Longest Book in the Bible?

[32 words] Psalms is often said to be the longest book in the Bible due to having the largest number of verses. But when Hebrew words are counted, Jeremiah comes in as the lengthiest! BulletinDigest.com… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member…

The Yielded Life

[87 words] What is a Yielded Life?’Tis one at God’s command,For Him to mold, to form, to use,Or to do with it as He may choose,Resistless in His hand. What is a Yielded Life?A life whose only will,When into blest subjection brought—In every deed and aim and thought,Seeks just to do His will. What is…

Get Going!!!

[79 words] “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” (Matt. 28:18)“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). Go – with any means that you’ve gotGo – by any way that you canGo – with any medium you oughtGo – to every woman and man Go –…

God the Omniscient

[70 words] There is an Eye that never sleepsBeneath the wing of night;There is an Ear that never shutsWhen sink the beams of light. There is an Arm that never tiresWhen human strength gives way;There is a Love that never failsWhen earthly loves decay. That Eye unseen o’erwatcheth all;That Arm upholds the sky;That Ear doth…

Through the Maze

[46 words] He leads us onThrough all the unquiet years;Past all our dreamland hopes, and doubts, and fearsHe guides our steps. Through all the tangled mazeOf sin, of sorrow, and o’erclouded daysWe know His will is done,And still He leads us on. Anonymous… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members…

Mother’s Day is Remembrance Day

[92 words] We pause on the path of the yearTo pay honor and worshipful tributeTo the Mother our heart holds dear…For, whether here or in heaven,Her love is our haven and guide,For always the memory of MotherIs a beacon light shining inside…Time cannot destroy her memoryAnd years can never eraseThe tenderness and the beautyOf the…

A Proverb to Ponder

[136 words] Now, not all our attenders are members, and not all our members are attenders, but if all our attenders were members, and all our members were attenders… THEN…we’d have more trouble menders, more gospel defenders and more true soul winners! BUT…we’d have fewer people offenders, fewer spiritual hinderers and fewer religious pretenders! SO…let…

Marriage Means Being In Love for Life

[96 words] Marriage is love walking hand in hand together. It’s laughing with each other about silly little things, and learning to discuss big things with care and tenderness. In marriage, love is trusting each other when you’re apart. It’s getting over disappointments and hurts, knowing that these are present in all relationships. It’s the…

Tell Me Again How Great I Am

[72 words] Movie star Joan Crawford is said to have hired an assistant to stay by her side on movie sets to whisper compliments in her ear between takes. It is clear that the human desire for self-glorification is never-ending! However, by both word and deed, Jesus the Christ encourages us to deny ourselves, take…

Never Too Late

[59 words] American folk artist Anna Mary Robertson Moses (better known as Grandma Moses) began painting at the age of 78. She completed more than one thousand oil paintings depicting farm life and the rural countryside she knew so well. What a great lesson! It is never too late to start a new venture, especially…

The World is Hard to Please

[45 words] Once while traveling, movie star Charlie Chaplin came across a Chaplin look-a-like competition. On a whim he decided to enter, and came in third. Just goes to show you that even when you are doing everything right, the world is hard to please! BulletinDigest.com… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual…

Going Down with the Ship

[95 words] One of the most extraordinary acts of heroism occurred on February 3, 1943. The U.S.S. Dorchester was hit by a German torpedo and began to sink in the frigid waters off Greenland. When it became clear that there were not enough life jackets to go around, four United States Army chaplains on board…

How Fragile is Life!

[58 words] Newly-elected U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt almost lost his life on February 15, 1933. Fortunately for Roosevelt a spectator altered the gunman’s aim. However, the by-standing Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak, the bullet struck and killed him instead. the Bible’s reminder that life is like a vapor ever proves true (James 4:14; Psa. 39:5).…

When It Seems All Is Lost

[73 words] When it seems all is lost…remember that the Creator sees us (Job 34:21; Psalm 33:13-15; Heb. 4:13). When it seems all is lost…remember that this world is not all that there is (Job 1:6; 2:1; 16:19; Rev. 21:3-4;  Matt. 25:46). When it seems all is lost…remember that our Redeemer lives (Job 19:25; Heb.…

