Showing Honor to the Son

[472 words] Jesus’ ministry was known as a ministry of many things. It was a ministry of healing (spiritual and physical), teaching and preaching, redemption, justification, reconciliation and suffering. But it was also a ministry of controversy. Why was Jesus’ ministry so controversial? While there are many reasons for such, the following will provide some…

What Are You Talking About?

[483 words] So, what are the last words you say when you are leaving others? I find myself often ending a phone conversation with family members by saying, “Goodbye, I love you.” Those words are not just meaningless words, but are intended to remind those who are so precious to me that I cherish them.…

Even Dirt Gets to Rest

[486 words] We are busy! It doesn’t matter whether young or old, employed or retired, there is a lot going on in our lives. Sometimes, we can feel overwhelmed and on the brink of burn out but just keep going on. Before that happens, or if that is how you feel right now, consider these…

A New Tomorrow By the Power of God

[443 words] In a dream our minds create as we go. Landscapes, people, everyday objects…all these are made in an instant. Granted, they are imaginary, but have you ever considered how impressive that is? Sometimes what your mind makes is so convincing that, upon waking, it takes you a couple of seconds to realize that…

Some Things Cannot Be Changed

[474 words] Some time back the writer was getting a bulletin ready to print at the West Concord Church of Christ. He was using John Priola’s name for some announcement. The computer did not recognize the name Priola, and it suggested changing the spelling to one of the following: Preload, Oriole, Pergola, Premolar, Portola, Prolix,…

Ten Things to Do When People Make Mistakes

[481 words] “Nobody’s perfect!” You’ve heard it. You’ve thought it. You’ve probably said it. Unfortunately, we seem to often find ourselves on the receiving end of the imperfection. Sometimes the mistakes are not that big of a deal—putting pickles on a plain burger or calling you by the wrong name. Other times the mistakes are…

A Tough Parable

[498 words] Most of Jesus’ parables are easily understood; they cut straight to the heart of his point. For example, the message of the parable of the wise and foolish builders (Matthew 7:24-27) is simple and clear: foolish people hear only, while the wise ones hear and do. But a few of Jesus’ parables leave…

People Like Us

[448 words] We believe the book of First Peter was written about 30 years after the time of Jesus. The people to whom Peter wrote were a lot like us. They were people who had to base their faith on what they were told by preachers, like the apostles, and what they could read in…

Life is Not Fair

[498 words] How many times in your life have you felt or expressed your frustration that life is not fair? Probably every parent has heard these words groaned with varying degrees of grief from their children. God has heard these words many many times, even from adults. Usually these are the words of pain or…

Race Relations and God’s Design

[426 words] Racism is a problem that is ongoing, not only in America 2022, but has been for thousands of years. Wasn’t it, in part, racism that Pharaoh’s wife accused Joseph of impropriety (Gen. 39:17)? Wasn’t it, in part, racism that kept Jonah from wanting to preach to those horrible Assyrians? Wasn’t it racism that…

The Curse Of Emptiness

[437 words] T. S. Eliot, in a famous poem, characterized the men and women of this age as hollow beings whose lives proclaim: We are the hollow menWe are the empty menLeaning togetherHeadpiece filled with straw. Alas!Our dried voices, whenWe whisper togetherAre quiet and meaninglessAs wind in dry grassOr rats’ feet over broken glassIn our…

Renewing Your Mind

[458 words] “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and…

The Victor’s Crown

[441 words] God has promised us many wonderful blessings in His word. The grandest blessings are reserved for those who are faithful to Him unto the very end. One of these grand blessings is the crown of life. This was the promise to the church at Smyrna who was suffering and would suffer even greater…

The Devil’s Sinkhole

[424 words] In 1983 the residents of a Florida apartment building awoke to a terrifying sight outside their windows. The ground beneath the street in front of their apartment building had literally collapsed, creating a massive depression that Floridians call a sinkhole. Tumbling into the ever-deepening pit were automobiles, sidewalks, and lawn furniture. The apartment…

The One Thing Worse Than Being Lost

[404 words] When you read the title, you probably said to yourself, “What could possibly be worse than being lost?” Good question. Here is the answer: Being Lost Again! One of the great themes of the epistle of 2 Peter is faithful Christian living. Peter himself knew how easy it is to fall from a…

What We Believe

[448 words] One of the most misunderstood religious subjects pertains to whether or not the Christian today is under any law from God. This confusion may be eliminated, however, by realizing that the Christian is not under the Law of Moses but rather the Law of Christ. The Law of Moses, which encompasses most of…

Truth Shapes Conscience

[448 words] Paul, looking intently at the Council, said, “Brethren, I have lived my life with a perfectly good conscience before God up to this day” (Acts 23:1). In the Bible’s account of his life, Paul—earlier known as Saul—is as close to “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” as anyone you will find. The evil Mr.…

Do You Study Your Bible?

