On the Lighter Side (April 2019)

[187 words]

Spring Funnies

Q: Does February like March?
A: No, but April May

Q: When do monkeys fall from the sky?
A: During APE-ril showers

Q: What season is it best to go on a trampoline?
A: Spring time

Q: What do you call a rabbit with flees?
A: Bugs Bunny

Q: What goes up when the rain goes down?
A: Umbrellas

Q: What month of the year is the shortest?
A: May (only 3 letters)

Q: Name a bow that can’t be tied.
A: A rainbow

Q: What’s Irish and comes out in Spring?
A: Paddy O’Furniture

Q: Why did Cinderella get kicked off the baseball team?
A: She always ran away from the ball.

Q: Why was the bee mad?
A: You’d be mad too if someone stole your honey.

Out of This World Worm

Little Eddie and his father were digging for fishing bait in the garden. Uncovering a many-legged creature, Eddie proudly dangled it before his dad.

“No, son, that won’t do for bait,” he said. “It’s not an earthworm.”

“It’s not?” Eddie asked, his eyes wide. “What planet is it from?”

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