[232 words] Someone once noted that there are two kinds of people in this world: those who say “whatever” and those who say, “whatever it takes.” “Whatever” is the response of the shrug. It is a “who cares?” attitude, one of indifference and apathy. “Whatever it takes” is the response of the committed. It is a “can do” attitude, one that is optimistic and refuses to give up or give in. Think about those two responses when it comes to some of the commands Christians are given in the Scriptures. We are admonished to avoid sin and pursue holiness (2 Tim. 2:22). “Whatever,” is the reply of most. We are told to love our neighbors (Matt. 22:39). “Whatever,” many respond. We are directed to help the needy (Eph. 4:28). “Whatever,” is the cynical reaction. We are instructed to fellowship with the brethren (Heb. 10:24-25). “Whatever,” some say. Jesus said to…