
[352 words] The word “great” has been used a great deal. Many times it is used to refer to a singer or actor. During this time of year, a football team may be called “great” after winning the Super Bowl. The word itself means that something is superior to something else. The word “great,” however,…

‘Are You the Church That __?’

[357 words] I used to get phone calls frequently asking if we were the church that gave away furniture. There was another group in town that did. I do not ever get a call asking if we are the church mentioned in the Bible. People may not ask that question. Doctrine alone may not attract…

Not the Same

[494 words] I drive an SUV. It is called a “crossover.” I noticed many of the “crossovers” that are made by different companies in the same year as mine look very similar. If you were to put them all side by side, it would be difficult to tell what company made which vehicle. If you…

Planting Seeds

[358 words] The springtime is seed time. Some seeds have already been planted for this year. Throughout the year those seeds will need to be watered for the plants to develop. Further nurturing will need to be done before harvest in the Fall. In the Bible the seed is the Word of God (Luke 8:11).…

I Learned Something Today

[456 words] In a Bible study with a man recently, in looking at the Scripture, he told me he learned something he didn’t know. This man is in his eighties, maybe close to ninety. It made me realize again that a person is never too old or too young to learn something from the Bible.…

Black Friday

[444 words] I have been seeing ads recently for “Black Friday.” This used to be the day after Thanksgiving when retailers lure customers with all kinds of special incentives. Now “Black Friday” comes earlier and lasts longer. People line up to get the special “door buster” savings. They will flock to stores and spend large…

Love or Like?

[449 words] The two words above are confusing to many people. I can love someone but not like certain practices. I can love someone because of the soul which God put in him; but, I may not like their life style or habits. God is a God of love (1 John 4:18), but God does…

We Don’t Study the Bible

[472 words] In a Bible study a few years ago at an assisted living facility, a lady made a startling revelation. She mentioned the name of the group she was associated with; then she said, “We don’t study the Bible.” She then admitted they needed to study it more. When another lady in the class…

The Changing Seasons

[157 words] One of the times of year I like the most is fall. The leaves begin to change colors. The weather becomes cooler. It reminds me of what the Psalmist wrote: “The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork.” (Ps.19:1 KNJV). God indirectly speaks to us through nature. When…

Not a Good Idea?

[387 words] I was watching a television program in which a number of preachers were asked questions from viewers. One viewer asked a very important question. The question dealt with why there are different denominations. The viewer asked, “Wouldn’t it be better to have just one church?” The moderator of the program stated that would…

What the Church Offers

[337 words] Too many folks look upon church attendance as being secondary to anything else on their schedule. They are not opposed to religion. They may even look upon it as a vital part of life. But they have no conscience against neglecting it. Perhaps the attitude is: “I’ll go to church if nothing comes…