[415 words] The closest Jesus came to writing a book while on earth was when He stooped in the presence of the sinful woman’s accusers and scratched something in the dirt (John 8:6, 8). He was many things while on earth, but a writer was not one of them. That changed when Jesus returned to heaven. According to Revelation 1:1, Jesus sent a revelation back to earth from heaven. Revelation (apokalupsis) means “an uncovering,” so you could say He is a mystery writer. The book of Revelation is not only a revelation from Christ, but also a revelation about Christ. He is both the author and the subject. In that sense, the last book of the Bible is Christ’s autobiography. In it He is the Priest-King (chapter 1), the Judge of churches (2–3), the Creator (4), the Redeemer (5), the Conqueror (6–20), and the Bridegroom (21–22). It begins with a…