A Punny Fall Q: Why did the lions move at the end of summer?A: Because the pride goeth before the fall! Did you hear about the tree who deserted the forest at the end of fall?He was absent without leaves! Q: Why do trees hate going back to school in the fall?A: Because they’re easily stumped! Q: What kind of coat should you wear in the fall?A: A har-vest! With all the pumpkins around, autumn is definitely the most gourd-geous season. Q: Who helps the small pumpkins cross the street at school?A: The crossing gourds. The Cold ShoulderAn elderly lady walked into a pet store, found a parrot and asked the owner if she could buy it. The owner said, “Heck no! That parrot has a bad mouth! Trust me, you do not want that parrot!” She said, “I can teach it good manners,” and she bought it. When she…