
  [454 words] We’ve all heard the story of the preacher who was asked, “What are you preaching on Sunday?” He responded, “Sin.” The querist retorted, “Well are you fer or agin it?” It seems sin is a taboo topic in our world today. The politically correct movement wants us to use words like “illness,” “mistakes,” “misguided” or some other term that will not make someone feel guilty or responsible for sin. However, sin is an important subject and it is dealt with through out the Bible. We need to be warned of sin’s danger. We kneed to understand its consequence. We should remind people the price paid for it. The entirety of Scripture surrounds God’s plan to redeem mankind from the penalty and problems of sin. Jesus gave His life because all accountable human beings have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory (Rom. 3:23). This problem of sin…

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