Food for the Soul

[293 words] Many find the teachings of God’s word distasteful. Unwilling to bring their lives into conformity with the will of God, they reject His teaching and follow after their own desires. The apostle Paul warns of such in 2 Timothy 4:3-4 where he writes, “For the time will come when they will not endure…

How Much Is Jesus Worth to You?

[279 words] “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field” (Matthew 13:44). Few things are as effective in opening up our billfolds or motivating us to pick…

Jesus is a Priest Forever

[354 words] Jesus is “a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek (Heb. 7:17). What does that even mean? Melchizedek is described earlier in the chapter as the “king of righteousness,” the “king of Salem,” and the “king of peace” (vs. 2). He is the one to whom Abraham paid tithes following his victory…

A Glimpse Into the Future

[372 words] The rapidity with which changes have taken place over the past several years leaves us longing for some sort of glimpse into the future. What will the financial markets look like in six months? What will be the political landscape a year from today? And, what about the spiritual and moral climate in…

Our Present Hope

[391 words] Many suffer from what might be called emotional paralysis. We are unable to function today because we either live in the past or are preoccupied with worry about the future. While we may regret mistakes of the past, we cannot make up for those mistakes by continually reliving them in our minds. Where…

The Grind

[457 words] “Back to the grind” is a transitional phrase bridging a brief or extended period of relaxation to the resumption of laborious or repetitive activity. Numerous studies have shown that taking breaks increases focus and productivity. Yet, experience teaches us that it can be difficult to get moving again after a period of rest.…

Acceptable Worship

[409 words] Religious people these days are clamoring for more exciting and appealing ways to conduct worship services. Lost in the shuffle is that fact that we do not determine what is acceptable worship. We merely recognize what God has authorized in His inspired word. Sadly enough, in an effort to attract larger crowds, some…