If I Went Shopping For a Dad

[97 words] If I went shopping for a dad,Here is what I’d buy:One who would always stopTo answer a little child’s “Why?” One who would always speak kindlyTo a little girl or boy.One who would give to othersA bit of sunshine and joy. I’d pick a dad that followedThe Bible’s Golden Rule,And one who went…

The Process to Success

[33 words] Put a dream in your headand desire on your heart,Make designs for successand don great hope from the start,Then do it with your handsin full, not in part! Edd SterchiCampbellsville, KY… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have…

The Time is Now

[105 words] If you are ever going to love me, Love me now, while I can know The sweet and tender feelings Which from true affection flow. Love me now While I am living. Do not wait until I’m gone And then have it chiseled in marble, Sweet words on ice-cold stone. If you have…

What the World Needs

[73 words] A little more kindnessand a little less greed;A little more givingand a little less need;A little more smileand a little less frown;A little less kickinga man when he’s down;A little more “we”and a little less “I”;A little more laughsand a little less cry;A little more flowerson the pathway of life;And fewer on gravesat…

A New Year with The Lord

[133 words] A new year is about to unfold,With new opportunities to explore.Doors will open for new experiences,New adventures with the Lord.Remember not the former things,The things of this past year.The Lord will do new things in us,Much more than we are aware.For He will make a way for us,As we put our trust in…

Our Creator

[112 words] With various shapes and colorsOf flowers, trees, and birds,To say there is no GodIs really quite absurd. Try to count the stars,The number quickly mounts;God, however, does it,The many stars He counts.(Psalm 147:4) The hair that’s on your head,How many strands are there?Your God is one who knows,He can count every hair.(Matthew 10:30)…

Somebody Else

[112 words] There’s a clever young guy named Somebody Else, There’s nothing this guy can’t do. He is busy from morning till way late at night, Just substituting for you. You’re asked to do this or you’re asked to do that, And what is your ready reply? “Get Somebody Else to do that job, He’ll…

Take Note

[132 words] Lying at your side, perhaps, Or living right next door, Or working at the desk across The company’s polished floor; Seated next to you and riding On the city bus, Or walking in the city park And making nary a fuss; Hidden from view, a smarting hurt Behind the checker’s smile, Or a…

How To Observe Thanksgiving

Count your blessings instead of your crosses. Count your gains instead of your losses. Count your joys instead of your woes. Count your friends instead of your foes. Count your smiles instead of your tears. Count your courage instead of your fears. Count your full years instead of your lean. Count your kind deeds instead…

Harvest of the Heart at Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is the harvest of the heart After the fruit and grain are stored away. The quiet season of remembering, The moment when we pause to praise and pray…. We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your…

Behind Me

I’m gonna lay down all of this life’s burdens And I’m gonna lay down all of this life’s cares, Yes I’m gonna leave them all far behind me When I reach that Lovely Country over There! I’m gonna leave all my frowns behind me And I’m gonna have a heart that never breaks; The Lord’s…

God Cares

When all the world seems to forsake you, And there’s chaos in all your affairs; When you’re blue, disappointed and lonely, Of one thing be certain… God Cares! When your plans and your dreams come to nothing, And your troubles show up in pairs, That’s the time to use your last ounce of faith And…

Good Advice

In the blink of an eyeEverything can change.So forgive often, andLove with all your heart.You may never knowWhen you may not haveThat chance again…. We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email),…

Jesus Loves Me (Senior Version)

Jesus loves me this I know Though my hair is white as snow. Though my sight is growing dim, Still He bids me trust in Him. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me, The Bible tells me so. Though my steps are oh, so slow, With my hand in His…

The Joyful Life

May the grace of Christ our Savior, And the Father’s boundless love With the Holy Spirit’s favor Rest upon us from above. Thus may we abide in union With each other and the Lord; And possess in sweet communion Joys which earth cannot afford. via Broadway church of Christ Campbellsville, KY… We are sorry, but…

Still Standing!

Despised and torn to pieces, By infidels decried, The thunderbolts of hatred, The haughty cynic’s pride All these have railed against it, In this and other lands; Yet dynasties have fallen, And still the Bible stands! Author Unknown via Broadway church of Christ Campbellsville, KY… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and…

What Christ Is To Me

[87 words] The Shield from every dart; The Balm for every smart; The Sharer of each load; Companion on the road. The Door into the fold; The Anchor that will hold; The Shepherd of the sheep; The Guardian of my sleep. The Friend with Whom I talk; The Way by which I walk; The Light…

I Can’t Go To Church Today

[257 words] “I cannot go to church today,” Said little Peggy Ann Mckay. “I have the measles and the mumps, A gash, a rash and purple bumps. My mouth is wet, my throat is dry, I’m going blind in my right eye. My tonsils are as big as rocks, I’ve counted sixteen chicken pox And…

The Colors of Love

[142 words] Purple was the robe, the beaten Jesus wore (Matt. 27:28) Brown, the thorny crown which in much pain He bore (Matt. 27:19) White, the sinlessness from which He didn’t shrink (Heb. 4:15) Yellow, the bitter gall that He’d refuse to drink (Matt. 27:34) Green, the lovely plants nearby Calvary’s hill (John 19:41) Red,…

Truth Makes No Retreat

[48 words] When right is wrong and wrong is right, With truth turned upside down; When night is day and day is night, And candor can’t be found; Has come the time to turn and run? Should saints admit defeat? Remember, friend, we’ve just begun, And truth makes no retreat! Dalton Key Broken Arrow, OK……

