[427 words] The past two months have drastically changed our thinking. If you don’t think so, go into a public place and start coughing and see the reactions (on second thought, don’t do that). There will always be a “BC” (before COVID) means of thinking, and there will now be an “AD” (after distancing) thinking. However, this new way of thinking causes me to think of the parallels between the mindset of a disciple of Jesus. Here are some comparisons to consider: There is no going back only going forward. It does no good to constantly live in the past. In fact, a person who lives in the past will find their present tainted and their future bleak. The Jewish Christians to whom Hebrews was written badly needed this reminder that what they had before them was far better than what they left behind them (Heb. 11:37-12:3). Old habits are…