Contentment, Not Accomplishment

[51 words] “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). This has to do with our ability to be content in all things, regardless of circumstances, not about our ability to accomplish all the things we set out to do. The verse is about contentment, not about accomplishment. Dwight FuquaFindlay church…


[127 words] To “delight” in something is to experience great pleasure. It is to be pleased by someone or something. Scripture tells us that God delights in His Son (cf. Isa. 42:1; Matt. 3:17). In like fashion, we should too! Knowing and following the Son of God, Jesus the Christ, should delight those of us…

Please Pass the Bread

[85 words] According to the Bible: • Consuming bread is for nourishment (2 Cor. 9:10) • Receiving bread with the right attitude brings satisfaction (Pro. 20:13) • Enjoying bread lifts one’s spirit (Psa. 104:15) • Dealing with bread is a daily endeavor (Matt. 6:11) • Breaking bread indicates fellowship (Acts 2:42, 46) • Sharing bread…


[121 words] Without Jesus as the FOUNDATION, the structure of righteousness is built on sand.  Without the TEACHINGS of the NEW TESTAMENT, the body of Christ has no guide to direct in a dark world.  Without BIBLICAL LEADERSHIP properly in place, the body of Christ is no longer, each member going his own way, doing…

That Little Extra

[143 words] At 211 degrees water is hot. At 212 degrees, it boils. And with boiling comes steam. Steam when channeled correctly can re-move stains, kill weeds, disinfects, and can even power an engine. One degree makes all the difference. In the Bible Jesus states, (Mat 5:40-41), “If someone wants to sue you in order…

The Endurance Test

[68 words] 1. “He that endureth to the end shall be saved.” (Matthew 10:22) 2. “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” (Galatians 6:9) 3. “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that…

“Listen” to the Sky

[64 words] Each and every shining starTestifies from vast afarAll the planets do agreeThe moon joins in with unityThe marching clouds e’er proclaimAs does the sun with heat and flameThe brilliant sky and all beyondShouts “it’s through God that we spawned” “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork”…

Seven Negative Effects of Missing Worship Services

[58 words] 1. Worship becomes less edifying for everyone. 2. Church leaders become discouraged. 3. You lose touch with congregational life. 4. The church is robbed of the resources it needs. 5. Another learning and growth opportunity is wasted. 6. Your conscience becomes more calloused with each missed service. 7. You teach by your example…

Nothing Can Stop Jesus

[56 words] • History could not forget Him.• Temptation could not distract Him.• Circumstances could not deter Him.• His enemies could not prevent Him.• Death could not contain Him.• Satan could not defeat Him.• Modern thinking cannot cancel Him.• And when it comes time for Jesus to come again, nothing will be able to stop…

Heart Changes

[129 words] If people are to become like Jesus there must be heart changes. The result of these changes of heart will be changes in our behavior. The heart change is what gives room for God to work in our life. Realizing certain truths helps us to change our heart. We must learn from our…

The Cure for All Ills

[97 words] You may have the best of doctorsWho can treat the best of menBut there’s an ill he cannot cureIt’s the ravages of sin For sickness and diseasesCan take a mighty tollBut their dark and gloomy fingersCannot reach or touch the soul But sin, with its ugly natureHarms body, mind, and spiritAnd no man…

Say It Now!

[100 words] I would rather have one little roseFrom the garden of a friend,Than to have the choicest flowersWhen my stay on earth must end. I would rather have a pleasant wordIn kindness said to me,Than flattery when my heart is still,And life has ceased to be. I would rather have a loving smileFrom friends…

How Should One Read The Bible?

[95 words] We should read carefully, remembering that it is the inspired Word of God (2 Tim. 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21).To read candidly with an open mind, free from prejudice (Acts 17:11) is essential to understanding the Bible.Constant readers we must be. Plan our time with the “book” and do not let other things interfere…

The Horrors of Warfare

[92 words] The bloodiest day in U.S. military history occurred on Sept. 17, 1862, when Union armies and Confederate forces clashed at Antietam in Maryland during the Civil War. By the end of that day 26,000 men were dead, wounded, or missing. Over the years, more than 1.3 million Americans have died as casualties of…

Who Has the Time?

