[177 words] “Now the tax collectors and the sinners were coming near Him to listen to Him. Both the Pharisees and the scribes began to grumble, saying, ‘This man receives sinners and eats with them'” (Lk 15:1-2). A.T. Robertson comments that there was a yawning chasm between these two groups. The Pharisees were grumbling, and the expression, “this man,” is a contemptuous sneer, followed by “and eats with them.”You can feel the disdain, disgust and distance in their words. Here’s a few principles to note: • Sinners are drawn to Jesus’ words. Let us use them to do the same. • Let us not separate ourselves so far from sinners so as to create a deep chasm. • Let us not think we are socially superior to the lost. Jesus did not behave that way. • Jesus received sinners. He did not tum them away. • Jesus still receives sinners…