Love Demonstrated

[248 words] “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). God did not just tell us He loved us and then left it there. As the preceding verse states, God demonstrated, revealed, and validated His love for mankind by allowing Jesus to…

Something is Missing

[503 words] On July 4, 1939, Lou Gehrig uttered some words that would go on to be some of the most iconic in history. After being diagnosed with a debilitating disease, standing only about two years from his death, the man who had played more consecutive baseball games than anyone else ever had gave this…

The Last Verse

[274 words] In 1814 Francis Scott Key had been negotiating the release of an American from the British Fleet. Key was successful and was only allowed to return to his ship, yet not allowed to leave the fleet because he had become familiar with the strength and position of the British units and their intention…

Your Worst Sin

[442 words] In no way would I ever claim to be a prophet, psychic, or prognosticator. But I can tell you what your worst sin is. Now, I know you’re wondering how I know. Has someone told me that they saw you doing it? No. Have I been looking in your windows at night or…

My Social Media Pledge

[427 words] • I keep a low profile on social media, but I am present there. Below is the pledge I have taken to govern my use of it. I invite you to take it, too. • I will post, comment, and otherwise utilize social media with complete awareness that the all-seeing eye of God…

What’s in a Name?

[236 words] There was a time when the meaning of names was thought to be important. My name, for example means “laurel-crowned” meaning “a champion or a noted warrior.” Or as someone observed, it means “the guy with weeds in his hair.” Not quite so flattering! A name is important and cannot be shed like…

Looking Unto Jesus

[224 words] If you have ever watched a choral group or orchestra, you will note one thing each member always does: they look at the conductor. This is to insure that they are in harmony and performing in accordance with the conductor’s directive. As members of the church, we make up a group that is…

Our Outlook on Life

[288 words] A few years ago, a lady committed suicide, leaving behind this note. “I decided that unless life was worth living, I would just quit living.” How do you feel about your life? Is it worthwhile? Or let’s change the question. What would it take for you to feel that your life is worthwhile?…

God is So Good

[566 words] You might notice over your heading of Psalm 107 that it begins “Book Five.” You also do not see David’s name over this psalm. There may be clues pointing to this being one of the later psalms, even after Babylonian Captivity (1-3). Many believe this was a song sung by Jewish pilgrims who…

Some Tests for the Home

[286 words] The Leadership Test. Does the husband and father assume his God-given place as head of the family? Does he provide the spiritual leadership? Does he take the lead in bringing up his children in the Lord’s way? The Discipline Test. Do children respect and obey their parents? Do parents expect and deserve such…

Richer Than Rockefeller

[193 words] One time John D. Rockefeller was one of the richest men in the world. It is said that once he was being interviewed for a newspaper article, the reporter asked: “Mr. Rockefeller, what is the secret to becoming rich?” JDR responded, “There are three simple rules for anyone who wants to become rich:…

We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise

[523 words] Hebrews reads to a people who have taken their eyes off of the prize. The writer threw them a lifeline with this book as an exhortation to remain faithful, to hang in there. The sum way they accomplish this is by keeping their eyes focused on Jesus, listening intently to His message from…

Go Into All the World

[424 words] “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all nations” (Mark 16:16). So Jesus commissioned His disciples following His resurrection. He sent His men into the world to preach good news to everyone. By application, we are to take the good news of our Savior into the world. If we don’t,…

The Powerful Weapon of Doubt

[224 words] One of the greatest weapons Satan has is the powerful weapon of doubt. Doubt in the Savior, doubt in the brethren, and doubt in ourselves. Doubt is the world’s most powerful weapon. Satan discourages Christians with these thoughts: “Are you sure you are a Christian…Do you really think you can stay faithful…How can…

The Humility of Jesus

[222 words] Humble Birth – “And she gave birth to her first-born son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger…” (Luke. 2:7) Humble Family – “‘Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, and brother of James, and Joses, and Judas, and Simon? Are not his sisters here with…

The Weight of Water

[338 words] A lecturer stood before an audience holding a glass of water in in his hand. “How heavy is this glass of water?” the lecturer asked. Answers called out ranged from 20g to 500g. The lecturer replied, “The absolute weight doesn’t matter. It depends on how long you try to hold it. If I…

