There Are Only Two Ways

[281 words] Many times we hear people today say, “We are all headed for the same place, we are just going in different ways.” In a sense this is true in that we are all headed first to the Judgment. The Bible says, “And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after…

Speak to Us Smooth Things

[419 words] Much of the world’s “political correctness” is in the Lord’s church, just as it was in Isaiah’s day. In Isaiah 30:9-10, God says, “This is a rebellious people, lying children, children who will not hear the law of the Lord, who say…do not prophesy to us right things; speak to us smooth things,…

There Are Only Two Ways

[295 words] Many times we hear people today say, “We are all headed for the same place, we are just going in different ways.” In a sense this is true in that we are all headed first to the Judgment. The Bible says, “And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after…

God’s Wonderful Creation

[371 words] The only way we can know about the creation is from God who did the creating. Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Everything was created by the power of God. The first thing God did was to create light and in Genesis 1:4 “God called the…

God’s Only Way 

[276 words] Ever since the creation, man has sought to have his own way in religion. It started with Cain and continues today with people going in every direction but the right way in trying to be religious. People are being told they are saved when they “accept Jesus as your personal Savior” and say…

Putting God First, Not Second

[307 words] God and Christ must be first in our lives, and not second. Jesus says, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). Our number one priority in this short life must be to go to Heaven or otherwise we most…