The One Thing Worse Than Being Lost

[404 words] When you read the title, you probably said to yourself, “What could possibly be worse than being lost?” Good question. Here is the answer: Being Lost Again! One of the great themes of the epistle of 2 Peter is faithful Christian living. Peter himself knew how easy it is to fall from a…

I Should Add

[216 words] Did you know that William Shakespeare wrote the hymn, “I’ve found a friend in Jesus, He’s everything to me?” I should add that his full name was William Shakespeare Hayes, a journalist and songwriter who was born in 1837 in Louisville, Kentucky. So I told you the truth, but left out an important…

Commands from Christ are Not Optional

[420 words] I recently received a daily devotional email sample from a denominational organization hoping I would be interested in signing up. After the devotional, they answered a question. The question was: “Can you go to heaven if you trust Jesus as your Lord and Savior but you are not yet baptized?” They began their…

Nothing But the Blood of Jesus

[398 words] Robert Lowry composed both the words and music of the beautiful hymn, “Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus.” In the hymn we are asked, “What can wash away my sins?” and “What can make me whole again?” Each time we respond, “Nothing but the blood of Jesus.” In Lowry’s hymn we sing of…


[368 words] Power was off at the house and church building (and other places) Sunday night until about eleven o’clock Monday morning. Inconvenient! I came into work Tuesday morning ready for a day of working on sermon and class notes and found that the power had knocked out the church internet and phone lines. Inconvenient!…

Blood or Baptism?

[512 words] What saves us from our sins, is it the blood of Christ or baptism into Christ? This is a great question, one of which we should give great thought to, because our soul hangs in the balance. The New Testament speaks of those who obey not the Gospel receiving God’s wrath (2 Thess.…

Made for Another World

[160 words] C.S. Lewis once wrote, “If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.” We know that we were made for another world. Scripture teaches it. Our own experience testifies to it. The Psalmist wrote, “As a…

United Again

[566 words] Ten months. That’s how long Dr. Anne Hampton was unable to see her father, Chris, age 87, face-to-face. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, The Steppes care home in Nailsworth, Gloucestershire, England where Chris resides, went on lockdown in March, 2020. Since then, Dr. Hampton has only been able to see her father through…

Can You Say, “Jesus Christ, My Lord”?

[394 words] In Rom. 5:21, Paul states that eternal life is through “Jesus Christ our Lord.” That threefold name of our Savior is an interesting progression that we must go through to truly have salvation in Him. Jesus. Jesus was His given name. Although it means “Savior” we have to remember that it was a…

Lost in the Woods

[377 words] Everyone who has ever spent any time hiking or hunting in the forests of our land, knows of the possibility of getting lost. Some time ago, a teenager hunting in the Rocky Mountains with his father, discovered firsthand what it means to be lost. The young man did not see game in his…

Into His Marvelous Light

[444 words] “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Pet. 2:9). I was reading this passage the other day, and a word struck me that I had…

The Christian’s Advantage

[257 words] There is not a person in the world who can live totally above sin. Paul told us in Romans 3:23 that “All have sinned” and in John 1:8 says, “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” Everyone makes mistakes and fails a…

Are You Tired?

[351 words] “Man who is born of woman is of few days and full of trouble. He comes forth like a flower and fades away; he flees like a shadow and does not continue.” Job 14:1-2 reminds us life is hard and short.  This is not “news” to any of us! We are all aware…

God’s GPS of Salvation

[351 words] Our technological society has become very familiar with the “GPS” which facilitates navigating from point A to point B. When properly set, the GPS ideally prevents one from becoming “lost” when driving. I totally depend upon my GPS to navigate me through an unfamiliar city or location. I love it for the miles…

Moving the Comma

[426 words] Alexander III was Tsar of Russia from 1881-1894. His rule was marked by repression, and in particular by persecution of Jews. His wife, Maria Fedorovna, provided a stark contrast, being known for her generosity to those in need. On one occasion her husband had signed an order consigning a prisoner to life in…

Do You Need a Lawyer?

[133 words] I see billboards advertising lawyers. Do you need an attorney? Someone to plead your case. The psalmist said he did. “Vindicate me, O God, and plead my case against an ungodly nation” (Psalm 43:1). Because of sin, Satan, and unjust men we need an attorney to defend us today before a holy God.…

The Ultimate Prize

[190 words] In late 1989, Steven Covey wrote, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. It quickly became a number one best seller. This book was the result of observing effective, successful people. In it, he noted that such people begin each day with the end in mind. In other words, they set important goals and…

How Bad Can I Be?