[489 words] The importance of Bible Study cannot be overstated. The Bible is abounding with statements of the importance of Bible knowledge, and knowledge can only come as a result of diligent Bible study. Notice the following verses: We Are To Grow In Knowledge. “But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord…


[448 words] From the time of the first sin in Genesis 3 when Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden fruit, people have continually separated themselves from God by transgressing His law. God is Holy (1 Peter 1:16), that is, He is separate from sin, so when I defile myself by committing sin I create…


[460 words] Are you righteous? The word “righteous” (dikaios) appears 79 times in the New Testament. I offer this composite from a study of the original word: (a) a righteous person is one who fulfills his duty toward God and men, (b) a righteous person is one who observes divine and human laws, (c) a…

Commands from Christ are Not Optional

[420 words] I recently received a daily devotional email sample from a denominational organization hoping I would be interested in signing up. After the devotional, they answered a question. The question was: “Can you go to heaven if you trust Jesus as your Lord and Savior but you are not yet baptized?” They began their…

On Perseverance and Giving Up

[435 words] Everyone gets tired from time to time. Often tiredness leads to exhaustion. When exhaustion is full and there’s still work to be done, it can lead to burnout. With burnout comes an increased distance from job or family responsibilities, negativity, cynicism, and an abiding feeling of needful change. The thought is that if…

Water Cycle

[439 words] In modern times we often want to think that science has all the answers, that they have figured everything out. Science is making great strides in our understanding of the world around us and we think we are getting to know and understand our world in ways that ancient people never could have.…

The Mechanics of Daily Bible Reading

[496 words] We have been devoting time recently to the subject of daily Bible reading, considering both the benefits and the goals of spending time each day in the word of God. Let us consider the mechanics of daily Bible reading. What are some practical tips that can help us to read God’s word each…

One Bucket at a Time?

[460 words] “I only have to attend one service each week to be pleasing to God!” Have you heard this before? Perhaps not in these words, but the sentiment is certainly expressed on occasion, whatever words are used. Is it true? Not with the attitude that is seemingly conveyed with the remark (as written above).…

A Parent’s Example is Important

[445 words] When I was young, there was a cigarette commercial in which a father was sitting by a tree with his child. He lit a cigarette then set the cigarette package down on the ground. Immediately the small child picked up the package. The lesson was impressive. Little children are watching their parents. Not…

We Need a Light!

[404 words] Recent destructive tornadoes in our country have caused me to think about how dangerous such storms are when they come in the dark of night. You can’t look outside and see them coming! When I was a kid, radar technology wasn’t anywhere near the quality we have today. White blobs on a black…

Courageous Women

[476 words] Dennis Prager, in his commentary on Exodus, wrote about the few in this world’s history that can be truly called evil. In writing this, he wrote from the perspective of a moral society. But he made an interesting point that, I think, needs some additional attention. He said for evil to take root,…

God Isn’t Finished with You Yet

[423 words] For the conscientious Christian, weaknesses and failures can be particularly vexing. To put it bluntly and personally, I hate it when I fail to live up to God’s standard. It irritates me. I know that when it comes to sinners, the apostle Paul staked a claim to the moniker, “chief” (1 Tim. 1:15).…

Do You Have the Grace of Giving?

[417 words] In many of the letters in the New Testament we find examples of people being corrected and encouraged to repent of their sinful behavior. This even includes entire churches like those found in the book of Revelation chapter two and three. Very rarely do we see a person or church that is held…

What Are We to Do with Christmas?

[419 words] Christmas – what are we going to do with it? Some say, “We need to put Christ back into Christmas.” Others say, “Christ was never meant to be in Christmas.” Some celebrate it as a religious holiday. Other celebrate it as a secular holiday. Other do not celebrate it at all. What does…

Searching for Jesus

[462 words] One of the verses most heard at this time of year is found in Luke 2:11, “…for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” And as familiar as this verse is, the immediate reaction to the verse may be more important.…

Don’t Believe Everything You Think

[412 words] I admit a curiosity for bumper stickers. On occasion, one succinctly states a great truth or at least provokes reasonable thought. Once I stopped at a light, and the car in front of mine had the sticker, “Don’t believe everything you think!” The more I thought about it, that statement struck me as…

On Sale NOW!

