Top Tips for Biblical Fatherhood

  [831 words] “As a father, if my words did not correspond to my actions, that which I taught was more in what I did than in what I said (cf. principle of Titus 2.9-10).” — Ron Thomas, Chillicothe, OH “Don’t forget to teach/show grace. Discipline and training is vitally important, but so is grace.…

The Patient Father

[320 words] We are told that children learn many life lessons from their fathers. I am delighted to hear that more and more fathers are seeing the importance of their role in the upbringing of their children. A recent survey showed that nearly half of all fathers spend more time with their children than their…

Faithful Fathers

  [412 words] It has been said that Father’s Day is just like Mother’s Day except you spend less on the gift! All humor aside, society has sadly downplayed the importance of a father in the home. Too many children are being raised without their fathers in their lives. And too many fathers who are…

Our Father

  [311 words] I remember the morning of my father’s funeral, my mother was in a hurry to leave the house. In a confused voice, I asked, “Why are you in such a rush?” She said, “Today is the last day we will get to see him.” I have longed to see and talk with…

Learn the Lesson of the Ant

[342 words] They get into everything; they are bothersome, contrary, persistent, and, on top of all of these things, they hurt! However, the Bible tells us: “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!” (Proverbs 6:6). Thus, we “go to the ant” for some guidance, some instruction, and some motivation. Please…

The Blessing of Christian Friends

[331 words] One of the great blessings of being a Christian is that you are not the only one. Though at times you may, like Elijah (1 Kings 19:10), feel like you are alone in the fight, the reality is that there are many other kindred spirits fighting the same battles and bolstered by the…

Do You Struggle With Parenting?

[291 words] Parenting is challenging. The top of the Christian parent challenge list would be, “Will my child be faithful to Christ into adulthood?” The Fuller Youth Institute says 50% of students walk away from the church after they graduate High School. Our youth need: Intergenerational relationships: Titus 2:1-5 says, “But as for you, speak…

Worship or Entertainment?

[387 words] Neil Postman described serious problems in modern culture in his insightful 1985 book, Amusing Ourselves to Death. His thesis was that public discourse has been reshaped to such an extent by television and entertainment that thoughtful discourse is missing. “Show business” hype has affected advertising, politics, and religion. Postman’s conclusion is that none…

The Key to True Happiness

[209 words] Psychologist Bernard Rimland once developed an interesting test you can use to determine what causes true happiness. Make a list of 10 people whom you know the best. After each name write either H (for happy) or N (for not happy). Then go down the list again, this time writing S (for selfish)…

Oh, It’s Nothing

[302 words] It’s greater than God yet also more evil than the devil. The poor have it, and the rich don’t want it. If you wear it you show everything, if you speak it you remain quiet and if you buy it you save money. The blind see it, the deaf hear it but if…

A Mirror For The Soul

[412 words] A mirror is probably one of the most honest things there is. It doesn’t lie. Every time one looks into a mirror there is an accurate reflection of exactly what we are. About the only way to make a mirror lie is to distort it. Even then, the reflection is not flattering. James…

‘At the End of the Day’

[373 words] For about a month or so, recently, news reports were marked with frequent mentions about an ongoing kidnapping case. It involved a fifty-year-old-man (who was a public school teacher) and a fifteen-year-old girl (a student at the school) from Tennessee. The media reported how the teacher persuaded the young girl to go with…

God’s Wings

[207 words] An article in National Geographic several years ago provided a penetrating picture of God’s wings. After a forest fire in Yellowstone National Park, forest rangers began their trek up a mountain to access the inferno’s damage. One ranger found a bird literally petrified in ashes, perched statuesquely on the ground at the base…
Funny Jokes for Church Bulletin

On the Lighter Side (June 2017)

Flash Photography When a mother saw a thunderstorm forming in mid-afternoon, she worried about her seven-year-old daughter who would be walking the three blocks from school to home. Deciding to meet her, the mother saw her daughter walking nonchalantly along, stopping to smile whenever lightning flashed. Seeing her mother, the little girl ran to her,…

January PDF Version Added to Site

The January 2018 PDF version of Bulletin Digest has been added to the site. Premium members can access the file in their member area.…

New Word Search Puzzles Added

New word search puzzles have been added to the site. Premium members can access the new graphics through their members area.…

December PDF edition uploaded

The PDF version of the December issue of Bulletin Digest has been uploaded to the website for Premium Members.…

November Text Edition Uploaded

The November text edition is now available on the website. The December text edition will be available tomorrow. The November and December PDF issues will be available early next week.…

