A Little Place

[90 words] “Father, where shall I work today?”And my love flowed warm and free.Then He pointed out a tiny spotAnd said, “Tend that for Me.” I answered quickly, “Oh no, not there,Why, no one would ever seeNo matter how well my work was done.Not a little place for me!” And the word He spoke, it…

Why I Attend the Sunday Evening Services

[71 words] 1. I want to go, and I am wanted. 2. I need to go, and I am needed. 3. I had rather be there than anywhere else. 4. My children are watching me and will follow my example. 5. My soul is strengthened by the teachings. 6. My heart is warmed by the…

The Joyful Call To Worship

[115 words] We fail to appreciate many things until they’re gone. Ethan, the author of Psalm 89, possibly a Levite, writing after the nation of Judah had been desolated and the temple destroyed, remembers. “Happy are those who hear the joyful call to worship, for they will walk in the light of your presence, Lord”…

He Is

[149 words] When you are the neediest,He is the most sufficient.When you are completely helpless,He is the most helpful.When you feel totally dependent,He is absolutely dependable.When you are the weakest, He is the most able.When you are the most alone,He is intimately present.When you feel you are the least, He is the greatest.When you feel…

Something to Think About

[114 words] He who is not grateful for what he does have will not be happy with the things that he desires to have. He who is ungrateful in little will also be ungrateful in much! If we are not thankful to God for the blessings He bestows, what reason is there to expect Him…

Time for Eternity

[124 words] Why another day to open my eyes,To breathe at early mom a cooler air,To place my feet upon the floor, ariseFrom sleep, and wash the night from face and hairAnd soul, to face another sun’s surprise? Why, indeed, if not to lift up praiseTo God Almighty?! For zeal and faith to pursueHis will…

Think Happiness

[150 words] Think of the things that make you happyNot of the things that make you sad;Think of the fine and true in mankind,Not its sordid side and bad;Think of the blessings that surround you,Not the ones that are denied;Think of the virtues of your friendships,Not the weak and faulty side;Think of the good of…


[116 words] Skeptic: “If there is a good, all-powerful God, why doesn’t he end all the evil, violence, wickedness and suffering in the world?” Christian: “He will. When Christ comes again he will judge the world in righteousness, punish all evil doers and bless and reward the faithful.” Skeptic: “What is he waiting for? Why…

But I Was There!

[106 words] For many, a person’s faithfulness is synonymous with attendance. A person is faithful to the Lord if they are at the services with regularity. While assembling together is vital for a Christian (Hebrews 10:25), we have more than just services to attend, we have to attend to service. Christian duty does not begin…

Guess Your Future?

[139 words] There are those that claim they can see the future. From the side room psychics to wannabe Nostradamus; their claims are nothing but vague guesswork and fuzzy images. With some imagination, you can bend their prophecy into something that maybe resembles the facts of the future.  But the prophecy of God is different.…

Are You a Watchman?

[126 words] Without satellite imagery or drone aircraft, ancient cities were guarded by “watchmen.” These brave men would stand guard in towers and constantly scan the horizon for potential danger. In addition, because they had no spotlights or night-vision goggles, watchmen dreaded the dark. It was their most vulnerable time. So they longed for morning’s…

Another Reason for Joy

[104 words] “Even if I am to be poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrificial offering of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all. Likewise you also should be glad and rejoice with me” (Philippians 2:17-18). Today if you are called upon to sacrifice something of yourself – perhaps time,…

Hell is Where They Will Reside

[110 words] (After an impassioned speech by Vice-President Joe Biden on Sept. 3, 2014) “Hell is where they will reside,”Is said of vile and violent men,By powerful heads who themselves divide,And seek to rule again. Hell was made for the father of lies,And all who follow his rebel path;The place where man eternally diesAnd feels…


[112 words] Yiddish is a fascinating language. Its words capture nuances other languages miss. One such word is chutzpah, loosely defined as “unmitigated gall.” Its meaning is better illustrated: A woman street vendor sold a delicacy for a quarter. One man gave her a quarter every day, but never took a cookie. After several years,…

