[254 words] A few days ago John Wills and I were visiting Glennis Parker and he told us about a visit to the doctor. “The doctor gave me some new pills,” he said, “and I asked him what they were for.“ The doctor replied, “They will help you remember.” Glennis told the doctor, “I don’t know whether I will take them or not, there are some things I don’t want to remember!“ Glennis and the doctor had a good laugh, and so did John and I. Are you like that? Are there things in your past you do not want to remember? There were things in the life of the apostle Paul that he did not want to remember. He said, “Forgetting the things that are behind…I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13,14). Paul wanted to forget the…