[117 words] Most of us live time-conscious lives. We stick to tight schedules, glance at our clocks frequently, and hurry around to meet our appointments and deadlines. Time is certainly important, but the real value of time comes with the realization that our time here on earth is a countdown to eternity. Since life is…

Bible Quiz: Hebrews 4:11-13

[38 words] “Let us therefore be ___ to enter that rest…”By what example might Christians fall?God’s word is sharper than a ___.Who can hide from God’s judgment?God’s word is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the __. Answers: diligent, disobedience, sword, no one, heart. BulletinDigest.com… We are sorry, but this content is for…

Bible Quiz: Hebrews 4:14-16

[31 words] Who is the Christian’s great High Priest?“Let us hold fast our ___.”Jesus can ___ with our weaknesses.Jesus “was in all points __ as we are…”True or false: Jesus never sinned. Answers: Jesus, confession, sympathize, tempted, true. BulletinDigest.com… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are…

Bible Quiz: Hebrews 5:1-4

[53 words] A high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices for __.A high priest has __ on those who are ignorant and going astray.Did human high priests have weaknesses?Did human high priests have to offer sacrifices for themselves as well as the people?Were high priests given this honor by God? Answers: sins,…

Bible Quiz: Hebrews 5:5-11

[49 words] “So also Christ did not __ Himself to become High Priest.”Who appointed Christ High Priest?“Though He was a Son, yet He learned __ by the things which He suffered.”“He became the __ of eternal salvation to all who obey Him.”Jesus is a Priest according to the order of __. Answers: glorify, God the…

Bible Quiz: Hebrews 5:12-14

[58 words] “For though by this time you ought to be __…”“…and you have come to need __ and not solid food.”Everyone who partakes only of milk is __ in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe.“Solid food belongs to those who are full of __…”Does studying and practicing God’s word help us…

Bible Quiz: Hebrews 3:1-6

[49 words] Who is the Apostle and High Priest of our confession?“For every ___ is built by someone…”“And Moses was ___ in all his house as a ___…”Who has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses?What do we have to do to be recognized as part of His house? BulletinDigest.com… We are sorry, but…

Bible Quiz: Hebrews 3:7-15

[52 words] “Today if you will hear His ___…”“Do not ___ your hearts as in the rebellion…”The Hebrew Christians were in danger of __ __.What group of people is the Hebrew writer using as an example?“For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end…” BulletinDigest.com……

Bible Quiz: Hebrews 4:1-10

[40 words] “Therefore, since a ___ remains of ___ His rest…”What sort of danger were the Hebrew Christians in?“And God ___ on the ___ day from all His works.”Some did not enter because of ___.What Old Testament men are mentioned in this section? BulletinDigest.com… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime…

What Jesus Gave Up for Us

[105 words] He Gave Up Heaven’s Glory.He Gave Up Earthly Riches.He Gave Up His Human Will.He Gave Up His Life. “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation,…

Bible Quiz: Read Hebrews 1:1-4

[46 words] In times past, God spoke to the fathers by the ___.In these last days, He has spoken to us by ___ ___.God appointed Jesus ___ of all things, through Whom He also made the ___.What did Jesus purge?Jesus is ___ than the angels. BulletinDigest.com… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual…

Bible Quiz: Read Hebrews 1:5-13

[45 words] “You are My Son, today I have ___ You.”“Let all the angels of God ___ Him.”“Your ___, O God, is forever and ever.”“But You are the ___,  and Your years will not fail.”“Sit at My ___ ___, till I make Your ___ Your ___.” BulletinDigest.com… We are sorry, but this content is for…

Bible Quiz: Read Hebrews 2:1-9

[57 words] Verse 1 warns us of the danger of ___ away.“How shall we ___ if we neglect so great a ___.”“God also bearing witness both with ___ and ___, with various ___ and ___ of the Holy Spirit, according to His own will.”How much of creation has been put in subjection to Christ?Jesus tasted…

Bible Quiz: Hebrews 2:10-18

[93 words] “For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many ___ to glory, to make the ___ of their ___ perfect through sufferings.”True or False: Jesus is not ashamed to call the saved His brothers.Through ___ Jesus destroyed him who has power over…

