God Made It Simple

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The church belongs to God; his by right of purchase; costing him the death of his beloved Son. Since the church belongs to God, it is logically called “the church of God” (1 Cor. 1:2). Since Christ promised to build his church, and paid full price for her with his own blood (Acts 20:28), collectively the congregations of his church can rightfully be referred to as “the churches of Christ” (Rom. 16:16); makes perfect sense. These designations, among others in Scripture, honor and glorify God and his Son. Everyone should be able to embrace these scriptural descriptions and be satisfied with God’s choice of terms for his church; simple enough it would seem.

It is ludicrous for men to complicate the matter by establishing their own churches, giving them unbiblical, unscriptural, unwarranted, and unauthorized names, which not everyone can accept and embrace. Such is divisive, disruptive, and denominational. One looks in vain to find those churches in the Bible. Men, tragically, are guilty of complicating and confusing the matter by doing their own thing. God’s way is clear, best, and communicated in the Bible. Why would men choose to do anything different from God’s prescribed way? As someone said, “Man spoils everything.”

In his wisdom, God made things refreshingly simple:

Salvation. Jesus commands penitent sinners to believe in him and be baptized (immersed, buried) in water in order to obtain forgiveness of sins (Mk. 16:16; Acts 2:38). It’s a simple plan, and sufficient water is available worldwide making it possible to comply with the divine requirements.

Lord’s Supper. A simple meal which commemorates and proclaims the death of our Lord (1 Cor. 11:26), consisting of unleavened bread and fruit of the vine; two elements easily obtained throughout the world. God made it simple so saints everywhere can eat the memorial feast each week.

Singing. Worship using the human voice, accompanied by the most natural and the most readily available musical instrument known to man, the human heart. God instructs Christians to sing, “making melody in your heart to the Lord” (Eph. 5:19). Early Christians did it this way for several centuries, until the unauthorized innovations of men spoiled its purity and simplicity.

Organization. The church is structured very simply; Christ is head; elders shepherd autonomous local congregation of deacons, teachers, evangelists, and serving saints.

God made it simple. Man spoils everything.

James Cudd
Hinton Church of Christ
Hinton, OK

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