[541 words] Adam Lanza (Sandy Hook Elementary shooter) and William Spengler (Webster, N,Y. shooter), names we’ve become quite familiar with in recent weeks, were men who’II be remembered as was Cain. I thought it appropriate to share some thoughts surrounding the first recorded shedding of innocent blood, Cain killing his brother Abel (Gen. 4:1-15). Evil and violence has existed since the beginning of time. What can we learn from this story that will better equip us to handle and respond to present day atrocities? First, evil is present where God isn’t (Gen. 4:1-6). I’m not suggesting that God is not omnipresent, for we know that He is (Prov. 15:3; Mat. 28:20; Heb. 13:5-6). I am suggesting, however, that when man chooses to remove God and His Word from their life, evil (sin) will be present (Luke 15:11). Cain had obviously ignored God’s command for acceptable worship, choosing rather to do…