What Do You Do When Things Go Bad?

[523 words] Life is full of ups and downs. If we made a list of all of the positive things in our life, all of the blessings, that list would almost certainly far exceed a similar list of all of the negative things in our life. Despite that fact, we tend to focus more on…

Calamity Cain

[422 words] In 1852, Martha Jane Cannary, a.k.a., Calamity Jane, was born. When she was 14 years of age her mother died, and then just one year later her father passed away. Following his death, Calamity Jane found work as a scout at Fort Russell. She was well known for being a good shot and…

The Trouble Tree

  [403 words] A preacher told of hiring a carpenter to restore an old farm house. On the first day when the carpenter was to report for work, he was an hour late. His tardiness, he said, was because he found that his electric saw was not working, and in addition, he had found a…

The Storms of Life

At some point in life most of us face many types of health, financial, family or other serious problem. Recently, it seems that “storm clouds” have encircled many due to lost jobs, poor health and the economic situation in our country. It would be quite easy to begin counting our problems instead of our blessings.…