[410 words] Let me start off by saying that 20th century classical music is, by and large, “weird.” John Cage, a late 20th century composer, wrote an 8-page organ piece called “Organ2/ASLSP.” The “ASLSP” means “play it as slow as possible.” Usually this organ piece takes more than an hour to complete. Yet, in 2009,…

Keep Moving Forward

[200 words] The nation of Israel had escaped slavery from Egypt. But now they found themselves being pursued by their former captors. At the shore of the Red Sea they felt that they were trapped. Many of them thought about going back to Egypt into slavery. Others were bemoaning their current dilemma. The LORD then…

Are We Like Christ?

[249 words] Some years ago, Brother G. F. Raines wrote about a young Buddhist who had made a very careful study of the life of our Lord said to a Christian: “Your Christ is wonderful, oh, so wonderful; but you Christians, you are not like him.” Could it be that the Christian was left speechless…

To Catch a Thief

[232 words] Marge Wilson had had enough! For the fourth morning in a row, she had gone to the chicken pen only to find feathers strewn about and one of her good laying hens gone. She knew one thing for sure, the chicken-stealing varmint was consistent and it would surely be back for more. But…

Five Wonderful Words

[210 words] The 23rd psalm has been a favorite of God’s people for thousands of years. It is steeped in the Israelite culture of husbandry. But all through the years it has appealed to people who realize that God is watching over them. Just the first five words alone in the English versions reveal so…


[271 words] Some 21 times in Romans 16, Paul uses the word “greet” in sending kind regards to many brethren that he knows in Rome. Consider some of the people he greets: Those who risked their lives for Paul. Prisca & Aquila (Rom. 16:3).  Various workers in the Lord. Mary (Rom. 16:6), Urbanus (Rom. 16:9),…

Stephen and Cancel Culture

[381 words] Stephen was a man of tremendous courage who preached God’s Word with great boldness. On the occasion of Acts chapter 7, Stephen preached that he saw the heavens opened and Jesus standing at the right hand of God (Acts 7:56). In the audience that day were unbelieving Jews who rejected Christ. When they…

The Time Jesus Got Sick?

[224 words] There is no record of Jesus getting sick on earth. Perhaps He had child- hood colds, the occasional stomach ache, or the flu. We don’t know; the Bible doesn’t say. The only time Scripture records Jesus being sick is after He returned to heaven. It is found in Revelation 3. Revelation 3:16 pictures…

Forgiving Those Who Sin Against Us

[198 words] There are those who are going to hurt us. But as Christians we are not to hold grudges, for these become heavy weights to pull us down and away from God. In the “Lord’s Prayer,” Jesus taught us to ask God for forgiveness as we have forgiven those who sin against us” (Matthew…

How Capable Are You?

[565 words] All of my life, I have heard it said, “You are only as strong as your weakest link!” My humble understanding of this quote means, every “link” on your chain (metaphorically speaking) is important, needs to be proficient in the mission of the organization, and makes a positive contribution if success is to…

Sin Destroys the Heart

[395 words] Sin begins in the heart and works out through our lives. It comes out in our thoughts, actions, words, and character. David wrote: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence, And do not take Your Holy Spirit…

Two and Only Two

[265 words] An elder in my home congregation once told me that back when he sold ice cream he would tell his customers, “We have two flavors: plain and vanilla.” Years ago when you went to have your teeth cleaned, there were no flavor options. Now the dental hygienist asks if I prefer mint, cinnamon,…

You Cannot Out-Give God

[222 words] Our attitude will improve toward giving when we realize you cannot out-give God (Mark 10:28-30). Here Christ is talking about an investment that yields a return of 10,000%. We give and God blesses (Prov. 11:25). We need to understand that God owns it all (Hag. 2:8; Deut. 8:18; Psa. 50:10; 1 Cor. 6:19-20;…

Do Not Tell Your Kids About Abstinence?

[121 words] “Do not tell your kids about abstinence, because if you do they will be curious about it and will go out and have sex.” Ridiculous! We don’t use this irrational logic in reference to other things. For example, we don’t avoid warning our kids about murdering and stealing, thinking they will be curious…

Putting God Before You

[426 words] “I have set the Lord always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved” (Psalms 16:8). A powerful lesson we learn from this text is if we put God before us we will not be moved or shaken. If God is first in our decisions, thoughts, and…

What Kind of Church Should We Be?

