New Feature: Mark Articles as ‘Used’

In our continuing effort to make the Bulletin Digest website even more useful for our members, we have added the ability to mark articles as “used” so that you will not reuse them in your church bulletin in the future.

To use this feature, simply locate the button at the bottom of each article. It looks like this:

It will be green if it is set to “UNUSED.” If you click the button, it will turn red and say “USED.”

Also, the number on the left side of the button indicates how many users have marked the article as “USED.”

Although you would rarely want to do this, you can also clear all of your “USED” markings by clicking the “Clear All USED Marks” button on your membership home page.

We hope this feature will help you keep track of your article usage. In the next few days, we will also add the ability to “SAVE” articles so that you can remember which articles you would like to use in the future.

If you have any questions, or ideas for other features you’d like to see, use the Contact page to get in touch with us.

Thank you for using Bulletin Digest!

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