[445 words] With the winter holidays just around the corner, we will all be seeing items and hearing stories related to the season. As such, I just read about the fact that there is a website known as where young ones may write an electronic letter to the North Pole. Several letters from these…

Vintage Gospel Advocate: A Call for Spurgeon to Preach Only the Truth

[353 words] Editor’s Note: Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892) was a famous denominational preacher. Spurgeon collected a great following during his day, and his influence is still felt among the denominations today. The following comments regarding Spurgeon’s work and influence are from James A. Butler, a member of the Lord’s church, and were printed in the Gospel…

Whatcha Gonna Do Brother?

[289 words] It all came down to a missed phone call. Hulk Hogan, the famous wrestling star, missed a call from his agent about a possible endorsement deal. Now the story has shifted over the years, but basically, his agent had set up some potential sponsorship on some kitchen items. These companies felt a celebrity…

Useless or Useful?

[144 words] No one wants to feel useless. Onesimus was a slave to Philemon, Paul’s Christian brother. His name meant “useful.” But, Onesimus had become a runaway slave, and probably stole from his master to make his get away (Phile. 18). Onesimus met Paul in Rome in some way unknown to us, where Paul taught…

Will Jews Be Saved Without Obedience to Christ?

[546 words] The Jews, under the Old Law, were God’s chosen people. God dealt with them, and blessed them, in ways that He did not with Gentiles. But when Jesus died on the cross; that Old Law died with Him, for He “took it out of the way, nailing it to His cross” (Col. 2:14).…

Prepare to Meet Thy God

[290 words] Knowles Shaw was born October 13, 1834 in Ohio to Alban and Huldah Griffeth Shaw. At the age of 13 his father passed away. His dying words to his son, “Prepare to meet thy God.” Around the age of 18, Knowles began to consider his father’s dying words. He met two men, Gabriel…

The Worst Things That Can Happen to People

[380 words] We have all read the horror stories of terrible things that have happened to people.  The horrors of war.  The horrors of being kidnapped.  The horrors of years of abuse.  The horrors of dealing with a disease.  The horrors of addiction to drugs or alcohol.  There things are terrible.  We would never discount…

How Deep the Father’s Love

[263 words] (Lyrics By: Stuart Townsend) How deep the Father’s love for us,How vast beyond all measureThat He should give His only SonTo make a wretch His treasure. How great the pain of searing loss;The Father turns His face awayAs wounds which mar the chosen One,Bring many sons to glory. Behold the Man upon a…

Sin Has Created the Need

[260 words] Sin Has Created the Need “Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.”…

What We Believe

[440 words] Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me” (John 14:6). On another occasion the apostle Peter stated, “There is salvation in none other. For there is none other name under heaven given among men, wherein we must be saved’ (Acts…

There Are Only Two Ways

[295 words] Many times we hear people today say, “We are all headed for the same place, we are just going in different ways.” In a sense this is true in that we are all headed first to the Judgment. The Bible says, “And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after…

Proper Fear

[329 words] It seems as though the world is talking about the Ebola virus right now. Many are in a panic. Many are terrified. Proper fear can be a good thing. Recognizing something to be a threat is good. Formulating a plan to stay safe is good. Putting the safety plan into action is good.…

On Becoming a Christian While Young

[575 words] As a young boy, I remember the excitement of the prospect of becoming a Christian and being allowed to take a part in the work of the church as an added benefit. All the boys and girls in the churches where I worshiped made decisions for Christ at reasonably early ages. I don’t…

Just One Number Off

[199 words] We understand the need to be exact when it comes to our daily life. Have you ever used a credit card to buy something on line? What happens if you are just one number off? You try to make a call and you miss just one number. What happened? You misread the price…

Don’t Confuse God’s Love with God’s Salvation

[170 words] God’s wants no one to be lost—fact! (1 Tim. 2:3-4). Jesus Christ died for the sins of the entire world—fact! (1 John 2:1-2). God’s motivating factor behind the death of Jesus was salvation through love—fact! (John 3:16-17). Every sinner will go to Heaven after the judgment because of God’s love—false! (Matthew 7:13-14). There…

Life is in the Blood

[423 words] If you have ever went to the doctor for a checkup and had a blood test done, likely you received a report that showed many results. Now, I remember from science class many moons ago that the blood delivers nutrients and oxygen to the body’s cells. But our blood carries so much more…

His Name Is Christian, But He Isn’t One

[500 words] Various and odd instances brought me into contact with a man whose first name is Christian. He had been through some trying times and needed help. In the process of things being done, I asked some of the usual background questions and in so doing received answers which seemed to indicate a possible…

Which Way Are You Going?