Old Age

[107 words] A little boy asked his grandpa, “Grandpa, were you in the ark?” “No, I wasn’t Billy,” grandpa said. The perplexed little boy replied, “Then, why didn’t you drown?” Regardless of modem views, old age is not a disease! In fact, the Bible represents old age as an asset. The faithful aged person has…

The Wise May Bring Their Learning

[135 words] The wise may bring their learning,The rich may bring their wealth,And some may bring their greatness,And some bring strength and health;We, too, would bring our treasuresTo offer to the King;We have no wealth or learning;What shall we children bring? We’ll bring Him hearts that love Him;We’ll bring Him thankful praise,And young souls meekly…

Mind Garden

[19 words] Your mind is a garden,Your thoughts are the seeds.You can grow flowers,Or you can grow weeds…. We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your…

Taking the Heat

[93 words] In the early 1970’s the firefighters of Fairfax County, Virginia, received new helmets. They were sharp looking, colorful, size-adjustable, made of high-impact plastic, and scuff-resistant. There was only one problem with the helmets: when they were worn near the heat of a fire, they melted. This, of course, made them useless to firefighters;…

Don’t Forget to Use All Your Strength

[138 words] A father was watching his young son struggle to lift a heavy rock. The little fellow grunted and strained, but couldn’t move it. The father said, “Son, are you sure you are using all your strength?” The exhausted boy said, “Yes, I am!” The father replied, “No, you are not. You haven’t asked…


[74 words] The church spoken of in the Bibleis the product of the mind of God.It exists without man-made creedsor denominational structure.It is the church that belongs to Himby right of purchase.The church of Christ hereis striving to be that body.Our purpose is to reach the lostand bring people to a loving, committed,involved relationship with…

The Value of a Godly Grandparent

[119 words] Godly grandparents are an uncommon commodity. They share the one thing that each new generation needs—advice learned through experience. Few parents like to be told how to raise their child, but advice asked for and advice needed is two different things. When it comes to advice needed, godly grandparents need to do three…

Why I Go To Worship

[64 words] 1. I want to go, and I am wanted. 2. I need to go, and I am needed. 3. I had rather be there than anywhere else. 4. People will follow my example. 5. My soul is strengthened by the teaching. 6. My heart is warmed by the spiritual songs. 7. I am…

Dealing With Controversy

[86 words] A cartoon showed an old man in a rocking chair. As he rocked, loud squeaks could be heard. After several attempts to get rid of the squeaks, the angry man got his shotgun and blew the chair to splinters. In the final frame the old man is walking away, but the squeaks were…

Personal Responsibility

[119 words] Am I really responsible? If there were only two verses in scriptures, I believe this question would be answered. “No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will…

How Will You Sleep?

[80 words] You’ve probably been asked, “How did you sleep?” But what about, “How will you sleep?” when it comes to death. We can sleep peacefully in Jesus (1 Thessalonians 4:14) or we can sleep miserably in our own bed of spiritual failures only to wake up on the wrong side of eternity (Mark 13:34-37).…

Ask Not

[85 words] “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country!” This challenge, made famous during the Kennedy presidency, suggests a like principle that should guide every Christian’s attitude toward the church. We should be less concerned about what is being done for us and more attentive…

First Man in Space

[128 words] As a teenager, I remember a young Russian Cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin becoming the first man to enter space. This happened on April 12, 1961. I am sure he said many things while in space. But, the one thing I remember that he said on his fist trip around the earth is, “I can…

Encouragers in the New Testament

[59 words] Barnabas – “he was glad and encouraged them all” (Acts 11:23) Silas – “encouraged and strengthened the brothers” (Acts 15:32) Paul – “encouraged them with many words” (Acts 20:2) Tychicus – “that he may encourage your hearts” (Col. 4:8) Timothy – “to…encourage you concerning your faith” (1 Thess. 3:2) Us – “Therefore, encourage…

The Clock of Life

[78 words] The clock of life is wound but once,And no man has the powerTo tell just when the hands will stopAt late or early hour. To lose one’s wealth is sad indeed,To lose one’s health is more,To lose one’s soul is such a lossThat no man can restore. The present only is our own,So…

