The Importance of the Bible Class Teacher

It is impossible to overstate the importance of the Bible class teacher. There are those who can teach and impart certain skills, trades and knowledge. There are those who run large corporations, and those who rule countries. Yet, if a list were somehow composed of all positions of the world being arranged in order of importance, the Bible class teacher would be above them all.

Why is this the case? When one is teaching the Bible, he or she is fulfilling the very means by which one may be drawn near to God (John 6:44-45). It is the Gospel that is the power of God unto salvation (Rom. 1:16), which is only able to act when it is presented (Rom. 10:13-14).

Furthermore, it is through the teaching of God’s Word that the Christian may be thoroughly furnished unto all good works (2 Tim. 3:16-17), and then, by acting upon that knowledge, his calling and election is made sure (2 Peter l:10). Thus, the efforts of the Bible class teacher are supremely important.

Not only can we see the eternal results of the labor of the Bible teacher, we can also see the immediate results. When the parents are overjoyed to hear their child’s first recital of the Bible lesson, we can thank the teacher. When we see our children grow in the admonition of the Lord, when we see our children developing good morals, when we see our members abstaining from doing that which is evil and cleaving to that which is good, we can thank the teacher. When we see men who faithfully preach the Gospel, men who stand up to defend the truth, men who serve as God-fearing elders, deacons, and teachers, and women who teach and help the church in any way they can, we can thank the teacher for their vital part in their instruction and influence.

Teachers, your effect can be felt into eternity, and it just might be the case that your efforts will help raise up strong, faithful leaders of the church of the future. Surely, it is impossible to overstate the importance of the Bible class teacher!

Gary Henson
Power February 2005

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