[230 words] Last week when entering the church building we were met with an all-too-familiar odor. Unfortunately, some of us know firsthand just how bad a skunk can really smell. Whether you’ve encountered a skunk one-on-one or not, when you smell the distinctive odor produced by these little varmints, you can immediately identify it. If it smells like a skunk, then it probably is a skunk. Sin is like that. If some action or emotion feels like it could possibly be sinful, then there’s a good chance that it probably is: If it feels like pride, then it probably is.If it sounds like gossip, then it probably is.If it seems to be petty, then it probably is.If it feels lukewarm, then it probably is.If it looks like it might be a sin. You get the idea. The Christian life is a constant growing experience and God want us to continue…