Feeling the Tension?

[440 words] It was the year 54 A.D. Rome, the most powerful nation on earth, coronated its new leader Nero, the adopted son of the previous ruler Claudius. The church was just over twenty years old. The movement that was small at first had spread throughout the Empire. These early Christians could not have imagined…

Good Citizens

[277 words] Immigration and citizenship are a hot topic in our country today. Why do many people want to come here and become a citizen of the United States? Is it for freedom, political asylum, or the opportunity for a better life? Currently, Christians have a dual citizenship. We are citizens of the earth while…

A Nation Without God

[249 words] George Washington, just after he took office, wrote, “Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly implore his protection and favor…” Abraham Lincoln once said, “It is the duty of nations, as well as…

Choosing My Altar

[275 words] We usually get pretty indignant when we realize that someone has “used us,” don’t we? Read the following verse two or three times and spend some time thinking about what Paul is saying to the Christians at Philippi. “But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice…

Are You Afraid

[304 words] Are you afraid of anything?  As a child, I was scared of a monster under my bed.  One afternoon my family was working outside, it was cold and I was wearing a winter coat and boots.  As it was getting dark outside my parents told me to go inside and get ready for…

Our Team Name

[286 words] Well football season is in full swing! If you were granted a new team to join the National Football League, what team name would you choose? Have you ever noticed that when teams choose an animal for a team name it is usually a ferocious one? For example, in the NFL, we have…

I Need A Crutch

[276 words] “On hearing this, Jesus said to them, ‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners’” (Mark 2:17). Karl Marx is credited with the statement that “Religion is the opiate of the masses.” Freud’s view of religion is well known:…

Gaslighting by Satan

[354 words] We often hear the term “gaslight” referring to someone’s political speech, moral matters, theological ideas, or  point of view. To gaslight is means to induce someone to question their sanity and grasp of reality by manipulating his or her perceptions.  Those who “gaslight” use propaganda, logical fallacies, and half truths  to convince those…

You Will Never Walk Alone

[236 words] The prophet Elijah is at the low point. His victory at Mount Carmel turned into his being on the run for his life. He is despondent, depressed, and ready to give up. When God asks him what he is doing, his response is telling. “I tried,” he exclaims, “but no one is listening,…

Beware of YouTube Prophets

[426 words] I have noticed on YouTube several people claiming the Holy Spirit has revealed to them what is going to happen in the near future. They fancy themselves as inspired, revealing modern day revelations and prophecies. I am reminded of the false prophets of Jeremiah’s day. Jeremiah 23:16-40 is a good example of people…
Human mind and brain

To Be Noble and Just

[459 words] Do you know how many thoughts you think in a day? One scientific study conducted in 2023 determined that the average human thinks about 6,200 separate thoughts each day! That is like 2,263,000 thoughts a year! That is a lot of thinking! But sadly those same scientists also determined that about 80 percent…

There’s Something Fishy About Jesus!

[208 words] No, I have not renounced my belief concerning Jesus. I believe He is what the Bible has revealed about Him. He is God (John 10:30) who came to the earth in the flesh (Rom. 8:23). As God He is eternal (Heb. 13:8) and yet, made Himself subject to temporal limitations and temptations, and…

His Glory Is Everywhere

[224 words] Those who followed God in the Old Testament often thought that God was contained within the walls of the Temple. However, the prophet Isaiah taught us otherwise. In chapter six of the book of Isaiah, the prophet tells us of a vision God gave him. In that vision, he saw God sitting on…

The Autumn Years

[303 words] Time passes so quickly. This afternoon, I stood and looked out the back door, watching the yellow leaves from the elm tree float to the ground. The persimmon tree is full of its orange fruit and the possums will begin their nightly feast of the bitter plums. It is Fall once again. There…

Trembling Before God

[266 words] The most profound reverence characterized the ancient copyists of the Scriptures. When they came to a name for deity, they put new pens in their writing instruments, took a bath, and changed raiment. It is amazing how frail humans today approach God and His Word with such contempt and barefaced irreverence. We chuckle…

Exhortations to Husbands

[191 words] Read Matthew 19:4–8. Leave father and mother. By going to a home of his own. By accepting the responsibility as head of his home. Like a New Testament congregation, a home is an autonomous institution. Cleave to his wife. In true devotion. As a part of his very self. Through all the trials…

It Was Right There All the Time

[216 words] An old Eastern parable titled “The Wealth Is Nearer to You Than You Think,” relates the story of a rich merchant who took a journey to a distant land. As the businessman traveled, he met a stranger who wanted to travel with him. Although the merchant was glad to have a companion, he…

How Closely Am I Following Jesus?