Sing And Be Happy

[103 words] A young boy complained to his father that most of the church hymns were boring to him–too far behind the times, boring tunes, meaningless words. His father put an end to the discussion when he said, “If you think you can write better hymns, then why don’t you?” The boy went to his…

Lorita’s Law

[119 words] I was once complaining in a class about the expensive cologne people gave me. I said I could smell the fragrance for a bit of time, but then it went away. One of our sweet ladies said no, it did not go away. I might not be smelling it, but those around me…

Fresh Fish for Sale Today

[131 words] A man starting in the fish business hung out a sign that read, “Fresh Fish for Sale Today” and invited his friends to the opening. They all congratulated him on his enterprise, but one suggested that his sign might be improved. He said, “Why the word ‘Today?’ Of course it’s today, not yesterday…

Turn About

[134 words] A soldier who was a Christian made it his practice to conclude every day with Bible reading and prayer. As his fellow soldiers gathered in the barrack and retired for the night, he would kneel by his bunk and offer prayers to the Lord. The other soldiers saw this and began to mock…

Your Final Sermon?

[100 words] Sadly, some people will decline the precious invitation,To follow Jesus Christ and obtain the gift of salvation.Few chances may be left for the Gospel to be heard,Or opportunities to repent and to obey God’s Word.There may be some that will walk out the church door,That won’t get to hear the Gospel preached anymore.Your…


[129 words] Years ago, King Charles V was loaned a large sum of money by a merchant. The note came due, but the King was bankrupt and unable to pay. The merchant gave a great banquet for the King. When all the guests were seated and before the food was brought in, the merchant had…

Why Do You Love the Bible?

[129 words] I was asked this question at one time. How would you answer it? Of course there are a variety of reasons to love the Word of God, but what would be on your list? Here are a few reasons that I love the Bible: 1. It teaches me how to be saved. 2.…

Did The Water Earn It For Them?

[112 words] Read Exodus 14. Now, did the use of water earn the children of Israel their freedom from Egyptian slavery? Read Exodus 30:17-21. Now, did the use of water earn the priests the right to serve within the Tabernacle? Read 2 Kings 5:1-14. Now, did the use of water earn Naaman his cleansing from…

Peace from Pain

  [36 words] When days are rough, and times seem tough, and we’re under pressure and strain; Trust the Lord, and obey His Word, and peace will come from the pain. Edd Sterchi Broadway church of Christ Campbellsville, KY… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are…

Where’s the Corpse? 

  [42 words] Bernard Ram wrote, “A thousand times over the centuries the death knell of the Bible has been sounded, the funeral procession formed, the flowers ordered, the inscription placed on the tombstone, and the eulogy written, but somehow the corpse never stays put.”… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and…

Three Tenses of Titus 2:11–13

  [41 words] 1. Past Tense: God’s Grace has appeared to all men (2:11). 2. Present Tense: God’s Grace instructs us to leave sin and live righteously (2:12). 3. Future Tense: God’s Grace causes us to look for Christ’s coming (2:13). Mark Posey via House to House, Heart to Heart… We are sorry, but this…

Spend Time With Your Kids!

  [96 words] In the diary of Brooks Adams is a note about a special day when he was eight years old. He wrote, “Went fishing with my father; the most glorious day of my life.” Through the next forty years, there were constant references to that day and the influence it had on his…

Now That’s Love!

  [93 words] Recently in Japan, a man and his nine-year-old daughter were caught in a terrible blizzard. Their car disabled, they began to walk to where they were going. As the storm intensified, the father wrapped his coat around his daughter and hunched over her against a concrete wall to shelter her from the…

Biblical Baptism Must Have’s

  [75 words] The Right Candidate: a penitent believer (Acts 2:38; 8:36). The Right Purpose: salvation, forgiveness (Mark 16:16). The Right Method: immersion (Acts 8:38; Romans 6:1–4). The Right Authority: into the name of Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). Some have the right authority and purpose, but miss the candidate and method.…