In Exchange

[97 words] This is the beginning of a new day. God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good, but what I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it! When tomorrow comes, this day will be…

God is Still Love

[108 words] A man traveling through the country noticed that the weather vane on the roof of a farm building bore the phrase, “God Is Love.” He was troubled about it and asked the farmer, “Do you think God’s love is as changeable as that weather vane?” “You miss the point, sir” replied the farmer,…

My Daily ATTITUDE Action Plan is…

[63 words] Always making today my best day – Psa. 118:24 Taking pride in a job well done – Phil. 1:27 Treating others with respect – Eph. 4:32 Implementing positive thoughts – Phil. 4:8 Turning tasks into opportunities – Eph. 5:15-16 Utilizing my talents always – Matt. 25:29 Doing something that benefits others – Gal.…

Be Reconciled to Your Brother

[124 words] Too many people think going to church cancels out any wrong doing in their lives. Too many think putting something in the collection plate means the rest of their lifestyle is okay. However, Jesus has something to say about that: “if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that…

Hope in All Circumstances

[98 words] Anne Frank is perhaps the best-known victim of the Nazi Holocaust. Anne and her family left Germany for Amsterdam to flee Nazi persecution, hiding out in an attic after Holland was invaded by the Germans. To help cope with the fear and loneliness, Anne started a diary in 1942. They were eventually discovered…

Help Me!

[70 words] Help me find somebody today who needs what I have to share: a kind word, a thoughtful deed, a bit of loving care. Help me to take the time to be an understanding friend to someone who needs a helping hand on which they can depend. Help me to love as Jesus loves,…

The Effective Church

[112 words] …Exalts God (Eph. 3:21). The church is a place of heartfelt praise of its Architect. …Evangelizes the Lost (Matt 28:19-20). The church is a place where the truth of the gospel is presented to all. …Edifies its Members (Eph. 4:16). The church is a place of great love and encouragement.  …Educates the Unlearned…

A Swing and a Miss

[99 words] The newly constructed tracks of the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific railways were first linked at Promontory Point, Utah, on May 10, 1869. In celebration, Leland Stanford, the president of Central Pacific, drove a golden spike symbolically completing the job. On his first swing, he missed the spike, drawing gales of laughter…

Superhero Mom

[66 words] While many people are talking about the big-screen fictional superheroes The Avengers this spring,it’s nice to remember that there are real-life superheroes all around us: Mothers! Self-sacrificing, wise, and loving, godly mothers are worthy of our respect and admiration. This Mother’s Day, let’s remember to honor our mothers and recognize the power they…

Go For the Prize

[91 words] With $25,000 up for grabs, Charles Lindbergh took off from Long Island on May 20, 1927 in an attempt to become the first man to fly solo non-stop from New York to Paris. He made the trip in 36 hours and became an instant worldwide hero. His example shows that great deeds require…

What Hath God Wrought?

[66 words] On May 24, 1844, telegraph inventor Samuel Morse sent the first official message down the wire: “What hath God wrought?” Morse was amazed by the possibilities that lie in understanding God’s laws of physics. With each invention that comes along, man should recognize that the creative power of God makes it all possible,…

Bible Quiz: The Net

[59 words] Read Matthew 13:47-50 1. The kingdom of heaven is like a ___ that was cast into the sea. 2. The fishermen gathered the ___ into vessels. 3. What did they do with the bad? 4. This parable represents the ___ of the ___. 5. The ___ will separate the wicked from among the…

Bible Quiz: The Lost Sheep

[76 words] Read Matthew 18:10-14 1. “Take heed that you do not ___ one of these little ones…” 2. “The Son of Man came to ___ that which was ___.” 3. How many sheep did the man in the parable have? 4. How many had to go missing in order for the shepherd to go…

Bible Quiz: The Unforgiving Servant

[56 words] Read Matthew 18:23-35 1. This parable was told because Peter asked Jesus about ___. 2. How many times should a person forgive? 3. In the parable, why did the king forgive his servant’s debt? 4. What did the servant do to his fellow servant who owed him money? 5. The king in this…