October 2017 PDF File Uploaded

Premium Members can access the October 2017 Pdf edition of Bulletin Digest in their members’ area. If you are not a Premium Member, you can upgrade your account by visiting the website. May God bless you in your work for Him!…

October Text/HTML File Posted

The latest Bulletin Digest text file has been uploaded to your members’ area. October’s PDF file will be up later in the day. If you are not a Premium Member, consider subscribing today for the best in fresh, timely church bulletin articles!…

September PDF Now Available

The September PDF version of Bulletin Digest is now available in the members’ area. If you are not a Premium Member, you can get access to new materials every month by upgrading your account. This can be done in the members’ area also. Thank you!…

New PDF file uploaded

The latest PDF file has been uploaded. Premium members can access the file from from the members area. The September issue is in production and will be uploaded soon. Thank you so much for your patience as we transition to a new town and a new preaching work. May God continue to bless you in…

New Text Edition Uploaded

The newest text edition of Bulletin Digest has been uploaded, and premium members can access the file from the member area. The PDF version and other material will be uploaded as soon as possible.  …

July PDF file uploaded

There were some issues for some users with downloading the July PDF file. This problem has been fixed. We apologize for the inconvenience.…

July Text File Uploaded

The July text edition of Bulletin Digest has been uploaded. We apologize for the delay. The publisher has gone through a change of preaching work and a move to another town. We will now return to our regular publishing schedule.…

June 2017 issue uploaded

The June 2017 issue of Bulletin Digest has been uploaded. Premium members can find the text version and PDF version on their member page. Also, look for a Father’s Day package link in your member area soon, as well as a package of new word search puzzles. May God bless you in your work for…

Fathers, What is Your Legacy?

  [288 words] Inheritance is important. Good fathers desire to leave something behind for their children (Prov. 13:22). Old Testament law even regulated the passing down of a father’s possessions (Deut. 21:15-17; Num. 27:8-11). As fathers, what sort of inheritance would we like to see our children get? Material Possessions. There is nothing wrong with…


Jesus is unique. In fact, the phrase “only begotten Son” in the NKJV’s translation of John 3:16 could arguably be rendered ”only Son” (ESV), meaning that Jesus was God’s unique Son. Yes, those who are Christians are sons and daughters of God, but Jesus is special. There’s no one else like Him. Jesus was both…

The Value of Being a Christian

Since the founding of our nation, people from all over the world have looked longingly to America, the land of freedom and opportunity. They realize the value of being an American. While there are some who now dispute this, by and large, we are still overwhelmed with the numbers of immigrants who come to these…

Be Careful What You Say

Whoever said, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me” must have been deaf. Most of us know the lasting pain that comes from a cutting criticism or a personal attack. James 3:5 compares the hurt of the tongue to a fire that can destroy a forest. Certainly not all…

The Missing Sponge

A surgeon was very selective with the people he wanted to work with. It was the first day on the job for a young nurse and the surgeon decided to issue a test. As the young nurse assisted the surgeon during a procedure, she noticed a problem. “You’ve only removed eleven sponges, doctor,” she said…

Not for Hire

As I was traveling recently, I came to a stop at a traffic signal and a semi truck pulled along beside me. I do not remember the name on the logo, but I do remember seeing the following three words prominently displayed: NOT FOR HIRE. It seems that phrase means it was a private carrier,…

The Best He Could

T. B. Larimore (1843-1922), is quoted as saying, “When my hand is still, my tongue silent and my eyes closed; when friends come to look on my pale face, l want them to be able to say, at least, ‘He did the best he could.”’ Jesus told a parable in which one man failed to…

Doers of the Word

It isn‘t popular to quote the Bible. It is even less popular to believe the Bible is God’s Word. Many who proclaim to be “Christians“ do not believe the Bible! Does that remind you of the Jews in the first century? They ridiculed Jesus when He claimed to be the Son of God. They accused…

Shall or May

Johnny Botts talks about his job as a police officer. In his line of duty “shall” and “may” are important words. Certain laws require an arrest or a ticket to be issued by the police. These laws use the word “shall” to indicate the requirement. Other laws use the word “may.” These laws allow discretion…

The Five-Second Rule

If you accidentally drop a chicken nugget onto the floor, do you eat it? “Five-second rule!” is the usual reply, meaning that if you pick it up within five seconds, it’s ok to eat it. Germs and bacteria will not have had time to latch onto that tasty nugget. Science has again spoiled our fun.…

Move On

Joseph was a good young man. He was seventeen when his own jealous brothers sold him to Ishmaelite traders. He was taken to Egypt —away from his family and his home. This was a traumatic experience. But Joseph did not use what happened to him as an excuse. He did not become bitter. He did…