Promises to Make to Your Child

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There are some very interesting promises that God, as our heavenly Father, has made to each of us. And since He has made such promises to us, we as parents ought to use them as an example of the promises we should make to our children all through their lives.

I promise to be there for you. God promised Jacob to always be with him (Genesis 28:15). That promise continues to all Christians today (Matthew 28:20). We should promise to always give our children the emotional support they need.

I promise to comfort you when you need it. God has promised comfort to His children (2 Corinthians 1:3-4). We should always be available when our children need a shoulder to cry on, an arm to lean on, or a heart to tug on.

I promise to love you unconditionally. God loved us even while we were still sinners (Romans 5:8). Our children must always know that we love them regardless of what happens in their life.

I promise to listen to you. One of the great things about God is that He is always willing for us to talk to Him (Psalm 34:15). We should be no less as a parent. We should always want to hear what our children have to say. Their words and opinions must be important to us.

I promise to forgive you. When God makes such a promise, He not only forgives the sin, He remembers it no more (Jeremiah 31:34). Our children need to know that when they come admitting their mistakes, we will always be there with open hearts and arms to forgive anything and everything.

Make and keep these promises to your children and you will always have a godly home.

Edd Sterchi
Broadway church of Christ
Campbellsville, KY

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