Bible Quiz: The Vineyard

[60 words] Read Matthew 20:1-16 1. “The kingdom of heaven is like a ___ who went out early in the morning to hire ___ for his vineyard.” 2. Did he hire all of his workers at the same time? 3. Who did the landowner pay first? 4. Why were the first workers angry? 5. “So…


[125 words] Why is it that some people project a positive attitude, while others are so negative? Some people are so unhappy that they no longer have that beautiful Christian spirit. They walk under a cloud of despair, and fail to see the good in others. I tend to believe that even though we are…

Hard Work Pays Off

[79 words] Robert Griffin III, quarterback for the Baltimore Ravens, once said, “Hard work pays off. Hard work beats talent any day, but if you’re talented and work hard, it’s hard to be beat.” How true this is in all of life, but certainly in the work of the church. How many people refuse to…

Methods Change, the Need Remains

[80 words] On April 3, 1860, the Pony Express service began as the first rider departed St. Joseph, Missouri. For $5 an ounce, letters were delivered on horseback 2,000 miles to California within ten days. The service ended less than two years later upon the completion of the overland telegraph, which brought quicker and more…

In God We Trust

[54 words] During the American Civil War years, the U.S. Congress passed an act to include the phrase “In God We Trust” on all newly-minted coins (April 22, 1864). All people would do well to be reminded that “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord…” (Psalm 33:12a), and to act accordingly! BulletinDigest.com… We…

World’s Largest Library

[99 words] The Library of Congress was established in Washington, D.C. on April 24, 1800. It is the world’s largest library. Among the 145 million items in its collections are more than 33 million books. Yet in all of these works of man, there is not one book that can lead a soul to eternal…

The Words of Jesus

[63 words] “No man ever spoke like this man!” (John 7:46). The words of Jesus are: – Gracious words (Luke 4:22)- Powerful words (Luke 4:32)- Astonishing words (Mark 1:22)- Authoritative words (Mark 1:22)- Living words (John 6:63)- Judging words (John 12:48)- Cleansing words (John 15:3) What do the words of Jesus mean to you? Have…

Bible Quiz: The Parable of the Sower

[84 words] Read Matthew 13:3-9, 18-23 The seed that fell by the wayside was devoured by _________.The seed on stony places represents one who hears and receives the word with joy, but has no ________ in himself.The seed that fell among the thorns represents one two hears the word, but the ________ of this world…

Bible Quiz: The Wheat and the Tares

[67 words] Read Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 An ________ sowed tares among the wheat.The servants wondered if the master wanted them to ______ them up.At harvest, the wheat was to be put into the _____, but the tares were to be ______.The good seed was sown by the _____ of ______.The field is the ______, the…

Bible Quiz: The Mustard Seed

[45 words] Read Matthew 13:31-32 The kingdom of _______ is like a mustard seed.Is a mustard seed large, or small?When it grows, it becomes a ______.The _____ of the air come and _____ in its branches.Thought Question: Would the kingdom be beneficial to the world? BulletinDigest.com… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual…

Bible Quiz: The Leaven, the Treasure, the Pearl

[63 words] Read Matthew 13:33, 44-46 How much of the three measures of meal was affected by the leaven?The kingdom of heaven is like ______ hidden in a field. How much of his possessions was the man willing to sell to obtain the kingdom?When the merchant found the pearl of _____ price, he was ______.The merchant…

An Old Farmer’s Advice

[243 words] • Life is simpler when you plow around the stump. • Words that soak into your ears are whispered, not yelled. • Meanness don’t jes’ happen overnight. • Forgive your enemies; it messes up their heads. • It don’t take a very big person to carry a grudge. • You cannot unsay a…

A Pack of Seeds

[96 words] I bought myself a pack of seeds,To grace my garden fair.And stuck them in my pocketFor months they waited there. And when the time had come to seeThe flower’s lovely face,I thought it strange that only weedsWere growing in their place. How foolish then, oh Christian man,God’s Word, you have indeed.You carry it…

A Little Place

[90 words] “Father, where shall I work today?”And my love flowed warm and free.Then He pointed out a tiny spotAnd said, “Tend that for Me.” I answered quickly, “Oh no, not there,Why, no one would ever seeNo matter how well my work was done.Not a little place for me!” And the word He spoke, it…