Peace from Pain

[55 words] When days are rough, and times seem tough, And we’re ‘neath much stress and strain; Just trust the Lord, and heed His Word And He will bring peace from the pain. Peace from pain we will gain, He has promised, and He will bring; He will employ eternal joy And peace from pain…

A Listening Ear

[109 words] When a heart is troubled And the pain too much to bear A listening ear is needed. Do you have an ear to spare? Tears flow freely down the face When no one seems to care. Your listening is needed, Will your ear be there? When troubled words pour out, The pain is…

Right Thinking

[35 words] Think not of past years, When you fell on your chin, Think not of yesterday, And what could have been. Think of today, And what lies within, Think of tomorrow, And the victories to win. Edd Sterchi Campbellsville, KY… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You…

What Do You Believe?

[115 words] Give book and chapter, also verse for your belief today Otherwise you’d better find the right and better way. One day His word will judge your life is what your Savior said He died upon the cross for you then rose up from the dead. The perfect sacrifice for sin this precious Lamb…

The Ironies of Calvary

Man of sorrows, Prince of Peace, Son of Joy, Man of griefs, Wounded healer, Rejected King, Earth’s disdain, Salvation’s wing. Friend of sinners, Friendless One, Men charge sin to the Holy Son, Innocent, yet judged with guilt, Had no home, but mansions built. The irony Christ was and gave, Buried, yet o’ercame the grave, The…

A Mother’s Love

[94 words] There are times when only a mother’s love Can understand our tears, Can soothe our disappointments And calm all of our fears. There are times when only a mother’s love Can share the joy we feel When something we’ve dreamed about Quite suddenly is real. There are times when only a mother’s faith…

Courage or Foolishness

[45 words] It takes a lot of courage To put things in God’s hands, To give ourselves completely, Our live, our hopes, our plans, To follow where He leads us And make His will our own, But all it takes is foolishness To go the way alone! via Findlay church of Christ BulletinDigest.com… We are…

These Things Matter

[66 words] The timely word, the silent prayer, The look of love that’s all too rare, The open heart willing to share — These things matter. A promise kept, the accepting smile, The will to go the extra mile, Desire to forgive and reconcile — These things matter. Eternal life, before we die, On God,…

The Best We Can Be

[107 words] I think that I shall never see A church that’s all it ought to be; A church whose members never stray Beyond the straight and narrow way. A church that has no empty pews; Whose preacher never has the blues; Where elders “eld” and deacons “deek.” And none are proud, all are meek.…

Before He’s One

[55 words] Before your child has come to seven Teach him well the way to heaven! Better still the truth will thrive, If he knows it when he’s five! Better yet, if at your knee He learns it when he is only three! Best of all when you have begun To teach of Jesus before…

If God is Love

[100 words] What Word of love to rule the heart And change my selfish attitude! Let blessed Scripture do its part, With grace my table’s daily food. A bruised reed he will not break, This humble, lowly servant Lord; Though all the hills with justice shake, The smoldering wick will be restored. No cry ignored,…

According to You

[106 words] The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John Are read by more than a few. But the one most read and commented on Is the Gospel according to you. You are writing a gospel, a chapter a day, By the things that you do and the words that you say. Men read what…

From Death He Arose

[49 words] From darkest grave, from death he arose, As sacrifice for sin he gave His life, and blood to save flowed freely. I know I’ll rise and never die Again because my God and Lord Was first to be raised, before me. I love the way the Lord has opened. J. Randal Matheny UPLift,…

Evil Under the Sun

[73 words] Why must all these people fight while basking in thy glory’s light? For thine glory’s sake, would thy servants strive under thy wake. Beloved Son, O Prince of Peace, May thy kingdom sure increase. May all find healing in thy bask so all nations may be whole at last. Until thy sweet return,…

The Joyful Things

  [87 words] At times I’m so discouraged With problems of the day, I fail to see the joyful things That are along the way. When troubles overwhelm me, It’s then my nerves may fray, That’s when I need to take the time To simply sit and pray. Reflecting on God’s many gifts Does make…

Behind Me

I’m gonna lay down all of this life’s burdens And I’m gonna lay down all of this life’s cares, Yes I’m gonna leave them all far behind me When I reach that Lovely Country over There! I’m gonna leave all my frowns behind me And I’m gonna have a heart that never breaks; The Lord’s…

God Cares

When all the world seems to forsake you, And there’s chaos in all your affairs; When you’re blue, disappointed and lonely, Of one thing be certain… God Cares! When your plans and your dreams come to nothing, And your troubles show up in pairs, That’s the time to use your last ounce of faith And…


Just (Revelation 15:3) Elect (1 Peter 2:6) Sinless (1 Peter 2:22) Understanding (Hebrews 4:15) Shepherd (John 10:14) Compassionate (Matthew 9:36) Helping (Hebrews 13:6) Righteous (1 John 3:7) Immortal (Hebrews 13:8) Savior (2 Pet. 1:11) Teacher (Matthew 11:29) Edd Sterchi Broadway church of Christ Campbellsville, KY… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and…

Thank God for Dirty Dishes

Thank God for dirty dishes;They have a tale to tell.While others may go hungry,We’re eating very wellWith home, health, and happiness,I shouldn’t want to fuss;By the stack of evidence,God’s been very good to us…. We are sorry, but this content is for Trial, Annual, and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member…