[332 words] As God anticipated, the people of Israel would one day ask for a king. God spoke this prophecy by Moses in Deuteronomy 17:18-20. One of the most notable commands, and the one that Moses centers on in this passage, was the responsibility of each king of God’s people to make his own copy of the scriptures. Here is what he was responsible for: He was to write for himself a copy. In the simple act of copying word for word all of the commandments, statutes, precepts, and laws of God was a humbling reminder that if he held to them, he and his kingdom would be blessed. If he forgot, neglected, or disobeyed, the curses of God’s word would come upon him and upon the people he ruled (Deut. 28-29). He was to cherish it. It was to be with him at all times (Deut. 17:19). The law…