Why I Attend the Sunday Evening Services

[71 words] 1. I want to go, and I am wanted. 2. I need to go, and I am needed. 3. I had rather be there than anywhere else. 4. My children are watching me and will follow my example. 5. My soul is strengthened by the teachings. 6. My heart is warmed by the…

The Joyful Call To Worship

[115 words] We fail to appreciate many things until they’re gone. Ethan, the author of Psalm 89, possibly a Levite, writing after the nation of Judah had been desolated and the temple destroyed, remembers. “Happy are those who hear the joyful call to worship, for they will walk in the light of your presence, Lord”…

He Is

[149 words] When you are the neediest,He is the most sufficient.When you are completely helpless,He is the most helpful.When you feel totally dependent,He is absolutely dependable.When you are the weakest, He is the most able.When you are the most alone,He is intimately present.When you feel you are the least, He is the greatest.When you feel…

Something to Think About

[114 words] He who is not grateful for what he does have will not be happy with the things that he desires to have. He who is ungrateful in little will also be ungrateful in much! If we are not thankful to God for the blessings He bestows, what reason is there to expect Him…

Time for Eternity

[124 words] Why another day to open my eyes,To breathe at early mom a cooler air,To place my feet upon the floor, ariseFrom sleep, and wash the night from face and hairAnd soul, to face another sun’s surprise? Why, indeed, if not to lift up praiseTo God Almighty?! For zeal and faith to pursueHis will…

Think Happiness

[150 words] Think of the things that make you happyNot of the things that make you sad;Think of the fine and true in mankind,Not its sordid side and bad;Think of the blessings that surround you,Not the ones that are denied;Think of the virtues of your friendships,Not the weak and faulty side;Think of the good of…

But I Was There!

[106 words] For many, a person’s faithfulness is synonymous with attendance. A person is faithful to the Lord if they are at the services with regularity. While assembling together is vital for a Christian (Hebrews 10:25), we have more than just services to attend, we have to attend to service. Christian duty does not begin…

Guess Your Future?

[139 words] There are those that claim they can see the future. From the side room psychics to wannabe Nostradamus; their claims are nothing but vague guesswork and fuzzy images. With some imagination, you can bend their prophecy into something that maybe resembles the facts of the future.  But the prophecy of God is different.…

Are You a Watchman?

[126 words] Without satellite imagery or drone aircraft, ancient cities were guarded by “watchmen.” These brave men would stand guard in towers and constantly scan the horizon for potential danger. In addition, because they had no spotlights or night-vision goggles, watchmen dreaded the dark. It was their most vulnerable time. So they longed for morning’s…

Another Reason for Joy

[104 words] “Even if I am to be poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrificial offering of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all. Likewise you also should be glad and rejoice with me” (Philippians 2:17-18). Today if you are called upon to sacrifice something of yourself – perhaps time,…

Hell is Where They Will Reside

[110 words] (After an impassioned speech by Vice-President Joe Biden on Sept. 3, 2014) “Hell is where they will reside,”Is said of vile and violent men,By powerful heads who themselves divide,And seek to rule again. Hell was made for the father of lies,And all who follow his rebel path;The place where man eternally diesAnd feels…

Mind Garden

[19 words] Your mind is a garden,Your thoughts are the seeds.You can grow flowers,Or you can grow weeds…. We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your…

Taking the Heat

[93 words] In the early 1970’s the firefighters of Fairfax County, Virginia, received new helmets. They were sharp looking, colorful, size-adjustable, made of high-impact plastic, and scuff-resistant. There was only one problem with the helmets: when they were worn near the heat of a fire, they melted. This, of course, made them useless to firefighters;…


[74 words] The church spoken of in the Bibleis the product of the mind of God.It exists without man-made creedsor denominational structure.It is the church that belongs to Himby right of purchase.The church of Christ hereis striving to be that body.Our purpose is to reach the lostand bring people to a loving, committed,involved relationship with…

Why I Go To Worship

[64 words] 1. I want to go, and I am wanted. 2. I need to go, and I am needed. 3. I had rather be there than anywhere else. 4. People will follow my example. 5. My soul is strengthened by the teaching. 6. My heart is warmed by the spiritual songs. 7. I am…

