Reasons to Read the Bible Each Day

[322 words] There is no way to know all the challenges, trials, triumphs, and sorrows the year will bring. However, one thing is certain: you will have a better year if you read the Bible each day. The following are reasons to read the Bible each day: Read the Bible to increase your faith. “So…

The Unimportant Church Member

[335 words] Have you ever met a member of the church who was unimportant? You know the type—the one who says, “My presence in worship services is really not important. After all, I’m not a preacher, Bible class teacher, or a song leader.” Or someone might say, “I’m just a one-talent man. The service I…

Stephen and Cancel Culture

[381 words] Stephen was a man of tremendous courage who preached God’s Word with great boldness. On the occasion of Acts chapter 7, Stephen preached that he saw the heavens opened and Jesus standing at the right hand of God (Acts 7:56). In the audience that day were unbelieving Jews who rejected Christ. When they…

Did Alexander Campbell Start the Church of Christ?

[347 words] It is not uncommon for someone to affirm that Alexander Campbell started the church of Christ. Recently, a preacher on television taught this and, as a member of the church of Christ, I feel obligated to address this matter. Alexander Campbell was a prominent man who lived and worked during the days of…

Three Biblical New Year’s Resolutions

[440 words] It is time again to make New Year’s resolutions. Our lives will be blessed in the coming year as we keep these three biblical resolutions. Lose weight. After eating all those holiday season meals, many people resolve to start the New Year off by losing a few pounds. While losing weight may improve…

Understanding with the Heart

[385 words] He had been to a funeral during which he began thinking about the condition of his soul. He knew that he was lost and wanted to be saved. Now, sitting on the shoulder of the highway in his truck, sin-burdened and guilt-ridden, he looked up into the sky and began pouring out his…

A Sound Mind

[469 words] There is a real need for us to take care of our bodies. The Bible teaches that we are to “glorify God” in our bodies, and that we are to present our bodies as living sacrifices to God (1 Corinthians 6:20; Romans 12:1). Both of these passages enjoin upon us the responsibility to…

God’s Mirror

[360 words] Chances are good that you have looked at yourself in a mirror today. Usually, viewing our physical appearance is one of the first things we do after getting out of bed in the morning. We do this because we know there are some changes which need to be made. We need to brush…

Does Prayer Really Work?

[392 words] One of the great privileges of the Christian life is the opportunity to approach the heavenly Father in prayer. God’s people are encouraged to draw near to the Father’s heavenly throne with boldness, seeking help in time of need. Sometimes, Christians get discouraged and may wonder if prayer really works. One might say,…

Easy Overview of the New Testament

[339 words] It isn’t uncommon today to hear someone say that it is impossible to understand the Bible. It seems to me that this is a reflection on God. Is God not powerful enough, smart enough, and loving enough to give us a Book we can understand? Certainly, He is. The problem, therefore, when it…

Selfless Christianity

[414 words] True Christianity is selfless. The term selfless means “having no concern for self; unselfish.” The Scriptures teach that selfishness will prevent one from being a follower of Christ. Jesus said, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” (Matthew 16:24). Practicing self-denial…

I Have Made Peace with God

[431 words] There is nothing more important in life than having peace with God. There can be no assurance of salvation or hope of heaven without having peace with God. Therefore, we should all desire to have peace with our Maker. But how can we have such peace? The basic answer to the question is…

Cussing Coaches

[458 words] I have often thought about the challenges of coaching sports. Coaches are often scrutinized and criticized for the many tough decisions they make. I’m sure it is a difficult job. However, all jobs have pros and cons. Regardless of one’s occupation, there will be good days and days when we feel as if…

Casting Pearls Before Swine

[393 words] “Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you” (Matthew 7:6). Jesus made this statement in His great Sermon on the Mount. But what does this verse mean? Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus…

Renewing Your Mind

[458 words] “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and…

What Does Christmas Mean to You?

[440 words] Soon it will be Christmas day. To children, it seems that day will never come. They dream about their time off from school, the presents they hope to receive, and seeing family they may seldom see during the rest of the year. These are things that make Christmas special for children, but what…

God is Unchanging

[425 words] This world is full of changes. Yet, the God who created this world does not change. The Bible teaches that God is an eternal, timeless, changeless being. Consider the following passages: “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and…

I’ll Just Worship At Home

[468 words] Faithful Christians have a strong desire to attend worship services. To worship God is a commandment, but it is also a high, exalted privilege. Wonderful things happen during worship. God’s people teach and admonish one another (Colossians 3:16). We reflect on the death of our Lord (Luke 22:19). God is praised and adored…

When Christ is Your Life

[455 words] God has made great promises to those who live for Christ. Consider what Paul wrote about living for Christ: “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. But if I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labour: yet what I shall choose I wot not.…

Let Patience Work!

[416 words] The Christian life can be very challenging. Due to the many obstacles and trials Christians encounter, we need to “let patience work.” James wrote the following about the need to let patience work: “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith…

Leading Others Into Sin

[467 words] The Bible teaches that judgment day is coming. On this future and final day, we will stand before the judgment seat of Christ and give an account of the things we have done in our bodies (2 Corinthians 5:10). The Scriptures reveal that we will be judged individually and personally: “So then every…

In Everything Give Thanks

  [479 words] “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). This statement Paul wrote to the church of Thessalonica is one that should be applied to our lives daily. During the holiday season, there is an emphasis on the need for being…

What Can You Do for the Church?

[489 words] People often wonder what the church can do for them. It seems that everyone wants to be part of a large congregation that has immaculate facilities, lots of activities for the young and old, children of all ages, and a large contribution. When someone is looking for a congregation to attend, these may…

Mothers, the Lord, and Baseball

  [413 words] It is my good fortune in life to be blessed with a faithful Christian mother. My mother has blessed my life in more ways than I can count. Without her influence and godly example, I might not be a Christian or have a Christian family of my own. I will be forever…

Prayer Helps

The inspired apostle Paul affirmed that prayer helps. In writing to the church at Corinth, Paul described how there had been a time, in Asia, when he was in danger and facing the possibility of death (2 Corinthians 1:8). However, Paul was delivered from death by God and also by the prayers of the brethren…

Worrying and Precious Time

Time is a precious blessing not to be wasted. With each tick of the clock, the brief span of time we have in this world is passing. This is why Paul exhorts us to use our time wisely: “Redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:16). We should “number our days,” making the…

Do Not Wait For The Kingdom

A few weeks ago a couple of nice gentlemen associated with a religious denomination knocked at my door. After introducing themselves, they got to the point they wanted to discuss: the kingdom of Christ. They insisted that the kingdom would soon be established. It was a beautiful, sunny Saturday morning, and I had plans for…

When God Is Silent

[488 words] Those reading this article will likely agree that we should do what God says in his word. When God has given a commandment, those who love God will obey (I John 5:3). But how should we interpret God’s silence? In cases in which God has given no instruction, do we have the authority…