Were You Praying for Us?

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It has always been difficult for this writer to understand why half the membership of the body of Christ finds no Christian joy or spiritual satisfaction in mid-week Bible Study. During this period, we sing, pray, and study the Lord’s Book. We enjoy the spiritual presence of our heavenly Master and add another link to the beautiful chain of Christian fellowship. Wednesday Bible study is a vital ingredient in our Christianity.

At a recent service in which this writer was present, the person leading the prayer prayed not only for those who were present, but also for those absent from this mid-week Bible study hour. Concerning the latter group, he mentioned the ones who were sick and unable to be present. Another segment of the absentees came in for prayerful consideration. He prayed for the strengthening of those who were willfully absent. We appreciate this prayer. It was well-worded and sincerely sent to the heavenly throne of grace and mercy. 

A question yet lingers in our mind. How many of those who were willfully absent that night were praying for those of us who were at our worshipful post of duty? When you miss the worship of our God, do you pray for those of us who are seeking to keep alive His cause on the earth? Were you praying for us while we prayed for you? If you were, you soon will be with us, praying for those who willfully absent themselves from our mid-week Bible study hour of worship.

Robert R. Taylor, Jr.
Ripley, TN

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