[406 words] The holidays are almost over. Everyone will soon be settling back into a rhythm that will take most people through the remainder of the winter and through the first part of spring. However, every day I check my “junk email” account, I see hundreds of email subject lines from hundreds of different companies…

Are You a Part of the 5G Network?

[417 words] With a title like that, it sounds like I’m asking if you are a part of the latest cell phone technology, doesn’t it? The latest 5G cell phone network promises many things. In the church, we have a network that is designed by God Himself for the betterment of the kingdom and for…

Contemporary Worship

[441 words] “Unbelievable!” That is the only word to describe it! A brother expressed concern in one of our publications about the “have it your way” mentality of those advocating contemporary worship. He clearly articulated the inherent danger of putting the focus on us instead of upon God, thus seeking to please ourselves instead of…

Once Saved, Always Saved? What the Experts Say

[477 words] The “once saved, always saved” belief is very prevalent in the religious world today. It carries the idea that once one receives salvation they can never lose it no matter what they do or don’t do. But is it truly a Scriptural concept? Let’s go to the Bible and note what some inspired…

Outside Looking In

[432 words] A young girl stood alone, watching the other children play. She leaned against the window, trying to be unnoticed but watching intently while the rest of the kids laughed and held hands and talked excitedly. She shifted her weight back and forth. Her body language clearly said she wanted to be included in…

You Are of Your Father

[431 words] In the heartfelt book of John, Jesus has several confrontations with the Jews to prove to them His deity (John 8). The hardness of heart of these people broke the Savior’s heart as they claimed allegiance to God, to the things of God, and to God’s faithful servant, Abraham. However, Jesus cuts to…

Lord, Send Someone Else

[426 words] In the book of Judges, we read about a time when the nation of Israel was overrun with Midianites. They would rob God’s people of their harvest and do even more evil things to God’s people. Israel prayed and begged God to send a leader who would run the enemies out of their…

Do You Love Your Family?

[460 words] Being in a family is sometimes hard. Loving your family is sometimes harder. The Bible teaches that each of us that have become Christians have a new Father, a Father that is perfect and loves us. When we all have the same loving Father that makes us family. “See what great love the…

Neglect Nothing Lost

[473 words] I sort of kind of remember an episode from the Little House on the Prairie books. It was in the book about Laura’s future husband, Almanzo Wilder. In his childhood he once found a wallet lying on the ground, full of large amount of cash. If I remember right it was several hundred…


[436 words] “Now when Jesus was in Bethany, at the home of Simon the leper, a woman came to Him with an alabaster vial of very costly perfume, and she poured it upon His head as He reclined at the table. But the disciples were indignant when they saw this, and said, ‘Why this waste?…

Be Like God!

[404 words] The self-help industry has grown by leaps and bounds. Books, videos, podcasts, life coaches all claiming to teach you how to live and make your life better. I know that if you are like me, you have heard people complain about their lives. I hear complaints about how complex life is and how…

Who Do You Like More: Barnabas, or Ananias and Sapphira?

[426 words] My kids are into asking me who I like more in movies and literature (for example, Anakin Skywalker or Obi-Wan Kenobi; Harry or Hagrid, etc.). We ask questions like this and compare names occasionally, but usually it doesn’t involve a comparison of one who has a good reputation with someone who doesn’t. It’s…

The Bible Is Right!

[421 words] Willie Cato’s book, “His Hand and His Heart,” is about the wit and wisdom, dedication and sacrifice of the beloved Marshall Keeble. “Brother Keeble,” as he was affectionately known, was one of the greatest preachers of the 20th century. I highly recommend that you read about this great servant of God, listen to…

Concealed Carrier

[488 words] To get your concealed carry permit for a firearm in Kentucky, you can expect to undergo a background check, complete gun safety training, and pay a fee. There is a minimum age requirement, and there are other conditions to meet while holding a permit (which can be revoked or suspended). Did you know…

‘My Precioussss…’

[470 words]  Gollum/Smeagol is one of my favorite literary characters in Tolkien’s Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Gollum talks to himself obsessively over the One Ring—even after he loses it in the deep caverns of the Misty Mountains. He constantly seeks his “precious” ring which Baggins finds. While Peter writes some two thousand…

We Gather Together

[438 words] As a young teenager, I was introduced to the song, “We Gather Together.” Some of you may remember it as a song used to celebrate Thanksgiving. I never really gave it much thought until this week when it came to mind as I read a bulletin article on worship. I googled the song…

