No Higher Calling

[297 words] James is one of my favorite books of the Bible. In the introduction, we learn a great lesson.  James tells us that he is a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. We have already learned something vastly significant. James lived to serve God and Christ. There is no greater vocation…


  [454 words] We’ve all heard the story of the preacher who was asked, “What are you preaching on Sunday?” He responded, “Sin.” The querist retorted, “Well are you fer or agin it?” It seems sin is a taboo topic in our world today. The politically correct movement wants us to use words like “illness,”…

Am I Glad To Be In God’s House?

Recently in our worship on Sunday evening, I listened to a prayer of a senior saint asking God to help us come to a time when our attendance was equal at all services. It’s been a while since I heard such a prayer and desire expressed before the Father. Why is there such a disparity?…