[421 words] It was a plethora! In fact, the two lead craftsmen of the tabernacle said that they had, “more than enough for doing the work of the Lord” (Ex. 36:5). What a statement to be made about God’s people. There was work to be done, there was a godly plan to be executed, and the people were right there with what was, “sufficient to do all the work, and more” (Ex. 36:5). How does that happen? The Lord committed a charge. Through Moses, God had commanded that His work for the tabernacle be made by man and approved by God (see Ex. 35:5-20). The God who could make water come from a rock surely could have made a gold vein appear in the same rock so it wouldn’t be a cost to His people. Yet, God commanded the people of His covenant to provide what was necessary for the…