A Different Spirit

[403 words] At Kadesh Israel caught a terminal case of “the grasshopper complex” from the ten faithless spies. The reports of giants and walled cities blinded them to the greatness of God and deafened them to His promises. What a sad day in Israel’s history! Moses wrote, “we were like grasshoppers in our own sight,…

The Fear of the Lord

[419 words] I read a devotional thought earlier this week that made me stop to consider for a little while longer (Selah). It is a thought I have struggled with for a time now and a thought I share with you in the hopes that it will cause each of us to consider more deeply…

Stand Fast

[415 words] According to the American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms, the phrase “stand fast” means, “to be firm or unyielding.” It also reveals that: “This idiom, dating from the early 1600s, originally was applied to an army holding its territory against the enemy.” The phrase “stand fast” occurs in our English Bibles, as well. Actually…

You Are of Your Father

[453 words] In the heart-felt book of John, Jesus has several confrontations with the Jews of that day to prove to them His deity. Of note, the discussion in John 8 is particularly passionate. The hardness of heart of these people broke the Savior’s heart as they claimed allegiance to God, to the things of…

What’s Good About Guilt?

[440 words] Guilt is defined as “a feeling of responsibility or remorse for some offense, crime, wrong, etc.” What is good about this? When sin is committed and guilt follows, it could lead someone to repentance. It is good guilt that burdens the soul to the point that the need of a change is seen.…

Who Is Jesus?

[474 words] Divine names are extremely significant and packed full of meaning Men like Abraham, Jacob, Moses and David received a progressive revelation of the character of God by means of those names. B.F. Westcott once wrote, “Each name authoritatively given to God is, so to speak, a fresh and lasting revelation of his nature.…

Jesus Wants to Be Your Friend

[449 words] Abraham Lincoln is credited with saying, “The better part of one’s life consists of his friendships.” We all like to have friends, but having close friends is a great blessing. The reason for this is that in close friendships, we have companionship, sympathy, encouragement, support, acceptance, love, trust—the positive list goes on and…

I Don’t Care What the Bible Says

[472 words] I really do try to avoid watching the news on a regular basis. It seems to me more and more that each day is a repeat of the day before, and very little “good” news is reported. I also limit the “news” I see on social media, because it does very little in…

Share the Cup!

[413 words] In a land far away (as in it only exists in my own mind) a certain villager was given a cup. He was told by the old, bearded man who gave it to him that anyone who drinks from this cup would be made well from whatever afflicted them. Right after saying this…


[420 words] “…And remember, brethren, we are drifting.” With that ominous catchphrase, J.D. Tant closed the many articles he wrote in the early twentieth century for the Firm Foundation and for the Gospel Advocate. He also often used this warning to close sermons in gospel meetings. Tant was applying to his day the warning of…

A Heart like Paul’s

[452 words] “I am telling the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience testifies with me in the Holy Spirit, that I have great sorrow and unceasing grief in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were accursed, separated from Christ for the sake of my brethren, my kinsmen according to…

Who is the Greatest?

[437 words] “At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” And He called a child to Himself and set him before them,  and said, “Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven.…

Unshakeable Faith in the Immoveable Kingdom

[489 words] In the heat of the Civil War, Moses Lard penned this “Note to the Brotherhood” to encourage Christians: “More now than ever before in this country; do even Christians need to be placed completely under the influence of Christianity. In mind and heart they are deeply and painfully agitated. Christianity alone can tranquillize…

In Times of Trouble

[404 words] The days seem filled with trouble. Job said, “Man who is born of a woman is few of days and full of trouble” (Job 14:1). We have seen COVID-19 take the lives and good health away from loved ones and friends. Many homes and much property were destroyed by wildfires. We have seen…

Check Your Flight Pattern

[416 words] Ornithologists (those who study birds) tell us that birds navigate in the air one of three ways: 1) By flapping. This is very labor intensive. It requires that the birds continuously beat their wings against the air so as to create lift. But if the bird stops flapping, then it will very quickly…

Teach Your Children Well

[437 words] Last March when the pandemic reached our country, churches were instructed to limit gatherings to no more than 10 individuals. At the time, I was concerned that perhaps our government had overstepped their authority. My father-in-law and I had several conversations at that time discussing how this was all going to play out…

Accomplishing Your New Year’s Resolutions

[408 words] What New Year’s resolutions have you made? Most will have made ones that were designed to make their lives or the lives around them better. Such resolutions may include: losing weight, stopping a bad habit, exercising more, becoming more organized, or having a better attitude. Now, I’m not going to be sarcastic like…