Power of the Scriptures

  [66 words] The story has been told of a South Sea islander who proudly displayed the Bible to a G.I. during World War II. “We’ve outgrown that sort of thing,” the soldier said. The native smiled back and said, “It’s a good thing we haven’t. If it were not for this Book, you’d have…

The Country of Jesus of Nazareth

  [138 words] Palestine in the first century was less prosperous than some other regions, but Josephus tries to present the country as quite prosperous. He accurately depicts the Jewish population there as primarily engaged in agriculture: “Ours is not a maritime country, neither commerce nor the intercourse with the outside world has any attraction…

How to Remember How Many Books Are in the Bible

  [40 words] How many letters in the word “Old?” — 3 How many letters in the word “Testament?” — 9 There are 39 books in the Old Testament. Multiply 3 x 9 and you get 27. There are 27 books in the New Testament. via Findlay church of Christ Sparta, TN… We are sorry,…

God’s Beautiful World

  [144 words] God made a beautiful, perfect world and made people to dwell in it. Everything was good and God was pleased with them. He would walk and talk with these people in the cool of the evening. Sin (the Devil) found his way into the people. God could no longer stand to walk…

Do It Well!

[104 words] Amateur, haphazard, slipshod, hit-and-miss, inattentive, incomplete, mediocre, shallow, skill-less, unskillful, wanting. All these adjectives are ones we use to describe things that are done but not done well. It’s an attitude that is far too common today. We settle for what is easy, normal, the status quo. But was this the example of…

Never Enough

  [140 words] Someone asked John D. Rockefeller, the richest man of his time, how much money is enough? He replied, “Just a little bit more.” Lots of people have that problem. We think if could just make a little more, we would be set. But when we get that little more, it isn’t too…

More Beautiful Than We Imagined

  [152 words] “Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is” (1 John 3:2). A young man who had been blind since he was…

Faith Followed by Obedience

[117 words] If Noah had lived by today’s religious standard, he would have said, “Lord I believe you but you are asking too much, I don’t really need an ark.” Abraham would have said, “Lord, I have great faith in you, but I can do just as much good by staying here in Ur.” The…

What is the Message of the Church?

  [74 words] Using an acrostic of the word “church,” we can clearly see that the church is to have an important message in everything she does: Christ Has Undoubtedly Risen Creating Hope Because of this, we should desire to worship, work, and walk the way the Lord desires! Because of this, we should tell…

I Am the New Year

  [116 words] I AM THE NEW YEAR. I am unused, unspotted, without blemish. I stretch before you three hundred and sixty-five days long. I will present each day in its turn, a new leaf in the book of life for you to place upon it your imprint. I AM THE NEW YEAR. Each hour…

It Doesn’t Take Much

  [88 words] Years ago a little girl handed me a piece of paper with a brief note scribbled on it. I don’t remember the girl’s name, but I remember the message: “To you from _______. I love you.”  It was simple. It was direct. And, it was appreciated. What does it take to brighten…
Holding Hands while visiting

Thank God For Little Things

  [66 words] Thank You, God, for little things That often come our way The things we take for granted But don’t mention when we pray.  The unexpected courtesy, The thoughtful, kindly deed A hand reached out to help us In the time of sudden need. Oh, make us more aware, dear God, Of little…

Children Need Instruction

  [98 words] Proverbs shows the need for children to pay attention to instruction. Solomon admonishes his son to pay attention to his parents (Prov. 1:8-9), and to recognize the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Prov. 1:7). Children also need to be shown how to put those things into practice. The…

The Seven Pillars of Wisdom

[107 words] Proverbs 9:1 states, “Wisdom has built her house, She has hewn out her seven pillars.” What are these “seven pillars” of wisdom? Likely the reference is symbolical representing the fact that if we use godly wisdom properly, our lives will be complete. But it is interesting to note that James, in his epistle,…

The Perfect Creator

  [81 words] “The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters” (Genesis 1:2). Only God can start with nothing, and make something amazing! Beginning with a blank canvas, God created the spectacular world that…

The Church Exists to:

