A Home Ruled by God

[191 words] A home ruled by God is a place where we develop a heart that will help the poor, weak, and unfortunate people around you. God expects us to reach out to the weak. “We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves.” (Romans 15:1)…

Masculinity: Toxic, or Beneficial?

[317 words] There is a tendency in our current society to throw the baby out with the bathwater. In an effort to fight against immoral acts such as sexual harassment, physical abuse, and bullying perpetrated by a small minority of bad apples, mainstream media and social justice warriors have decided to coin the phrase “toxic…

Home Improvement

[587 words] Recently as Alice and I were traveling, we saw this bumper sticker on the back of a vehicle:‘Home Improvement Begins With the King James Bible.’ We speak of home improvement in different ways. Perhaps we are painting or remodeling our home or maybe even building a new one. There are certainly many ways…

Family Time

As our lives continue to grow busier and busier, we need to always remember to have time for family. Our time will always be demanded of us by school, work, extra-curricular activities and other time demanding activities. As we consider each of these activities, we also need to consider the importance of our family and…