To The End

[471 words] I was looking at a display in a Civil War Museum when I noticed an old letter. A Confederate soldier wrote the letter to his wife in August 1864. He mentioned some interesting things about the war and the times, but what really impressed me was how he closed the letter. I expected…

Craving Perspective in the Valley

[439 words] People in the valley often have little perspective on how big the mountains really are, how long the range is, or what is waiting on the other side. Isn’t it wonderful to know that whatever valleys life tries to shove us into, God has provided perspective we badly need, yes, even crave? What…


[439 words] I am a “detail” oriented person. As a music director, I spent much time paying attention to the smallest of details. At least, that is what most of my students thought. They always questioned the need to repeat a section of music, or the need to do a marching formation “one more time.”…

What Does Christmas Mean to You?

[440 words] Soon it will be Christmas day. To children, it seems that day will never come. They dream about their time off from school, the presents they hope to receive, and seeing family they may seldom see during the rest of the year. These are things that make Christmas special for children, but what…

They Gave Till They Heard ‘Stop Giving’

[421 words] It was a plethora! In fact, the two lead craftsmen of the tabernacle said that they had, “more than enough for doing the work of the Lord” (Ex. 36:5). What a statement to be made about God’s people. There was work to be done, there was a godly plan to be executed, and…

Who Sees You?

[467 words] Michael was a sculptor. At age 33, he was just starting to make his mark in the art world, working on a piece for the biggest art patron in the world. So when that patron asked him to switch projects from the one he had his heart set on and paint a fresco…

Your Example Matters

[426 words] It’s not just the doctrine, it’s the examples! While in the midst of the study of Daniel, we have been deep into the prophecies of chapters 7-12 for the last several weeks. The whole book reminds us of the chief doctrine, “God rules in the kingdoms of men” (4:17), but Daniel’s life (and…

Light for the Road Ahead

[496 words] Change is stressful. Our country is torn apart and the world seems turned upside down. The Bible is balm for our hearts in these troubled times. One book in particular shows us how to think as we adjust. It is the book of Ecclesiastes. Here are some verses that will give us peace…

God is Unchanging

[425 words] This world is full of changes. Yet, the God who created this world does not change. The Bible teaches that God is an eternal, timeless, changeless being. Consider the following passages: “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and…

Thorns in the Flesh

[460 words] We all have them. Those nagging thorns in the flesh. They come in different levels of severity, but they do come. Perhaps they are seen in the process of aging. We don’t like to deal with the changes our bodies and minds go through, but like it or not, it is a part…

Love Jumps In

[470 words] In the earthly, material realm, “love” and “hate” are defined according to the way of thinking that belongs to this world. That means both words are fluid in meaning. In other words, how love is defined today may or may not correspond to how another generation defines it. The same with the word…

Will Our Kids Tear Their Clothes?

[415 words] When I was a kid in the 70’s, tearing your clothes was a horrible event. A mother’s admonition was, “Don’t tear a hole in your jeans, or I’ll have to patch them!” It was an accidental, tragic thing, usually occurring due to a child’s negligence.  In Bible times, though, tearing one’s clothes was…

What Makes a Good Judge?

[412 words] Our nation is once again in the midst of controversy regarding the appointing of a Supreme Court justice. Those on the left and those on the right will wrangle and grapple through the process, each having their own opinions on what makes a good judge. But does the Bible have any guidance for…

Maturing in the Lord

[432 words] I enjoy doing the occasional woodworking project. It keeps my hands busy and allows extra time for thinking on life. To help improve my abilities in woodworking I subscribed to a wood magazine. I was excited to get my first issue and began the process of becoming a master craftsman! As I perused…

Fighting in Our Streets and God

[414 words] Nations reap what they sow just as individuals do. “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God” (Psa. 9:17). This happens partly because rebellion against God is by nature self-destructive and partly because God providentially intervenes to chastise evil societies. In terms of the latter, one of…

The Providence of God

[472 words] We often rehearse what God has done for us in centuries now past, and such is proper. God created the world, made man, provided our salvation though Christ, and established the church. We are thankful for these mighty works of the past. Yet, we must not ignore the fact that God is still…

Bulimic Christians

[433 words] A couple of weeks ago I shared some observations from the book Point Man by Steve Farrar. The specific observation was dealing with Christians who are starving (anorexic) due to a lack of time spent in reading God’s Word and in prayer. Mr. Farrar also observes that there are Christians battling spiritual bulimia.…