First Man in Space

[128 words] As a teenager, I remember a young Russian Cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin becoming the first man to enter space. This happened on April 12, 1961. I am sure he said many things while in space. But, the one thing I remember that he said on his fist trip around the earth is, “I can…

Encouragers in the New Testament

[59 words] Barnabas – “he was glad and encouraged them all” (Acts 11:23) Silas – “encouraged and strengthened the brothers” (Acts 15:32) Paul – “encouraged them with many words” (Acts 20:2) Tychicus – “that he may encourage your hearts” (Col. 4:8) Timothy – “to…encourage you concerning your faith” (1 Thess. 3:2) Us – “Therefore, encourage…

After the Rain

[55 words] The withering grass knows not its needs;The falling rain knows not its worth;But God the silent suffering heeds;And bids His showers refresh the earth. My drooping heart oft may not knowWhat things to pray for as I ought;But God will needed good bestow,Beyond what I have asked or thought. Edward A. Collier… We…

The Clock of Life

[78 words] The clock of life is wound but once,And no man has the powerTo tell just when the hands will stopAt late or early hour. To lose one’s wealth is sad indeed,To lose one’s health is more,To lose one’s soul is such a lossThat no man can restore. The present only is our own,So…

Your Final Sermon?

[100 words] Sadly, some people will decline the precious invitation,To follow Jesus Christ and obtain the gift of salvation.Few chances may be left for the Gospel to be heard,Or opportunities to repent and to obey God’s Word.There may be some that will walk out the church door,That won’t get to hear the Gospel preached anymore.Your…


[129 words] Years ago, King Charles V was loaned a large sum of money by a merchant. The note came due, but the King was bankrupt and unable to pay. The merchant gave a great banquet for the King. When all the guests were seated and before the food was brought in, the merchant had…

Why Do You Love the Bible?

[129 words] I was asked this question at one time. How would you answer it? Of course there are a variety of reasons to love the Word of God, but what would be on your list? Here are a few reasons that I love the Bible: 1. It teaches me how to be saved. 2.…

Did The Water Earn It For Them?

[112 words] Read Exodus 14. Now, did the use of water earn the children of Israel their freedom from Egyptian slavery? Read Exodus 30:17-21. Now, did the use of water earn the priests the right to serve within the Tabernacle? Read 2 Kings 5:1-14. Now, did the use of water earn Naaman his cleansing from…

Where’s the Corpse? 

  [42 words] Bernard Ram wrote, “A thousand times over the centuries the death knell of the Bible has been sounded, the funeral procession formed, the flowers ordered, the inscription placed on the tombstone, and the eulogy written, but somehow the corpse never stays put.”… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and…

Three Tenses of Titus 2:11–13

  [41 words] 1. Past Tense: God’s Grace has appeared to all men (2:11). 2. Present Tense: God’s Grace instructs us to leave sin and live righteously (2:12). 3. Future Tense: God’s Grace causes us to look for Christ’s coming (2:13). Mark Posey via House to House, Heart to Heart… We are sorry, but this…

Now That’s Love!

  [93 words] Recently in Japan, a man and his nine-year-old daughter were caught in a terrible blizzard. Their car disabled, they began to walk to where they were going. As the storm intensified, the father wrapped his coat around his daughter and hunched over her against a concrete wall to shelter her from the…

The Perfect Creator

  [81 words] “The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters” (Genesis 1:2). Only God can start with nothing, and make something amazing! Beginning with a blank canvas, God created the spectacular world that…


  [24 words] We are found to find another; We are told to tell another; We are won to win another; We are saved to save another!… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address…

Thugs Long Gone

  [83 words] “God brings down rulers and turns them into nothing. They are like flowers freshly sprung up and starting to grow. But when God blows on them, they wilt and are carried off like straw in a storm” (Isaiah 40:23,24). Sennacherib, Nebuchadnezzar, Alexander, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin—thugs long gone. World rulers have terrifying power,…

Fussy Little Christians

  [121 words] Dr. Vance Havner has aptly described the present generation of Christians thus: “We are a generation of proud, fussy little Christians, experts but not examples. We know too much, or we think we do. We have heard all the preachers and read all the books. It is hard these days to be…