There are those who teach that it is not possible for human beings to live up to the standard of godliness that Christianity demands. The devil would like for us to accept that heresy so as to discourage us from even trying to live for God. Do we have certain propensities within us that prohibit a closer walk with God? Did our Creator make us with an in-built spiritual deficiency that makes it certain that we shall fail in our pursuit of holiness? Or, are there helps along the way that enable us to glorify the Savior? In the language of Romans 4:3 we sincerely ask: “What saith the Scriptures?” In the beauty of Psalms 119:76-80, we find some wonderful sources of consolation and joy. Take time to read this passage. From this we take comfort in the following: 1. God’s judgments are right. 2. God’s merciful kindness comforts. 3….