What Do You Seek in Religion?

[203 words] What Paul recorded in 1 Cor. 1:22-23 is not only a commentary on the religious world in his day, it is also very indicative of the religious world today. The text reads: “For Jews request a sign, and Greeks seek after wisdom; but we preach Christ crucified…” Somewhat paraphrased and adapted to today’s…

Five Powerful Words from Psalm 23

[348 words] Everyone knows the first five words of the 23rd Psalm: “The Lord is my Shepherd…” These words not only introduce the psalm and the God of the Psalm, but are actually powerful words that reveal our relationship with Him. Notice, for example: The – This reveals that Jehovah God is the only God.…

How to Face Fiery Trials

[373 words] The Roman Emperor Nero began persecuting Christians on a very horrible and violent level. Tacitus, the Roman historian, records that “Nero falsely accused and executed with the most exquisite punishments those people called Christians…And perishing they were additionally made into sports: they were killed by dogs by having the hides of beasts attached…

Reclining, Whining, or Shining?

It seems to me that there are three kinds of church members. Let’s briefly examine each and, as we do so, please honestly examine your part in the church and see which you are: There are those who recline. They just sit back and watch everything going on around them. They are never more involved…


Just (Revelation 15:3) Elect (1 Peter 2:6) Sinless (1 Peter 2:22) Understanding (Hebrews 4:15) Shepherd (John 10:14) Compassionate (Matthew 9:36) Helping (Hebrews 13:6) Righteous (1 John 3:7) Immortal (Hebrews 13:8) Savior (2 Pet. 1:11) Teacher (Matthew 11:29) Edd Sterchi Broadway church of Christ Campbellsville, KY… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and…

Worship God

Twice in the revelation given to him, John is reminded to “worship God” (Rev. 19:10; 22:9). Too many Christians focus more on self than on God in worship. We should never depart from the true purpose of our worship: honoring God. Take a look at the prescribed elements of worship and note how they all…

Obsession or Option?

  [305 words] To view some Christians, they live their lives like they are obsessed with pleasing God. They come to worship and every gathering of the church that they possibly can. They even come when they don’t feel all that well. It is as if they are compelled to come. They also volunteer and…

Hymns for the ‘Sorta’ Committed

[217 words] Some Christians, by the way they are living their lives, would obviously like for some of the songs we sing to be changed to the following: • I Surrender Some• It is Fairly Well with My Soul• Fill My Spoon, Lord• Oh, How I Like Jesus• He’s a Little Bit to Me• I Love…