Finding Joy in a Joyless World

[324 words] Media outlets bombard us 24 hours a day with graphic accounts of depravity in our neighborhoods, cities, and schools. Thousands of ads per day tell us we must buy stuff in order to achieve self-worth, happiness, and fulfillment. And pharmaceutical companies will gladly treat whatever ails us, for a price that many cannot…

Bridles Are Not Just For Horses

[329 words] In the traditional sense, riders use a bridle to direct their horse where they want it to go. They use this small but effective tool to control a powerful, 1000-pound animal with ease. James compares it to the influence we wield with the tongue, one of our smallest muscles: “If we put bits…

God and the Big Bang

[300 words] I was surprised to learn the Big Bang Theory is credited to Georges Lemaître (1894-1966), a Belgian Catholic priest. It’s concerning that an alleged “man of God” promoted such rubbish. Lemaître postulated that the observable universe began with the explosion of a single primeval atom. Aside from contradicting God’s Word (Genesis 1:1), this…