I Wish I Would Haveā€¦

[354 words] I wish I would not have played so timidly during my high school basketball career. I wish I would not have taken chapel attendance as a suggestion my freshmen year of college. I wish, I wish, I wish… The list could go on and on in my life and I’m sure you could…

Become a Mentor: Affect Eternity!

[336 words] What do Jesus, Batman, and peanut butter all have in common? Sidekicks. Jesus has the 12 apostles, Batman has Robin, and peanut butter has jelly. These tandems create dynamic teams. Think of it this way: Timothy would have don a fine job preaching and teaching in Acts 16 but Paul heard about him…

Have I Waited Too Long?

[368 words] Tuesday morning I went to get the oil changed in my car because it was long past due. So I finally woke up early one morning and drove to Wal-Mart to have them take care of it. As I sat and watched the men prepare to work I noticed one of them shaking…

The Untold Story: John 3:1-15

[338 words] What do we know about Nicodemus? This man Nicodemus was a ruler of the Jews (v. 1), in a group that we know as the Sanhedrin. They potentially consisted of 70-72 men who made judgments concerning disputes, law-breaking, and questions. We also know, for better or for worse, that Nicodemus came to Jesus…