It’s Bean a Problem

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If you struggled in geometry, you may not like the name Pythagoras. However, he is an interesting fellow. Now it is hard to separate the myths from the facts when it comes to the ancient Greek philosopher, but his influence, not only in math, but in science, music, ethics, and religion are remarkable.

Yet the oddest tale about him may be in his death. As one legend goes, a group of slighted individuals worried Pythagoras might become a tyranny set his residence afire to kill him. He was able to flee but was caught by the pursuers when he refused to cross a bean field.

You see Pythagoras really hated beans.

He had lots of reasons. He didn’t like their shape. He didn’t like what they did to his stomach. He said they caused one to have bad dreams. He didn’t like they were used by the oligarchy in voting. So, he forbade his followers from eating them. And when it meant his death, he refused to cross a field of them. I guess it is sort of noble accept death rather than violate your principles but when the principle is so silly, well it makes your actions seem rather foolish.

Ever hear the question, “Is this a hill you are willing to die on?” The purpose of the question is for us to examine if the fight we are about to take on is worth it. Some things are worth giving up all for. Some things are not.

And we need to know the difference. 

Matters of opinion are not worth dying over. Matters of truth are worth standing for. Make sure the principle you are standing for is really worth a hill of beans.

Barry Haynes
Hope church of Christ
Hope, AR

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