[215 words] “Did you behave in worship?” asked a mother. “Yes ma’am,” answered her boy, “I even heard the lady behind me say, ‘I’ve never seen a child behave like that in all my life!’” We need to be careful how we interpret the word of another. Such is especially true with the Word of God. It is to be rightly divided, literally, “cut straight,” or handled properly (2 Timothy 2:15). Hopefully, the following suggestions will help us in this wonderful challenge. First, categorize what is read. Try to capture the purpose of the book. Is it history, poetry, biography, or prophecy? Second, organize what is read. Pay carefill attention to the context. Give notice to any “pivot terms” (i.e. therefore, for, in like manner). Third, evangelize when reading. The Bible is a book of redemption, penned for our salvation (2 Timothy 3:15-17; James 1:25). Study with eternity in mind….