  [63 words] • Exalt God (Eph. 3:21). • Evangelize the world (Acts 14:25-28). • Endorse the truth (1 Tim. 3:15). • Edify the believers (Eph. 4:16). • Educate the uninformed (2 Tim. 2:2). • Equip the saints (Eph. 4:12). • Ease the burdens of the needy (2 Cor. 9:13). Are you doing your part…


  [24 words] We are found to find another; We are told to tell another; We are won to win another; We are saved to save another!… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address…

Ten Things You Should Never Do With Your Nose (Metaphorically Speaking)

  [108 words] • Look down it at somebody (the sin of pride). • Stick it into someone else’s business (the sin of meddling). • Pick it (the sin of self-destructive behavior). • Get it out of joint (the sin of anger). • Cut it off to spite your face (the sin of bitterness). • …

Psalm 119:97

  [83 words] There’s an old adage that says, “Familiarity breeds contempt.” That may hold true in some situations, but not when you’re discussing the law of God. Familiarity breeds love. It was because of the psalmist’s daily and day-long contemplation of God’s word that he could exclaim, “O how I love Your law!” And,…

The Inspiring Jesus

  [119 words] Socrates taught for 40 years, Plato for 50, Aristotle for 40, and Jesus for only 3-1/2 years. Yet the influence of Christ’s ministry infinitely transcends the impact left by the combined 130 years of teaching from these great philosophers. Jesus painted no pictures; yet some of the finest of Raphael, Michelangelo, and…

Thugs Long Gone

  [83 words] “God brings down rulers and turns them into nothing. They are like flowers freshly sprung up and starting to grow. But when God blows on them, they wilt and are carried off like straw in a storm” (Isaiah 40:23,24). Sennacherib, Nebuchadnezzar, Alexander, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin—thugs long gone. World rulers have terrifying power,…

Fussy Little Christians

  [121 words] Dr. Vance Havner has aptly described the present generation of Christians thus: “We are a generation of proud, fussy little Christians, experts but not examples. We know too much, or we think we do. We have heard all the preachers and read all the books. It is hard these days to be…

Freedom from Sin: Before or After?

  [105 words] Read Exodus 14:9-31 and 1 Corinthians 10:1-4. Now, when did Egypt lose their power over Israel? Before or after Israel was baptized into Moses? When did Israel find their freedom from bondage? Before or after they were baptized into Moses? How did Israel end up receiving their God-given freedom from slavery? By…

Why Christians are One in Christ

  [69 words] • We have the same Lord (Romans 10:12; Ephesians 4:5). • We were redeemed by the same blood (Ephesians 1:7). • We obeyed the same gospel (Romans 1:16; Galatians 1:6-9). • We were added to the same church (Acts 2:41,47). • We are heirs of the same promises (Acts 2:39). • We…

The Most Important One

  [95 words] It is said when the famous missionary, Dr. David Livingstone, started his trek across Africa, he had 73 books in three packs weighing 180 pounds. After the party had gone 300 miles, Livingstone was obliged to throw away some of the books because of the fatigue of those carrying the baggage. As…

Psalm 119:1

  [142 words] “How blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the LORD.” Some folks have been known to lament that there is little enjoyment in a life lived under the restrictions of biblical morality and teaching. The most enjoyable life, we’re told, is in a life without moral…

Psalm 119:18

  [74 words] Psalm 119:18 contains this petition: “Open my eyes, that I may behold wonderful things from Your law.” For some of us, reading the Bible has become dull, and consequently, unproductive. There may be any number of reasons why that tragedy has occurred. One may be that we have not saturated our Bible…

Psalm 119:23

  [83 words] Sometimes I allow the most insignificant things to get in the way of my study of God’s word. Perhaps you do, too. We play right into one of Satan’s traps when we do. Let us keep in mind daily the words expressed by the psalmist in 119:23, “Even though princes sit and…

Psalm 119:30

  [79 words] “I have chosen the faithful way; I have placed Your ordinances before me.” Life is a series of choices. One will not be faithful to God simply because his parents were, or because he wishes to be, or because he sits in a church building a few times a week. One can…