[271 words] Sometimes there are clues which help us to determine which way people are going. A man with a fishing pole and tackle box is going to the pond or lake; a boy with an armload of books is headed for school; a man carrying a lunch box or briefcase is headed for work.…

True Joy Was Never His

[414 words] Buck Owens has always been my favorite country singer. Throughout his career he had 21 number one songs, and 15 of those were consecutive hits. For 17 years he starred on the television show “Hee Haw,” from 1969 till 1986. In 1996 he was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame. He…

Selling the Old Collectibles

[323 words] While conversing with my father the other day we got on the subject of “collectibles.” I asked him if they (my folks) still had some of the old toys my brother and I used to have. He said they had several old toys boxed up in the basement. Turns out they had kept…

A Sense of Wonder

[418 words] One of the many joys of watching children grow is seeing the way that they approach life with a sense of wonder. They are inquisitive and want to know why things look the way they do and why they work the way they do. Then, and this is even better, they have the…

The Life of Moses

[307 words] Moses was God’s man! He delivered the Law of God, the first five books of the Bible (John 1:17), wrote a number of Psalms, and led God’s people out of bondage and through their wanderings in the desert (Ex. 3:10). Many over the years have brought to our attention that Moses’ life is…

Good News!

[217 words] The word gospel means “news that brings joy.” We often refer to it as “good news.” Writing about how gospel was used in the first century, Tim Keller provides this insight: A gospel was news of some event that changed things in a meaningful way. It could be an ascension to the throne,…

Your Final Sermon?

[100 words] Sadly, some people will decline the precious invitation,To follow Jesus Christ and obtain the gift of salvation.Few chances may be left for the Gospel to be heard,Or opportunities to repent and to obey God’s Word.There may be some that will walk out the church door,That won’t get to hear the Gospel preached anymore.Your…


[129 words] Years ago, King Charles V was loaned a large sum of money by a merchant. The note came due, but the King was bankrupt and unable to pay. The merchant gave a great banquet for the King. When all the guests were seated and before the food was brought in, the merchant had…

The Gospel in Five Seconds

  [174 words] The gospel is the good news that Christ died for our sins (1 Corinthians 15:1-5). It is the total message of God’s power to save all who will hear, believe, and obey it (Romans 1:16). The gospel is contained in the second law God gave. “If the first covenant had been faultless,…

The Perfect Day

  [385 words] Most of us have some idea of what it would take to make a perfect day for us. Solomon gave us a key consideration that leads to the perfect day. As he invites his readers to pursue wisdom, he warns against walking in the path of the wicked. In contrast to that…

Forever Means Forever

  [164 words] “All flesh is as grass, and the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withers, and its flower falls away, but the Word of the Lord endures forever” (1 Peter 1:24). God’s Word will endure forever. Many ignore God’s Word, but Peter quotes the prophet Isaiah who said His…

Perils to the Soul

[322 words] Have you noticed the growing fascination that some have with other people’s perils? They pay good money to watch stunt drivers jump a string of cars, or a tightrope walker make his way across a tiny rope 200 feet above the pavement. We marvel when someone unnecessarily puts himself at risk. The greatest…

Deserving Salvation?

  [220 words] Some seem to act as though they deserve salvation on the grounds that they argue so strongly against earning salvation. Some seem to think they are right because they argue so strongly against those who think they are right. Some seem to talk as though grace is reserved only for those who…

No Other Way

  [251 words] The words are unbending. Most people would even call them dogmatic. But they are truth and come from the very lips of the Lord Jesus: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father but by me” (John 14:6). Jesus allows for no possibility of misunderstanding.…

The Big Buyout

[320 words] The line starts to form around 4:30 in the morning. The goal of the people in line is to buy up the stock of doughnuts at Donut City, a small, family-owned shop in Seal Beach, California. By 7:30 the doughnuts have all been purchased. The motivation of the buyouts: to allow the shop…

A Total Loss

  [329 words] A few weeks ago, my oldest daughter was hit from behind by another driver. No one was hurt, and the damage to the rear bumper appeared minimal. The insurance company instructed me to take the car in for a closer inspection and repair estimate. During that inspection, they discovered that the damage…

Are You Sick Enough to Be Saved?

