[404 words] Recent destructive tornadoes in our country have caused me to think about how dangerous such storms are when they come in the dark of night. You can’t look outside and see them coming! When I was a kid, radar technology wasn’t anywhere near the quality we have today. White blobs on a black background may have told you rainclouds were present, but you didn’t know if there were dangerous storms in those blobs. Today, of course, we have Doppler radar which makes it much easier to see rotating storms, but there is still danger in the night when people are asleep or otherwise not paying attention. Spiritually, there is great danger in the darkness, as well. In the obscurity of shadows, we might fall victim to many things: Unseen Obstacles. “The way of the wicked is like darkness; They do not know what makes them stumble” (Prov. 4:19)….