Psalm 119:37

  [110 words] “Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things, and revive me in your ways.” So much of what we choose to look at day after day is worthless when viewed from eternity’s perspective. When all has been said and done and we stand before the judgment bar of Christ, how much…

If I Went Shopping For a Dad

[97 words] If I went shopping for a dad,Here is what I’d buy:One who would always stopTo answer a little child’s “Why?” One who would always speak kindlyTo a little girl or boy.One who would give to othersA bit of sunshine and joy. I’d pick a dad that followedThe Bible’s Golden Rule,And one who went…

‘Get a Ph.D. in Knowing Me’

[124 words] It’s hard to believe, but there was a time other than today when higher education abounded yet so many remained ignorant of the simple principles of life – to be brutally honest, many such times have existed throughout history. Such a time even existed during the days of Jeremiah the prophet. Jeremiah preached…

Weakest Link

[107 words] There is an old saying that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. How true it is. And how true also is the saying when it is applied to the Lord’s church. The church is just as strong as its Weakest members. It’s as Well attended as the most unfaithful.…

Advice for Worship from Hebrews 10:22

[48 words] “let us draw near” — The obligation of worship. “ with a true heart” — The sincerity of worship. “in full assurance of faith” — The respect of worship. “having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience” — The humility of worship. “and our bodies washed with pure water” — The purity of…

The Best Things To Give

[45 words] – To a friend: loyalty- To an enemy: forgiveness- To a stranger: kindness- To your neighbor: peace- To your boss: service- To a child: good example- To your father: respect- To your mother: gratitude- To your spouse: devotion- To all men: charity- To God: your life Author Unknown… We are sorry, but this…

True Christianity

[42 words] True Christianity means: • SERVING, even when we are not being served. • LOVING, even when we may not be loved. • HELPING, even when we have not been helped. • GIVING, even when we have not received. • PLEASING, even if others do not please us. Author Unknown… We are sorry, but…

The Process to Success

[33 words] Put a dream in your headand desire on your heart,Make designs for successand don great hope from the start,Then do it with your handsin full, not in part! Edd SterchiCampbellsville, KY… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have…

Some Church ‘Involvement’ Issues

[86 words] • People who’d like to get involved, but aren’t sure how. • People who are involved, but aren’t sure how to involve others, or are reluctant to do so. • People who are responsible for involving others, but have little success finding dependable people. These issues are like the proverbial “elephant in the…

Ten Things to Avoid

[42 words] 1. Remorse over yesterday’s failure. 2. Anxiety over today’s problems. 3. Worry over tomorrow’s uncertainty. 4. Procrastination with one’s duty. 5. Resentment of someone’s success. 6. Criticism of a neighbor’s imperfections. 7. Hatred of another’s differences. 8. Impatience with youth’s inexperience. 9. Skepticism of our nation’s future. 10. Unbelief in God’s providence. via…

10 Reasons to Take Our Salvation Seriously

[46 words] Ten virgins (Matthew 25:1). Nine lepers (Luke 17:17). Eight survivors (2 Peter 2:5). Seven wicked spirits (Luke 11:26). Sixth seal (Revelation 6:12). Five yoke of oxen (Luke 14:19). Four winds (Matthew 24:1). Three barren years (Luke 13:7). Two masters (Matthew 6:24). One talent man (Matthew 25:28-30). May the Lord help us to count…

To What Length Would You Go?

[130 words] “This obscure family of ours was early in the Reformation, and continued Protestants through the resign of Queen Mary, when they were sometimes in danger of trouble on account of their zeal against popery. They had got an English Bible, and to conceal and secure it, it was fastened open with tapes under…

God Supplies the Raw Materials!

[81 words] A woman went into the grocery store to complain to the manager. “Something’s wrong with this flour you sold me,” she said. “It’s too tough. This morning I made biscuits with it and my husband could hardly eat them!” Sometimes folks get into this sort of position with God’s word. He has provided…

If You Wake Up in the Morning

[112 words] A life insurance salesman was unable to persuade a couple to purchase a policy. “I certainly don’t want to frighten you into a decision,” he said as he got up to leave. “Please sleep on it tonight, and if you wake up in the morning, let me know what you think.” Is this…

What the World Needs

[73 words] A little more kindnessand a little less greed;A little more givingand a little less need;A little more smileand a little less frown;A little less kickinga man when he’s down;A little more “we”and a little less “I”;A little more laughsand a little less cry;A little more flowerson the pathway of life;And fewer on gravesat…

Where Did God Go?