[446 words] Play a word game with me. What comes to your mind when you see or hear the word church? Do you picture a steepled building, dark wooden pews, crosses, offering plates? Do you hear hearty singing? Or does church trigger childhood memories of wiggling through sermons, playing tag on the parking lot, and…

Sharing Our Faith

[381 words] Why are we afraid to share our faith? Why do we not share with others what God is doing in our lives, and about what Jesus means to us? Rejection is probably the number one reason we hold back. When we invite someone into conversation about Jesus Christ and they resist, it isn’t…

The Ermine’s Example

[465 words] There is a unique little animal found in the forests of northern Europe and Asia. It is called the ermine. In the wintertime, the ermine’s fur turns snow-white. It instinctively protects its coat against anything that would soil it, going to great lengths to keep its fur spotless. Fur hunters deviously take advantage…

Who Will You Worship Sunday?

[75 words] The god of Ease? “Had a hard week, gotta get some rest.” The god of Mammon? “Gotta get another dollar.” The god of Popularity? “Company came; gotta stay home with them.” The god of Pleasure? “Only day I have to hunt, fish, golf, swim, ski.” The god of Self-Pride? “They do not treat…

Words That Hurt

[61 words] There are many warnings in the Bible about the consequences of our words. The most powerful is expressed by Jesus. He said, “But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken” (Matt. 12:16). Please don’t let your words hurt…

Minders of the Tongue

[28 words] God has given us two ears and one tongue. Also keep in mind that He has set a double fence before the tongue: the teeth and the lips…. This content is for Annual and Lifetime Members only! Please log in or register to use our free church bulletin resources, or start an Annual

A Real Man Builds

[30 words] A real man builds, whether it’s tables and walls, or the church. He knows that anyone can heap mockery and derision on another’s efforts; he will lend a helping hand…. This content is for Annual and Lifetime Members only! Please log in or register to use our free church bulletin resources, or start…

What Will I Be at Fifty?

[73 words] Some day most of us will meet an old person. He may be grumpy, ill-tempered, and hard to get along with. Or he may be gracious, wise, and helpful. But the good news is that I can choose this person that I must live with, because that person will be me. You and…

A Lovely Light

[80 words] A candle’s but a simple thing…It starts with a just a bit of string,Yet dipped with patient hand,It gathers wax upon the strandUntil, complete and snowy white,It gives a lovely light. Life seems so like that bit of string…Each deed we do, a simple thing,Yet day by day if on life’s standWe work…

Too Busy

[94 words] Too busy to read the Bible,Too busy to wait and pray;Too busy to speak out kindlyTo someone along the way. Too busy with cares and strugglesTo think of the life to come,Too busy building mansionsTo plan for the heavenly home. Too busy to help a brother,Who faces the winter’s blast,Too busy to share…


[114 words] First, someone told it,Then the room could not hold it,So busy tongues rolled itTill they got it outside. Then the crowd came across it,They stretched it and tossed it,And never once lost it,Till it grew long and wide. This lie brought forth others,Evil sisters and brothers,And fathers and mothers,A terrible crew. As headlong…

According to You

[106 words] The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are read by more than a few. But the one most read and commented on is the Gospel according to you. You are writing a gospel, a chapter a day,By the things that you do and the words that you say. Men read what you…

Bible Quiz: Matthew 3:13-17

[83 words] Jesus came from __ to John at the __ to be baptized. “And John tried to __ Him, saying, ‘I need to be __ by You, and are You coming to me?’” Jesus said His baptism was to fulfill all __. “When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the __;…

Bible Quiz: Matthew 4:1-11

[71 words] “Then __ was led up by the __ into the wilderness to be tempted by the __.” Jesus fasted __ days and nights. “Now when the __ came to Him, he said, ‘If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become __.’” “Jesus said to him, ‘It is __ again,…

Bible Quiz: Matthew 4:12-17

[57 words] “Now when Jesus heard that John had been put in __, He departed to __.” After Jesus left Nazareth, He dwelt in __. Capernaum is in the regions of __ and __. __ is the prophet who prophesied that the Gentiles would see a great light. “From that time Jesus began to preach…

Bible Quiz: Matthew 4:18-25

[78 words] “And Jesus, walking by the Sea of Galilee, saw two brothers, __ called __, and __ his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen.” Jesus told them to follow Him, and He would make them __ of __. When Jesus called James and John, they __ left the __…

Quotes and Sayings (March 2024)

“The man who doesn’t read his Bible has no advantage over the man who has no Bible.” — Albert M. Wells, Jr. “He fights with spirit as well as with the sword.” — Latin proverb “It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it.” — General Douglas MacArthur “Morale is the…

On the Lighter Side (March 2024)

Johnny had been misbehaving and was sent to his room. After a while he emerged and informed his mother that he had thought it over and then said a prayer. “Fine,” said the pleased mother. “If you ask God to help you not misbehave, He will help you.” “Oh, I didn’t ask Him to help…