[349 words] Paul gave some sage advice, yes a divine commandment, when he said, “Do not think more highly of yourself than you ought to think” (see Romans 12:3). There are two things to keep in mind here: (1) one should not think more lowly of himself than he should-this is a false humility that overlooks one’s strengths and abilities; and (2) neither should one think more highly of himself than he should-this is pride that causes one to look down on others and alienates from God (see James 5:5). The proud are the spiritually elite who exalt themselves in their own eyes. They are those who have the attitude, “If you only knew as much as I know, you would think and feel as I do.” This attitude causes one to look down on others and to pity them for being unspiritual. This attitude is divisive because it pushes…