  [150 words] “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I come not to call the righteous, but sinners” (Mark 2:17). Jesus did not mean there were people in the world so righteous they would not need Him. Rather, only those who realize how sick they are…

The Loneliest Man in the World

  [292 words] He’s the last known survivor. It is believed that the rest of his Amazonian tribe was murdered two decades ago by land-hungry ranchers, and ever since, he has been living a solitary life in the remote state of Rondonia, Brazil. Authorities say he spends his days hunting pigs, monkeys, and birds with…

Joy in Salvation

  [204 words] Christians should be known as people of joy—filled with the type of joy that is derived from a certain eternal destiny, not from temporary circumstances (Phil. 4:4). The Ethiopian eunuch helps us to understand how and why this can be the case (Acts 8:39).  As a eunuch, he knew what it was…

21 ‘Steps’ to Salvation?

  [130 words] This list may surprise many people, especially those who believe we are saved only by faith. The Bible specifically states that there are 21 parts to our salvation from sin. Here is the list, along with the passages that prove the statements. (These are in no particular order.) 1. God (1 Timothy…

Worthless No More

[258 words] I read a story recently about an amazing dog. He’s been trained to sniff out the unique chemical compounds found in electronic items like memory cards, flash drives, and other storage media that might have criminal evidence on them. He’s only 18 months old, but this was the second time he’d been adopted…

Why Do You Talk So Much About Jesus?

[216 words] An old Indian chief constantly spoke of the Lord Jesus and what He meant to him. “Why do you talk so much about Jesus?” asked a friend. The chief did not reply, but slowly, gathered some sticks and bits of grass. He made a circle of them and in the circle he placed…

The ABC’s of Becoming a Follower of Jesus

[387 words] Acknowledge that God not only exists, but that He is eager to bless people whose hearts are hungry for His presence (Hebrews 11:6; Acts 17:24-28; Matthew 5:8). Admit your own unworthiness when compared to such a holy and righteous God. After our ancestor Adam, all of us have chosen the path of sin…

Are You Prepared–or Confused?

[201 words] Some years ago I knew a man who was always critical of preachers, the church and Christians. He was a man who had been what was once called a “rounder.” He had delved in the pleasures of the world most, if not all, of his life. But, alas, in his old age he…

Sorry Kanye, But You Aren’t God

[516 words] To say that Kanye West has an ego is quite an understatement. He believes one would have to go back to Beethoven to find his equal; he has compared himself to Picasso; and he has claimed, “I am Steve Jobs,” and “I am Walt Disney.” But his claims to be on par with…

Man’s Greatest Journey

[191 words] Man loves to travel. The journeys of man have taken him from pole to pole, and from ocean’s bottom to the top of the skies…and beyond! Wherever man goes (and for whatever the reason) man cannot escape what he is. Our character sticks closer than a shadow. Spiritually, man is a traveler also.…

Hesitation Will Keep Many Out of Heaven

[220 words] “Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian” (Acts 26:28). Far too many find themselves in the position of Agrippa. They know what they should do, but they hesitate. Hesitation will keep many out of heaven. Paul’s response to the king was reasonable and passionate, “I would to…

God Brings Big Things from Little Seeds

[449 words] I read an article not long ago about a team of scientists that attempted to construct a kernel of corn. They had analyzed an actual kernel of corn and broken it down to its molecular makeup and had determined exactly what it was made of. Then, using the same “materials” they constructed an…

10 Reasons to Take Our Salvation Seriously

[46 words] Ten virgins (Matthew 25:1). Nine lepers (Luke 17:17). Eight survivors (2 Peter 2:5). Seven wicked spirits (Luke 11:26). Sixth seal (Revelation 6:12). Five yoke of oxen (Luke 14:19). Four winds (Matthew 24:1). Three barren years (Luke 13:7). Two masters (Matthew 6:24). One talent man (Matthew 25:28-30). May the Lord help us to count…

Are You Sick Enough to Be Saved?

[147 words] “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners” (Mark 2:17). Jesus did not mean there were people in the world so righteous they would not need Him. Rather, only those who realize how sick they are will…

What Would You Expect?

