Honoring Dad

[257 words] If you’re a father, today you might get another “interesting” tie or a wild t-shirt. Or your kids might do something for you to help you feel like something special. Soak it all in, because you deserve it and it’s good for your children to honor you.  But as you’re celebrating, don’t forget that you’re also a son, and it’s good for you to honor your father. There is something in us, written on our hearts, that says, “‘Honor your father and mother’—which is the first commandment with a promise—‘that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth’” (Ephesians 6:3-4). In this passage, the apostle Paul is quoting from the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament (Exodus 20:12).  For all of us, whether young or old, your father deserves your honor and appreciation for all he means to you. We…

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