She Hath Done What She Could

[470 words] These words spoken by Jesus memorialize the actions of a woman who anointed his head with a very valuable ointment. Several denounced the apparent waste of this expensive item, saying that it should have been sold to help the poor. Jesus defended her with the words used in the title above, found in…

The Haste of the Hermandads

[438 words] In the 1100s, in an effort to protect travelers going from northern Spain over the Pyrenees to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia (Dogs of God, Reston, 50), a military force known as the hermandads (“the brotherhood”) was organized. Soon, these vigilantes spread across Spain and offered themselves as protectors of roads and merchants.…

Cutting Each Other Off

[419 words] Talk about going to extremes! A man in Maine took a Sawzall and cut his neighbor’s garage in half. Since part of the structure was on his property, Gabriel Brawn had a legal right to do it. The overlapping garage hadn’t been a problem for years, as his relationship with the previous neighbor…

Into His Marvelous Light

[444 words] “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Pet. 2:9). I was reading this passage the other day, and a word struck me that I had…

Thinking About a New Way of Thinking

[427 words] The past two months have drastically changed our thinking. If you don’t think so, go into a public place and start coughing and see the reactions (on second thought, don’t do that). There will always be a “BC” (before COVID) means of thinking, and there will now be an “AD” (after distancing) thinking.…

The Bus Ride

[402 words] Growing up I rode the bus to school. I can only remember one bus driver. Our school district must have been very desperate for drivers because there was a stop sign near the school which she ran over on a regular basis. One morning while I was on the bus, she turned a…

I’ll Just Worship At Home

[468 words] Faithful Christians have a strong desire to attend worship services. To worship God is a commandment, but it is also a high, exalted privilege. Wonderful things happen during worship. God’s people teach and admonish one another (Colossians 3:16). We reflect on the death of our Lord (Luke 22:19). God is praised and adored…

What I Have Learned from the Covid-19 Pandemic

[494 words] Covid-19 is like sin. Covid-19 has quickly spread around the globe, and although not everyone gets this virus dies, it has caused many deaths and has disrupted many lives. It reminds me a lot of sin, yet sin is far more dangerous. Rom. 3:23 states, “for all have sinned and fall short of…

When Christ is Your Life

[455 words] God has made great promises to those who live for Christ. Consider what Paul wrote about living for Christ: “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. But if I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labour: yet what I shall choose I wot not.…

A Real God Can Defend Himself

[469 words] A man named Gideon demolished an altar to Baal. As you can imagine Baal worshipers were not a huge fan of that action. People tend to take slights to their god very personally. Re-member what happen when the Ephesians accused Paul of making life difficult for their idol? They shouted for two hours…

Problem With Demons

[402 words] In Matthew 8:28-34 Jesus deals with legions of demons. They come running to Him: “And behold, they cried out, saying, “What do we have to do with You, Son of God? Have You come here to torment us before the time?” (Matthew 8:29).  We immediately see that they fully recognized Jesus as God’s Son. They knew His…

The Parable of the Sower

[452 words] Jesus explained to the disciples that He spoke in parables, “…because while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand” (Matthew 13:13). Parables were stories teaching practical lessons to those who wanted to hear and understand and to hide His message from those who were…

No Cheap Repentance

[423 words] Sin has a cost. That’s a concept we should be careful not to forget. If we do committing sin becomes much less of a big deal. (At least in our own minds). I think this is a reason why Israel’s law commanded a thief to give back more than he stole. Think about…

Take Time to Be Holy

[429 words] In this current crisis, some people are experiencing challenges using time wisely. Many people have time on their hands! But one benefit of this change is that our “no time” excuse for not devoting time to God has been taken away. While contemplating this thought, the old song, “Take Time to Be Holy”…

Eternal Spring

[405 words] Of all the seasons, I think I enjoy watching springtime come more than any of the others. After the long slumber of gloomy winter, it’s so wonderful seeing the earth awaken with the grass greening, trees budding, flowers blooming, busy birds flitting about, etc. Truly, spring is a time of rebirth, renewal, and…

The Destructive Nature of Selfishness

[428 words] “Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others” (Phil. 2:3-4). Two locations are widely recognized as the most likely spots for the resurrection of Jesus Christ. One, the…

What to Do With Treasures

[407 words] In one of Jesus’ parables a servant was handed a mina (a piece of valuable currency). There were clear instructions on what to do with it: “Put this money to work…until I come back” (Luke 19:13). Some of his fellow servants did a great job with this. They used what talent they have…