What is the ‘One Baptism’ in Ephesians 4:5?

[425 words] There are several baptisms mentioned in the New Testament: John’s baptism (Luke 3:16), baptism of the Holy Spirit (Luke 3:16), baptism of fire (Matthew 3:11), and the baptism of the great commission (Acts 8:36-39). But Ephesians 4:5 says there is one baptism. Which of these is the one baptism in Ephesians 4:5? John’s baptism was in water for the forgiveness of sins. It was limited in that it would only last until Christ should die on the cross (Mark 1:4; Acts 19:3-5). Jesus promised Holy Spirit baptism to the apostles (John 16:13; Acts 2:1-4). There’s no record of it being received by members of the church in general. The baptism of fire is reserved to punish the wicked at the end of time (Matthew 3:11-12; Revelation 20:11-15). No one wants this baptism! Water baptism (Christ’s baptism) was to be administered by the disciples to all sinners who had…

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