[70 words] Jesus shines to keep me from being lost. Jesus shines to keep me from falling. Jesus shines so I’ll see where to walk. “When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of…

Ways to Ensure Your Chances for a Long Life

[99 words] 1. Do not ride in an automobile or get in the way of one: they cause 20% of all fatal accidents. 2. Do not stay at home: 17% of all accidents happen in the home. 3. Do not walk around the street: 14% of all accidents happen to pedestrians. 4. Do not travel…

The God Man

[120 words] Jesus was God in human flesh—not half God and half man, not all God and no man, not all man and no God; but the God-man, the man-God. The One who created every seed, every shrub, every tree, and every limb was hanged on a tree, on a cross (Acts 5:30). The One…

What Is So Special about Heaven?

[79 words] Heaven is where God is (John 14:2–3). Heaven is where we will have perfect understanding (1 Corinthians 13:12). Heaven is where our life’s records are kept (Revelation 20:12). Heaven is a place of perfect rest (Revelation 14:13). Heaven is where we will receive our new bodies (1 Corinthians 15:44).  Heaven is where we…

A Father’s Prayer

[69 words] Last night my little boy confessed to me some childish wrong,And kneeling at my knee he prayed with tears“Dear God, make me a man,like Daddy—wise and strong—I know you can.” Then while he slept, I knelt beside his bed.Confessed my sins and prayed with low-bowed head.“O God, make me a child, like my…

Concerning Trees…And Us

[36 words] Have deep roots,branch out,be flexible,keep growing on the inside,bloom often,show your colors,point your trunk upward,raise your limbs to heaven,and bring forth good fruit, as long as you live…. We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm…

Fit for a King

[144 words] A crown of thorns is around His brow, as ifHe were a king. And truly He was a king, and Henever was more kingly than in that hour. He was kingly in His bearing.He made no plea in His own defense. He was kingly, too, in His love.There had not been a shade…

Pass It On

[116 words] Have you had a kindness shown?Pass it on;’Twas not given for thee alone,Pass it on;Let it travel down the years,Let it wipe another’s tears,Till in heaven the deed appears—Pass it on. Did you hear a loving word?Pass it on;Like the singing of a bird?Pass it on;Let its music live and grow,Let it cheer…

Bible Quiz: Matthew 9:14-17

[53 words] Disciples of __ came to ask Jesus about __. “Why do we and the __ fast often, but Your __ do not fast?” “Can the friends of the __ mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them?” “No one puts a piece of __ cloth on an old __…” “But they put…

Bible Quiz: Matthew 9:18-26

[64 words] A __ came and worshiped Jesus. The man was confident Jesus could raise his __ from the dead. “And suddenly, a woman who had a flow of __ for twelve years came from behind and touched the __ of His garment.” “Be of good __, daughter; your __ has made you well.” “But…

Bible Quiz: Matthew 9:27-31

[71 words] How many blind men were following Jesus? The blind men said, “Son of __, have __ on us!” “And when He had come into the __, the blind men came to Him. And Jesus said to them, ‘Do you __ that I am able to do this?’” “Then He __ their eyes, saying,…

Bible Quiz: Matthew 9:32-38

[60 words] “As they went out, behold, they brought to Him a man, __ and __-possessed.” “And when the demon was __ out, the mute __.” Jesus was preaching the gospel of the __, and healing every __ and every disease among the people. Jesus had compassion on the people because they were “weary and…

Quotes and Sayings (October 2024)

“Get as much experience as you can, so that you’re ready when luck works. That’s the luck.” — Henry Fonda “Luck is the residue of design.” — Branch Rickey “Chance usually favors the prudent man.” — Joseph Joubert “Great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance.” — Samuel Johnson “If you would have…

On the Lighter Side (October 2024)

Two neighbors were talking over the back fence. “I went to a wedding this weekend,” one said, ”but I don’t think it’s going to last.” “Why not,” asked the other. “Well, when the groom said ‘I do,’ the bride said, ‘Don’t use that tone of voice with me!”’ — My wife still hasn’t spoken to…