[122 words] Take a look around where you’re sitting and find five things that have blue in them. (Go ahead and do it). With a “blue” mindset, you’ll find that blue jumps out at you: a blue book on the table, a blue pillow on the couch, blue in the painting on the wall, and…

Ten Thoughts to Start the Day from Psalms 116 and 118

[158 words] 1. This is the day the Lord hath made: we will rejoice and be glad in it.2. I will praise thee; for thou hast heard me, and art become my salvation.3. The Lord is on my side; I will not fear; what can man do unto me?4. The Lord is my strength and…

How Do We Answer?

[49 words] God said in Isaiah 65: 1- “Here I am. Here I am.” Moses made excuses (Exodus 3 and 4). Gideon said, “Prove it” (Judges 6). Samuel responded, “Speak, for your servant hears” (1 Samuel 3:10). Many Jewish rulers believed but loved human praise more (John 12:42-43). Which brings up the question we began…

Brief Rules for Bible Study

1. Read it through (get something definite). 2. Write it down (mark your Bible). 3. Work it out (in daily life). 4. Pass it on (tell others). via Findlay church of Christ Sparta, TN… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register),…

Country Music Theology

[122 words] Many people, it seems, follow a “Country Music” Theology, rather than the Bible. “The Red Dirt Road,” for example, said, “I learned the path to Heaven is full of sinners and believers.” Really? Psalm 1:5 says “sinners” are not “in the congregation of the righteous;” Jesus said He “did not come to call…

Out of the Mouths of Babes

[108 words] A family is riding in the family car and an ad for a current movie comes on the radio. At the end of the advertisement comes the disclaimer, “Opens Friday in a theater near you! This film contains intense thematic material, graphic violence, nudity, strong sexual situations, drug content and coarse language. May…

Washed or Wet?

[73 words] Intentions make a difference between getting washed and getting wet (Matthew 3:7-9). Purpose makes a difference between getting washed and getting wet (Acts 19:1-5). The origin of the act makes a difference between getting washed and getting wet (Matthew 28:18-19). The result makes a difference between getting washed and getting wet (Acts 2:38).…

Anything for a Buck

[82 words] A bald man told a hair stylist that he had gone for a transplant, but he couldn’t stand the pain. He said, “I’ll give you $5,000 to make my hair look like yours.” The stylist said, ”No problem,” and she quickly shaved her head! We have to be careful that we don’t have…

Be Zealous for Good Works

[104 words] After bringing home their first baby from the hospital, a new mother thought her husband should try his hand at changing diapers. “I’m busy, I’ll do the next one,” he said, never looking up from the TV. The next time the baby was wet, the mother said, “Are you ready to change a…

What About the Unfit?

[114 words] The theory of evolution declares mankind is the result of the survival of the fittest. If this is so, then getting rid of the unfit is desirable. To conquer and exploit weaker people, businesses, or countries is simply the law of the jungle from which we evolved. Mercy killings, forced sterilization, and selective…

Who Will You Worship Sunday?

[89 words] The god of Ease? “Had a hard week, gotta rest some.” The god of Mammon? “Gotta get another dollar.” The god of Popularity? “Folks came, gotta stay with them.” The god of Pleasure? “Only day I have to hunt, fish or play.” The god of Self-Pride? “They do not do me right.” The…

How To Observe Thanksgiving

Count your blessings instead of your crosses. Count your gains instead of your losses. Count your joys instead of your woes. Count your friends instead of your foes. Count your smiles instead of your tears. Count your courage instead of your fears. Count your full years instead of your lean. Count your kind deeds instead…

Words of Wisdom

A man is only as good as what he loves. All the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single lovely action. One of the nice things about problems is that a good many of them do not exist except in our imaginations. To err is human; to blame it on someone else…