[222 words] “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” (Proverbs 15:1). When angry men from another tribe confronted Gideon about why he hadn’t waited for them for judgment on enemy leaders, he replied, “What have I accomplished compared to you?” In minimizing his own role and exalting theirs, Gideon avoided what could have been a terrible confrontation. So much can affect our words. Perhaps the tone of a stressed or bad day can leech through our words? Perhaps the state of our heart can overflow from our lips? Just being a product of this fallen world before we put on Christ in baptism will make our old habits of interact-ing with people surface during difficult times. Someone once said in prayer, “Father, so far today I haven’t angered anyone, gossiped, or lost my temper, but soon I’m getting out of bed and will need…