[431 words] Curiosity is an exciting aspect of life. Parents love to see their children explore and discover their world. Likewise, teachers enjoy seeing students come to class with curiosity and a hunger for learning. Curiosity about the Bible is expected and natural as well. Who can help but be moved to seek answers to questions about a book that claims to be “God-breathed” (2 Timothy 3:16,17)? As is the case with curiosity in general, curiosity about the Bible has healthy and unhealthy aspects. Let’s think about those for just a few minutes. Healthy curiosity about the Bible… • Can lead us to read the Bible, to seek to know the will and mind of God (Isaiah 55:8, 9; 1 Corinthians 2:13; Philippians 2:5). A person who wants to follow God will first want to know what God is like, and then discover how that desire to follow him can…