 words] The church spoken of in the Bibleis the product of the mind of God.It exists without man-made creedsor denominational structure.It is the church that belongs to Himby right of purchase.The church of Christ hereis striving to be that body.Our purpose is to reach the lostand bring people to a loving, committed,involved relationship with…

Speak, Speak, Then Speak Again

[158 words] Fair topic of talk is today’s weather,The rain, tornadoes, cold and heat,And, mostly for men, in sports whetherThis team or that will win the meet. Then comes chat about dramas and series,Movies, actors, and famous folk,Jobs, economy, political theories,Cars and clothes, the inevitable joke. But talk of hope and life beyondThe grave? The…

A Vivid Memory

[219 words] The purpose of our meeting at the Lord’s Table each week is to bring to remembrance the eternal plan of God to offer His Son as a sacrifice for the sins of the world. In the ages before Christ’s time, God’s people had offered animal sacrifices to have their sins rolled forward, but…

Looking Good and Being Good

[609 words] I have owned 12 vehicles before my current car, which is a Scion xB. Included in that list are a number of”luxury” brands, including Audi, BMW, Infiniti, and Mercedes Benz. One would assume that when I identify the best vehicle I have ever owned (with my current Scion xB not being eligible, since…

The Value of a Godly Grandparent

[119 words] Godly grandparents are an uncommon commodity. They share the one thing that each new generation needs—advice learned through experience. Few parents like to be told how to raise their child, but advice asked for and advice needed is two different things. When it comes to advice needed, godly grandparents need to do three…

Truth is Incontrovertible

[273 words] The Master said, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom said, “The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.” That first sentence, “The truth is…

Am I Your Enemy…?

[393 words] (Galatians 4:16) …if l encourage you (as a young adult) to work through emotions and look realistically (as much as possible) upon the person you are about to marry? …if l note your sincerity and effort in serving Christ and compliment you at every chance I get? …if I take note of your…
Holding Hands while visiting

Who is a Servant?

[247 words] He gave himself, making the ultimate sacrifice—dying—for others; he willingly laid down his life because of his love for the whole world. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son…” (Jn. 3:16). Jesus declared, “I lay down my life for the sheep…No one takes it from me, but I…

Un-Slumping Yourself

[451 words] Most every night, I sit down with my son and read him a bedtime story. He likes to hear some of the stories over and over, and I get so tired of some of them, to be honest. However, there is one that I don’t mind reading over and over. It’s the Dr.…

Happiness is a Choice

[156 words] Kenneth Joines lost his beloved wife Jan. I can only imagine what those who have suffered such loss are experiencing, but I do appreciate what he has written about it. “This year was the second anniversary without her. I have decided I have two choices: I can shed tears because she is gone,…

Why I Go To Worship

[64 words] 1. I want to go, and I am wanted. 2. I need to go, and I am needed. 3. I had rather be there than anywhere else. 4. People will follow my example. 5. My soul is strengthened by the teaching. 6. My heart is warmed by the spiritual songs. 7. I am…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On the Lighter Side (July 2014)

[396 words] A little boy and his daddy were looking at a litter of puppies, planning to buy one, and the daddy asked the boy which one he wanted. The lad pointed to a pup whose tail was wagging furiously and said, “That one with the happy ending!” – How Adam Had It Easy 1.…

Handprints Aren’t So Bad After All

[347 words] The bags were packed, goodbye’s were said, and the children were excited as they prepared to go with their grandparents for a few days to Tennessee. My wife and I do not take a lot of overnight trips where we’ll be apart, but on this occasion she and the kids had an opportunity…

Dealing With Controversy

[86 words] A cartoon showed an old man in a rocking chair. As he rocked, loud squeaks could be heard. After several attempts to get rid of the squeaks, the angry man got his shotgun and blew the chair to splinters. In the final frame the old man is walking away, but the squeaks were…