Three Questions to Keep Your Worship Focused

[308 words] Worshiping God is something that takes real effort to do properly and acceptably. (Note the word “do.”) While the word “worship” can be used as a noun, God uses the word as a verb. Furthermore, it is not used as a passive verb (of something that happens “to” me or “around” me). Worship…

Ten Things to Do When People Make Mistakes

[481 words] “Nobody’s perfect!” You’ve heard it. You’ve thought it. You’ve probably said it. Unfortunately, we seem to often find ourselves on the receiving end of the imperfection. Sometimes the mistakes are not that big of a deal—putting pickles on a plain burger or calling you by the wrong name. Other times the mistakes are…

It is Impossible for God to Lie

[186 words] How many things can you absolutely count on in life today? Can you absolutely count on having hot water in your morning shower? Can you absolutely count on your refrigeration not dying during the night? Can you absolutely count on your car starting every morning? Can you absolutely count on the red lights…

Three Things Christians Need Today

[457 words] Imagine encountering some of the people that Jesus encountered during His lifetime. Would you respond like Jesus did? Imagine coming face-to-face with a leper, a woman with a blood malady of 12 years, a woman caught in adultery, beggars, ingrates, disfigured and unsightly invalids, numerous diseased, tricksters, spoiled rich brats, a traitor, hateful…

How Do I Keep from Doing a Sin That I Want to Do?

  [478 words] In a Bible class that was discussing the topic of homosexuality, a 13-year-old girl asked, “What about someone who really doesn’t want to have those feelings but can’t seem to stop them?” That is such a great question, for there are many who are struggling with homosexual desires but they don’t want…

I’m a Christian First

Life. Sometimes it controls us. Sometimes we get so entrenched in what we’re doing that we lose sight of what is most important. As Christians, there is one simple truth that must guide every decision we make and every move we take: Christ is to “have first place in everything” (Col. 1:18). Christ must have…