[344 words] If you got in your car and drove in the direction given by a sign that said “Paducah, KY–20 miles,” what would you expect to find after driving twenty miles? If you passed a sign that said the are you were driving in an area patrolled by policemen with radar, and you drove…

If You Wake Up in the Morning

[112 words] A life insurance salesman was unable to persuade a couple to purchase a policy. “I certainly don’t want to frighten you into a decision,” he said as he got up to leave. “Please sleep on it tonight, and if you wake up in the morning, let me know what you think.” Is this…

Mother of Hope

[309 words] Recently, I wrote an article that was centered around a newborn baby named Hope Holets. Hope was born addicted to drugs and was adopted by the Albuquerque police officer who found her mother in the act of shooting up heroin. Since her adoption, Hope has gone through the agonizing, month-long process of drug…

Promises, Promises

[147 words] The world is full of promises, some broken, some kept. God keeps His. The greatest promise of the Bible is salvation. It’s the greatest promise because it can remove the greatest curse, sin. Jesus came to take away sin: “he was manifested to take away our sins” (1 John 3:5). Through obedience to…

In Christ

[102 words] The “in Christ ” expression says it all. The truth is, all spiritual blessing are found “in Christ” (Eph. 1:3); every last one of them. These tremendous spiritual blessings are found no where else: Salvation (2 Tim. 2:10; Acts 4:12); no condemnation (Rom. 8:1); forgiveness (Eph. 1:7; Col. 1:14); becoming a new creature…


[294 words] Over the past several weeks many people have traveled because of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day. During those trips many people either went home or came home. Home is an important place for many people. It is the place where either you grew up or where your parents or grandparents live now…

A People Eager to Do Good

[309 words] We are God’s people, His holy people, the church of God, the pillar and foundation of the truth (1 Tim. 3:15). We want to do what pleases Him; it is our new nature (2 Cor. 5:17) and our identity as His children (1 John 3:22). However, we do fail, we sin! If we…

The Real Danger

  [223 words] We live in a dangerous world. It is beyond heartbreaking and sad to see and read about what has happened in Paris at the hands of terrorists. At the time of this writing, we are told that there are 129 dead. The Islamic terrorist group, ISIS, is taking credit. Their holy book,…

Don’t Let Shortcuts Cut You Short of Salvation

  [307 words] Sometimes when traveling, drivers will take “shortcuts” that actually result in much longer trips. Even when doing school work or being on the job, we sometimes think taking a shortcut will make our load easier, only to find out that, when all is said and done, we end up exerting more energy…

Momentous Decisions

  [226 words] Not every decision you make will be a major one. It matters not which type of car you buy, as long as it is not a lemon! It does not matter whether you wear a suit and tie or some other modest outfit to worship. But some decisions are life changing. Some…

Don’t Wait!

A number of years ago while in the study I received a call from a lady at the hospital. She said her husband wanted to see a Church of Christ preacher. I left the study and went to the hospital to see a man I had never seen before. He was near death and wanted…

Not Far

The distance to some destinations may make us anxious, such as the distance from our thirteenth birthday to being “on our own.” Jesus spoke of another distance that evidently was intended to instill focus and determination in the man receiving it. When the man, a scribe, commented favorably on Jesus’ answer to his question about…

How Much Are You Worth?

A few years ago, Anne Marie Helmenstine was asked what was the actual value of a human body. Utilizing her chemistry background (PhD), she listed the elements in the body and researched their 2011 market values. She concluded that the average human was worth about a dollar, and if you could tan the skin (hide),…

‘In Him’

Ephesians is a book every Christian should lay up in his heart. It is about the tremendous privilege we have as Christians. It is about the great blessings we enjoy as a result of being Christians. It is about the huge challenges we face because we are Christians. And it is about the eager anticipation…


A man is stumbling through the woods totally drunk when he comes upon a preacher baptizing people in the river. He proceeds to walk into the water and subsequently bumps into the preacher. The preacher turns around and is almost overcome by the smell of alcohol, whereupon he asks the drunk, “Are you ready to…

Live Now to Secure Forever

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow…” (Matthew 6:34). A person’s life can be divided up into four chunks of time: the past, the present, the future and eternity. The devil draws attention to the past and the future; God draws attention to the present and eternity. Therefore, the devil wants to take our focus off…

Who Wants You to Have Salvation?

The answer may surprise you! God want you to have salvation. His grace is for everyone. “For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men,” Titus 2:11. The grace of God came to all through Jesus His Son. He is the savior of all the world. When Peter and John were…

How Valuable ls One Soul?

How valuable is one soul? The Master said, “For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Matthew 16:26). One soul is worth more than “the whole world.” Every soul is valuable because it…

Have You Earned Your Place In Heaven?

After making a whopping $50 million donation to a gun control initiative, and because of his work against obesity and smoking, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg was quoted as saying: “I am telling you, if there is a God, when I get to heaven I’m not stopping to be interviewed. I am heading…

Good News and Bad News

There is a lot of bad news out there, as mirrored on TV and the Internet. The stock market is in trouble, thousands of Americans jobs are on the line, and threats of terrorism are shadows in the background. And then there are our own personal pain and problems to contend with. Financial, physical, medical…

Do Non-Christians and Christians Stand on Equal Footing with God?

