Only What You Bring In

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“You don’t get much sunshine in here, do you?” remarked a woman to an elevator operator as she entered a large department store. “Only what you bring in,” replied the elevator operator. “Some folks carry enough sunshine around with them to light others up a bit,” she replied.

That’s really very true! We can take sunshine with us – a grateful word, an understanding look, a kind act of service into the life of another, a well-worded note, or a sincere greeting from a happy face.

All of us are aware of the dark, gloomy days in which we live. One writer put it this way, “Anyone who is looking for a problem just hasn’t been paying attention!” The cynic says, “There is no hope!” The atheist says, “There is no God!”

The Lord says, “Let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).

The powerful Christian’s life which I see, affirms a power that is greater than our problems. Each is a life reflecting the light of Jesus. Even while reading this article, you may be tired and a little “down in the dumps,” but remembering to bring some thoughtful sunshine into the life of another. The only sunshine that a lot of people will ever see will be what “YOU BRING IN!”

via Highland church of Christ
Poplar Bluff, MO

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