[165 words] Henry Winkler, (the Fonz), revealed some time ago that he did not know he had a learning problem until he was 31. It turns out he has dyslexia. Sadly, his dad at one time in childhood called him a “dumb dog.” I saw him on TV, and he still has difficulty. Every day he has to make out a schedule on his computer, but has to have the typed word above the monitor so he can type, or copy it. Understanding was a problem with many in Jesus’ time. Nicodemus lacked understanding. John 3:10. The disciples failed to understand at first. John 12:16. The Israelites did not understand. Matthew 13:13. And people today lack understanding. So, it is our job to help them understand. We need to talk about the gospel, salvation, Jesus, and the church in simple terms so that others can understand, remembering that some people…