The Bible seems pretty clear about this question. We can read for ourselves the answer. The real question is: Do we accept the answer? The world doesn’t see the difference at times. Sadly, there are some within the church who can’t tell the difference either. Let me start with a scripture. Galatians 6:10 reads, “As…

Have You Heard The Good News?

[239 words] The “Good News” is the saving Gospel message of Jesus Christ. We must understand and share the story of our Lord and Savior. Acts 2 teaches us the confidence we have in the One who saves us. Acts 2:22 – He was a man. Acts 2:22 – God showed us who He was…

Whosoever Will

[135 words] In Matthew 8:2, a leper knelt before Jesus and said, “Lord, if you will, you can make me clean.” Jesus responded by saying, “I will; be clean” (Matt. 8:3). Indeed, Jesus was willing to do a great deal. He was willing to leave the glory of Heaven (Phil. 2:6-8). He was willing to…

Four Thieves of the Crucifixion

[391 words] In the following article, Gary Puryear, talks about the thieves that were crucified with Jesus. We know that only two different men were crucified at the same time as Jesus was, but Gary discusses four different angles for us to consider. THE THIEF WHO REGRETTED (John 12:6). Oh the advantages Judas had! He…

Consider Yourself

[219 words] I am often asked my opinion about someone else’s standing with God. “They did so-and-so. If they refuse to repent, will they be lost?” Jesus was asked similar questions. Someone said, “Lord, will those who are saved be few?” And he said to them, “Strive to enter through the narrow door. For many,…

He Was a Very Meticulous Man

[143 words] He always took his trash to the curb on the day it was to be picked up. He never let his grass grow above two inches tall. He paid his bills a week ahead of time to avoid late fees. He never had over two cups of coffee in the morning. He washed…

When is a Shark Not a Shark?

[225 words] Surely you saw it on TV about a man who was going to race a great white shark. I didn’t see the show but I believe the shark won the race. But then the rage started. People found out that the shark was not real. It really was all a stunt, a farce.…

When We Walk With God, the Best is Yet to Come

[202 words] Youth! As children, we thought that there wasn’t anything we couldn’t achieve. And we believed we could become anything. Astronauts, famous scientists, sports stars, movie stars, presidents, and generals! But then we grew older. Life began to beat us down. Victories were fewer than defeats. Health began to wane. And most people my…

Long Walk Part of Gift

[316 words] A missionary’s wife was once teaching some children in Africa about the value of giving. She quoted Acts 20:35 where our Savior is quoted as saying, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” One little African boy soaked in every word and then decided to live out her teaching, but he…

The Choice ls Ours

[378 words] A young psychology student went into the army. Drawing KP duty, he decided to test a long-held theory of his concerning the power of the positive. He was given the job of passing out apricots at the end of the chow line. Now if you have ever tasted army apricots, you will understand…

When We All Get to Heaven

[195 words] There is a wondrously upbeat song that many love to sing in our worship services. The refrain goes like this: When we all get to Heaven, What a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, We’ll sing and shout the victory! The problem with that song is that not…

I Shall Not be Moved

[219 words] In Psalm 16:8 we read of the great support we receive through God’s strength: “I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.” The same faith held by the Psalmist is that which should uphold us today. As Paul says in Romans…

Oh, It’s Nothing

[302 words] It’s greater than God yet also more evil than the devil. The poor have it, and the rich don’t want it. If you wear it you show everything, if you speak it you remain quiet and if you buy it you save money. The blind see it, the deaf hear it but if…


[237 words] December 14, 2016, in Albany, Oregon, a homeowner went outside after a winter storm to an unwelcome surprise. Lying on his driveway, was a fellow whose description sounded a lot like me. He was about my height and weight and age. He even had a beard like mine. He had some cash on…

God’s Color Line

[182 words] The Bible teaches that God “hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth… ” (Acts 17:26). Through the years, man has drawn racial distinctions of black, white, yellow, red, etc. Racial prejudice was sinful in the life of Simon Peter, whom Paul,…

Not Far

The distance to some destinations may make us anxious, such as the distance from our thirteenth birthday to being “on our own.” Jesus spoke of another distance that evidently was intended to instill focus and determination in the man receiving it. When the man, a scribe, commented favorably on Jesus’ answer to his question about…