Forgotten Critics

[567 words] I have never had any interest in what movie or music critics say. I think most people feel the same way. We know what we like or don’t like. In the end, who cares about what they say? Who remembers them? You can name songs and films you enjoy, but who can name…

God’s Child

[121 words] She searches the crowd for him. Is he listening? Is he behaving himself? It was such a short time ago when she would complain, “I did not hear a word the preacher spoke,” but now her thoughts are distracted for another reason. Now her children are not beside her—they are “too big.” Her…

Radically and Dramatically Changed

[63 words] A Christian is not just somebody who has become nice; he has become new. He doesn’t just turn over a new leaf; he receives a new life. A Christian is not like a tadpole that has become a frog. A Christian is more like a frog who has received the kiss of grace…

What the Bible Contains

[33 words] It contains light to direct you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you. It is the traveler’s map, the pilgrim’s staff, the pilot’s compass, the soldier’s sword, and the Christian’s charter…. We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member…

Journey Toward Eternity

[49 words] Life is a journey toward eternity. We are on a path. “The path of the just is like the shining sun, that shines ever brighter unto the perfect day” (Proverbs 4:18). There are only two destinations (Matthew 7:13-14). This world is not our home (Hebrews 11:13-16)…. We are sorry, but this content is…

Too Busy to Get Old

[80 words] My body may age, but my mind will stay young;I’ve much left to do, many songs to be sung.Many roads to be traveled, much love to express;Many souls that need aid, who are now in distress.I will do what I can, to help brighten your day;I will spread cheer and love as I…

Good Advice

[27 words] WALK like EnochWORSHIP like AbelWORK like NehemiahWEEP like JeremiahOBEY like JobLEAD like MosesPRAY like DanielWIN like PaulLIVE like Christ Robert A. Glass… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email),…

Take a Moment to Listen

[116 words] Take a moment to listen todayTo what your children are trying to say;Listen today, whatever you doOr they won’t be there to listen to you. Listen to their problems, listen for their needsPraise their smallest triumphs, praise their smartest deeds;Tolerate their chatter, amplify their laughter,Find out what’s the matter, find out what they’re…

The Challenge

[66 words] The challenge comes to Christian men;The world demands new proof again. Material might, with ugly mien,Defies the power of things unseen. The church, the Book, must stand the test,To show the world God’s truth is best. The cause of Christ must suffer loss, If Christian men bear not the cross. No longer words…

Bible Quiz: Matthew 2:13-18

[52 words] An __ of the __ told Joseph to take the infant Jesus to __. Who was trying to kill Jesus? Joseph took the young __ and His __ and fled. “Then __, when he saw that he was deceived by the __ __, was exceedingly angry…” The king ordered all male children __…

Bible Quiz: Matthew 2:19-23

[61 words] “Now when Herod was __, behold, an __ of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt…” Joseph was now told to take the __ and His mother to __. Who was reigning in Judea instead of his father Herod? “And being warned by God in a __, he turned aside…

Bible Quiz: Matthew 3:1-6

[65 words] “In those days John the Baptist came __ in the __ of Judea…” John’s main message was, “__, for the kingdom of __ is at hand!” “The voice of one __ in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord; Make His paths __.’” “Now John himself was clothed in camel’s __, with…

Bible Quiz: Matthew 3:7-12

[81 words] Groups of people that John called a brood of vipers. “Therefore bear __ worthy of __…” “And even now the __ is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the __.” John said he was not worthy to…

Quotes and Sayings (February 2024)

“The essence of true nobility is the neglect of self.” — James Froude “All the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than one lovely action.” — James Russell Lowell “Giving is the secret to living fully while you are still alive.” — Douglas M. Lawson “Kind words are the music of the world.” —…

On the Lighter Side (February 2024)

There’s a fine line between a numerator and a denominator. (…Only a fraction of people will get this joke.) — Did you hear about the first restaurant to open on the moon? It had great food, but no atmosphere. — Why is Peter Pan always flying? Because he Neverlands. (I love this joke because it…