Carry the Weight

[238 words] It might seem Paul contradicts himself in just a few verses. In Galatians 6:2 He tells us to “Bear ye one another’s burdens”, then just three verses later he tells us to “every man shall bear his own burden” What gives? Well, a bit of understanding of the original text is in order.…

Why We Need Each Other

[323 words] The sole business of the church is souls. The church is souls in love with God and one another. The church is souls weeping and rejoicing together, laughing and praying together, eating and singing together. The church is souls looking upward, in praise, inward in penitence, outward in practice, and forward in promise.…

He Came

[435 words] It was toward the end of March in 2006. A tragedy took place in a small west Tennessee town. The news of the tragedy quickly spread through the town, across the state, and then throughout the nation. The various news networks in our nation reported the news of this unreal event near the…

Am I My Brother’s Keeper?

[327 words] We all know the story of Cain and Abel. From childhood, we learned the awful story of how Cain out of anger and jealousy killed his own brother. Cain was the world’s first murderer. He is one of most infamous villains in the history of the world. Yet there may be more of…